Greaser of the Year
The bible says it will be fought on our own soil
Where does the Bible say that?
and what is the "IT" in "it will be fought on our own soil?"
My only recommendation would be to stay off of the radical left wing blogs man. The left throws accusation after accusation at Bush and EVERY single time, they have been wrong. The democrats have came at him with every single thing they can think of and all of their investigations have come up empty. It's against logic to say "well, He must be guilty because we have no proof that he's innocent" and that is exactly what the "Black Helicopter" crowd is doing.
If you wanna talk Bible though, if you read it, it says that in the last days (which I believe that we are in, and so do most Christians) there will be a great falling away (apostasy) and persecution of God's people. Bush's popularity numbers are very low!!! He's not well liked because of his beliefs, just look at the video that you embedded earlier in the thread. Basic fundamental Christian beliefs and the Bible are being called HATE speech. Try telling a homosexual that he/she is living a sinful lifestyle that will send them to hell and see how that is taken on any college campus in America. You'll prolly get the crap beat out of you.
Our gov't is secretive for a couple of reasons. One of them being to protect the men that are out there putting their lives on the line every single day, fighting crazed terrorists that have nothing but hate for America and would do anything they could to kill us all. We as citizens don't have the right to know EVERYTHING. Just because some things are kept secret, doesn't mean there is funny business going on. Do you remember seeing the scene on TV after 9/11 of the Palestinians dancing in the streets at the loss of 2800 American's? Do you remember the speech that President Bush gave at ground zero when he said "I hear you, and pretty soon the whole world will hear us" to the volunteer worker? Do you remember the heartache in his voice? Based on intellectual honest with yourself now..... Would it make more sense that the people that are hoopin and hollaran in the streets over the deaths, or the guy that stands strong and speaks as if his heart has just been ripped out, murdered those 2800 people? Knowing that the president has never been found to have any involvement whatsoever by the many, many investigations by the dems in congress, who do you think is more likely to have committed that horrible act?
It would be totally against his nature and you know it. You gonna trust the family man that is making decisions and being a leader when more than half of the country is against him, or the dems that change their direction as the polls tell them to?
I choose to believe the guy that has been a leader and not some wackos that go out in front of the country in the time of war and call our president a liar, murderer etc.... for political gain when they in fact voted for the war that they are condemning. Open YOUR eyes dude.