Ron Paul For President ?

The bible says it will be fought on our own soil

Where does the Bible say that?

and what is the "IT" in "it will be fought on our own soil?"

My only recommendation would be to stay off of the radical left wing blogs man. The left throws accusation after accusation at Bush and EVERY single time, they have been wrong. The democrats have came at him with every single thing they can think of and all of their investigations have come up empty. It's against logic to say "well, He must be guilty because we have no proof that he's innocent" and that is exactly what the "Black Helicopter" crowd is doing.

If you wanna talk Bible though, if you read it, it says that in the last days (which I believe that we are in, and so do most Christians) there will be a great falling away (apostasy) and persecution of God's people. Bush's popularity numbers are very low!!! He's not well liked because of his beliefs, just look at the video that you embedded earlier in the thread. Basic fundamental Christian beliefs and the Bible are being called HATE speech. Try telling a homosexual that he/she is living a sinful lifestyle that will send them to hell and see how that is taken on any college campus in America. You'll prolly get the crap beat out of you.

Our gov't is secretive for a couple of reasons. One of them being to protect the men that are out there putting their lives on the line every single day, fighting crazed terrorists that have nothing but hate for America and would do anything they could to kill us all. We as citizens don't have the right to know EVERYTHING. Just because some things are kept secret, doesn't mean there is funny business going on. Do you remember seeing the scene on TV after 9/11 of the Palestinians dancing in the streets at the loss of 2800 American's? Do you remember the speech that President Bush gave at ground zero when he said "I hear you, and pretty soon the whole world will hear us" to the volunteer worker? Do you remember the heartache in his voice? Based on intellectual honest with yourself now..... Would it make more sense that the people that are hoopin and hollaran in the streets over the deaths, or the guy that stands strong and speaks as if his heart has just been ripped out, murdered those 2800 people? Knowing that the president has never been found to have any involvement whatsoever by the many, many investigations by the dems in congress, who do you think is more likely to have committed that horrible act?

It would be totally against his nature and you know it. You gonna trust the family man that is making decisions and being a leader when more than half of the country is against him, or the dems that change their direction as the polls tell them to?

I choose to believe the guy that has been a leader and not some wackos that go out in front of the country in the time of war and call our president a liar, murderer etc.... for political gain when they in fact voted for the war that they are condemning. Open YOUR eyes dude.
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What is "911 excuse" and what should we have done - no slogan - just tell the world what you would have done after this event. It is easy to play the back seat driver or should have could have.
I would NOT have gone into Iraq, that is for sure ;)
That was a mistake.
It makes as much sense as having a Black Man rob you in Tampa, then bombing the Cincinnati Ghetto in retaliation.
We are never going to agree on 911.
I have my own beliefs on WHO caused it.
Hint - NOT who you might have been led to believe :eek:
If Bush had done nothing it would still be on him - he can't win - regardless.
I recommend reading the book "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell. He is/was a Navy SEAL that was in Iraq and describes the training camps linking al Qaeda to Saddam. He was actually there, not some liberal reporter setting here on their duff in the USA writing about how evil we are and have no business there. Marcus Luttrell also saw the 4 truck convoy that Colin Powell showed the pictures of that the Pentagon suspected had a mobile centrifuge inside...I'm not going to describe the book, but if you want REAL information read the book.
Sorry Anthony, but the Navy Seal's book is just more propaganda to me.
All part of the Gestapo's scheme to scare the heck out of People JUST like you ;)
Nero burnt Rome, and blamed it on the Christians.
After all, his Roman Centurions "SAW" them do it, LOL
Oh spare us the platitudes - this comes from someone who has never been in the Arena where right and evil were on the line, if you were to ask - you have never been in that zone. The mention of the word Gestapo in the same referance to our people is over the edge - then again it's the liberal name calling without knowledge an facts.
This is from Wikipedia.
In popular culture
Sometimes the word Gestapo is used colloquially for other organizations which are felt to be tyrannical. An example is in the book version of the Tron movie, where a character says “This kind of romp is going to annoy the local Gestapo.”

The 1946 Czechoslovakian animated cartoon Pérák a SS (The Spring-Man and the SS), featured the character Pérák, the Spring Man of Prague, a quasi-superhero based on a popular figure of Czech urban legend, taunting and evading members of the Gestapo during a surrealistic, slapstick chase over the rooftops of Prague.

The Gestapo was parodied in the hit BBC sitcom 'Allo 'Allo! as stiff-as-board limping characters obsessed with protecting Adolf Hitler from assassination by the German military or resistance. Usually wearing black leather coats and hats, they were often seen cross-dressing. Herr Flick and Herr von Smallhausen were the local agents in the village of Nouvion, obsessed entirely with the German war effort. They were constantly under siege by the French Resistance.

In The Matrix, when Agent Smith interrogates Neo, Neo says “You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap! I know my rights! I want my phone call.”

In Medal of Honor: Frontline, an informant appearing in “The Golden Lion” mission has a truck that takes the player for a ride. The game requires the player to get out of the truck at certain checkpoints, where he says, “Don't let the Germans see my truck! You know how the Gestapo can be.”

In The Chaser's War on Everything a skit featured phone bill collectors because a TV current affairs programme had accused them of using "Gestapo tactics". The skit satirised the weak analogy and featured a Gestapo officer calling a man and demanding that all phone bills be paid; if these demands were not met, he “would not call back tomorrow, but the day after.”

In Mirror, Mirror (Star Trek), an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, the evil, parallel-universe Mr. Sulu is head of security, which Scotty likens to "the ancient Gestapo", aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise.

[edit] References
These political debates always cause alot of issues.

I'm a patriot, some here may think they know what that means.

I'm a true believer in what our fathers came to this country for.

I'm not radical or a terriorist, our goverment has gotten out of control.

i'm sorry about the people who overkill the conspriousy theorys.

Please people when we know now for a fact dating way back we had Xpresidents using the FBI to assist in elections on past presidents and x agents openly talking about the abuse and apoligizing for there actions and involvement.

These are facts and i'm sure that we will hear about wrongs from all this in the future.( No one is perfect)

I stand behind this country for the sake of the constitution and will voice them. I hold them close to my heart and believe that we will do the right things.

Freedom has a price and its high.

i'm sure if we knew the price of freedom and the ill its costs humans daily we would not like it.
We are never leaving IRAG and we will be there like all the other places we have entered. Period, your not going to change that and no one person will.

Our childrens children will have forgotten the past and our empire will end like all others and new ones will rise.
Where does the Bible say that?

and what is the "IT" in "it will be fought on our own soil?"

My only recommendation would be to stay off of the radical left wing blogs man. The left throws accusation after accusation at Bush and EVERY single time, they have been wrong. The democrats have came at him with every single thing they can think of and all of their investigations have come up empty. It's against logic to say "well, He must be guilty because we have no proof that he's innocent" and that is exactly what the "Black Helicopter" crowd is doing.

If you wanna talk Bible though, if you read it, it says that in the last days (which I believe that we are in, and so do most Christians) there will be a great falling away (apostasy) and persecution of God's people. Bush's popularity numbers are very low!!! He's not well liked because of his beliefs, just look at the video that you embedded earlier in the thread. Basic fundamental Christian beliefs and the Bible are being called HATE speech. Try telling a homosexual that he/she is living a sinful lifestyle that will send them to hell and see how that is taken on any college campus in America. You'll prolly get the crap beat out of you.

Our gov't is secretive for a couple of reasons. One of them being to protect the men that are out there putting their lives on the line every single day, fighting crazed terrorists that have nothing but hate for America and would do anything they could to kill us all. We as citizens don't have the right to know EVERYTHING. Just because some things are kept secret, doesn't mean there is funny business going on. Do you remember seeing the scene on TV after 9/11 of the Palestinians dancing in the streets at the loss of 2800 American's? Do you remember the speech that President Bush gave at ground zero when he said "I hear you, and pretty soon the whole world will hear us" to the volunteer worker? Do you remember the heartache in his voice? Based on intellectual honest with yourself now..... Would it make more sense that the people that are hoopin and hollaran in the streets over the deaths, or the guy that stands strong and speaks as if his heart has just been ripped out, murdered those 2800 people? Knowing that the president has never been found to have any involvement whatsoever by the many, many investigations by the dems in congress, who do you think is more likely to have committed that horrible act?

It would be totally against his nature and you know it. You gonna trust the family man that is making decisions and being a leader when more than half of the country is against him, or the dems that change their direction as the polls tell them to?

I choose to believe the guy that has been a leader and not some wackos that go out in front of the country in the time of war and call our president a liar, murderer etc.... for political gain when they in fact voted for the war that they are condemning. Open YOUR eyes dude.

I agree with Ant, you need to stay away from some of these crazy blogs.

Radical of any color, right or left isn't any good for our country or any kind of debate.

Its no secret I don't like Bush, didn't long before he ever became President, but do I think he is part of 911 and taking down the twin tower? NO!!!

One of may reasons I don't like Bush is I think he is to radical, But I think Pelosi & Harry Reed are to radical to the left. I think Bush, Pelosi and others have tunnel vision and I want our leaders to see the whole picture

We are living in a world and a time that radicalism is taking over a lot. I feel we as Americans should find our common ground build on that and then compromise on many of the other issues we fight over

I love this country, I'm more liberal than some, who cares as long as I can see both sides of a story and work towards common ground. I don't think our national elected officials give two craps about what we feel or want until we complain loudly and even then they usually just give lip service

All of us left or right should want to get radical out of the picture and all of us should try to find some compromise in our own opinions and voice it to our elected officials

I think most people left or right arent radical at all, most with give in a little if they just thought our gov in a whole was on the right track and really did listen. I just dont thank our gov is ever going to listen until something finally happens to make us all stand up and take our gov back. Oh well hopefully its not just wishful thinking
Well it must be true, I saw it on the internet!

Oh brother!
I can honestly say I have never even searched the blog sites. I have a collection of about 20+ movies (10 or so that or not Alex Jones). When I first started analyzing our government I got deeply involved. I've listened to a lot of Alternative talk radio have been for 5 years or so.

What do you think about John Kerry and Bush being involved in the Skull in Bones together. (The two main stream candidates you could vote for in the last election).

what about the Bilderberg Group?

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Theres studies that jet fuel could never reach a temperature to melt the steel columns in the WTC. Do I need to point out resources for this? What happened to Building 7? -NO PLANE HIT THIS BUILDING.

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People need to watch Loose Change. This is made by someone that did fight over in IRAQ.

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I'm done posting in this thread... One of my new year resolutions was to not focus on the negatives.
Hey, look at the positives ?
This thread has kept all of us busy during the SLOW Christmas/New Years Holiday Season :eek:
We all gotta agree to disagree.
Ain't no big deal :)
The word Gestapo should never be foot noted by Star Trek, video games, other TV shows and the like. It degrades the subject matter of pain, hate and fear.
Actually, the use of the name Gestapo can be a reminder of the tyranny of Hitler, and his regime.
Once tyranny is forgotten, and our guard is down, it can happen again.
Those who forget, or do not learn from the past will be ignorant in the future, and easy prey for it to happen again.
IMHO, Bush should be "on probation", for manipulation of a Nation.
ARE you aware of the CIA tapes that "vanished" :rolleyes:
So what if they destroyed the tapes - why do you care - it saved lives. Back to the Black Cobras.
Let me understand this, four jet airliners fly into our building with 16 members of a group and we Water Board a few of the suspects and you say we are out of control. Once again what would you have done? You never have said what you would have done.