Ron Paul For President ?

I've been watching the news trying to find some data on the debate poll but have seen nothing. All Fox talked about this morning was how well they thought Thompson did.

When Ron Paul was asked if he would renounce his supporters that thought the US government was involved with 9/11 it was a total embarassment for Fox. It was so obvious that the question was asked to discredit him. I'm sure there are many black helicopter groups that support some of the mainstream Democratic candidates but do you think Fox News will ask that question of Clinton or Obama?

Up until now I have watched Fox news and thought they were fair and balanced as they said. After last night it is clear to me that they are biased at least when it comes to Ron Paul. There slogan for him should be "We won't report on Ron Paul so you can't decide for yourself."
I did find this on youtube. If it wasn't for the internet we would really have no hope. Although the government wants to regulate that soon too.

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Ron Paul wins the public opinion poll for this debate by a large margin and all he gets is a slam by Hannity on a late night show and no mention of it anywhere else. I am quickly losing respect for a lot of these guys.
Ron Paul wins the public opinion poll for this debate by a large margin and all he gets is a slam by Hannity on a late night show and no mention of it anywhere else. I am quickly losing respect for a lot of these guys.

I'm a democrat, I watch fox news almost every night and MSNBC, I like to hear both sides, I like most of Fox, except Hannity. Hannity drives me nuts he just seems like a know it all snob, if its dem its wrong no matter what, if its republican he can always find a way to make it right. With Ron Paul the entire republican machine has been trying to keep him hushed. The rest of Fox is bias, but so isn't MSNBC none of them are fair & balanced. I wish sometimes they would just got back to reporting things

It sort of cracks me up. When a Dem watches Fox, it drives them crazy and when a Republican watches MSNBC or ABC etc it drives them nuts. Its just so weird how we all look at the same issues totally different. Got to love the USA:cool:
I am a conservative. I won't call myself a Republican anymore. There have been a few times I heard Hannity say some things that were just too far a stretch to make his point. Like Jeff said he sometimes goes out of his way to be right and it can make him look bad.

The whole Ron Paul thing just shows how biased all the news orgs are. A candidate like him getting to where he is at, winning a viewer poll by a large margin, raising tons of cash with no main stream media hype and they just keep trying to silence the guy and write him off. Nobody who is truly for fiscal responsbility, smaller government and freedom could vote for any of the mainstream candidates.
I am a conservative. I won't call myself a Republican anymore. There have been a few times I heard Hannity say some things that were just too far a stretch to make his point. Like Jeff said he sometimes goes out of his way to be right and it can make him look bad.

The whole Ron Paul thing just shows how biased all the news orgs are. A candidate like him getting to where he is at, winning a viewer poll by a large margin, raising tons of cash with no main stream media hype and they just keep trying to silence the guy and write him off. Nobody who is truly for fiscal responsbility, smaller government and freedom could vote for any of the mainstream candidates.
How right you are.
Fox gave him a shot and he blew it. He had a hard time with several questions - and you people want him to run the th USA. Lord help us - Clinton would be in office if he ran. I will take that bet with anyone.
How gracious of Fox to give a shot to a guy who is pulling more support than most of the other guys invited. I only saw him stumble with one question. Tell me that Bush hasn't done the same on more than one occasion. Today Fox reports that McCain is the probable front runner and I think he made an idiot of himself with some of his answers. He doesn't want to trade with Al-Queda because all they want to trade is Burquas. What a pathetic response to a well thought out answer by Mr. Paul.

None of the potential Republican candidates will give us anything different that what we have had for the last eight years. If Paul runs as an independent and fractures the vote to give the Dems a win then so be it. I will never again fall for the vote for this slob because the the other slob is worse line again. I will vote for who I think will do the best job even if they don't have a snowball's chance of winning.
Dems are gonna win the election anyway, no matter what republican wins the nomination.
IMHO, Paul needs to distance himself from the republicans ASAP.
To protect his 1 percent-good idea. He is simply not a good canidate - Goldwater was great and he pulled 2 states. AUH2O64
To protect his 1 percent-good idea. He is simply not a good canidate - Goldwater was great and he pulled 2 states. AUH2O64

Does that mean conservatives should just give up? I should just vote for whatever pathetic excuse for a candidate the Republicans give us because I have no other choice than vote democratic? The Republican party is not conservative. I will not cast a vote for any of the Republicans running for president other than Paul. I have no doubt Paul will not win the nomination so if there are no viable third party choices I will just stay at home in November because it won't make a difference who wins.
Does that mean conservatives should just give up? I should just vote for whatever pathetic excuse for a candidate the Republicans give us because I have no other choice than vote democratic? The Republican party is not conservative. I will not cast a vote for any of the Republicans running for president other than Paul. I have no doubt Paul will not win the nomination so if there are no viable third party choices I will just stay at home in November because it won't make a difference who wins.

Althou, I dont really beleive in staying home. If one party has high voter turnout and the other party does not. It shows that the low turn out means many in that party are not happy and then they finally notice ......a little

I talk to many, no one of either party is real happy with any of their choices over all, some are, many are not

I have heard some say, for the dems the best they can do is put up a women & a black man,,, meaning many wont vote for either one or both, thats just how it is

and on the Republican side i here they wont vote for the old guy or the rich guy

Im writing in Don Imus and Al Sharpten... Better yet I'll just write in those 3 Playboy Bunnies on that TV show:p
By all means vote for Ron Paul and consider you voted for Hilary.
By all means vote for Ron Paul and consider you voted for Hilary.

I will vote for Paul or whatever third party candidate is a constitutionalist in my opinion. I will sleep well that night knowing I was man enough to vote for what I believe is right. The old " a vote for the third party guy is a vote for the other party" line is getting old. Hillary won't be much worse than McCain, heck she may be even better.
Paul wont get the nomination, but I have heard him say that him and Obama have very similar views. Funny a few months ago I had all of these preconceived notions about him, from listening to whoever, but when I heard the guy giving real answers to real questions, it was very refreshing.

Try not to listen to what these "political anal ysts (sic)" have to say, and really listen to what the candidates themselves have to say, and the way they answer their questions, and run their campaigns. Don't just vote for a guy because Rush Limbaugh or Oprah says they are the best.
I like how fox news banned this footage from the SC Debate. What a nice comeback from Ron Paul to a shot at him from fox.

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Ron Paul could speak for a day and he would still loose, it’s not that he is a clown – its what he says that bothers the other 95 percent of the population. Sorry guys, he has ZERO chance – the DEMS would love it - & I don’t think we would like another eight years of Hilary with Bill.:eek: :eek: :eek: