Ron Paul For President ?

People Who Don't Wake Up Make Me Sick

Hey Charlie,

Here is a video of the laziest drunkards that have woken up lol Charlie. I'm telling everyone right now open your eyes and analyze some of the stuff that is being discussed. Not only about Ron Paul but about the government. It's a gut feeling in everyone stomach that we are living in a corrupt world. Some of the ignorant people make me sick that just think they know everything and know absolutely nothing. Convince me 9/11 wasn't an inside job?? What about the government drugs these kids are on when they go shooting up schools. Google the Columbine and Virginia Tech shooting or the suicides that were from Anti-Depressants. Is it a coniencidence? Open your eyes you ignorant people. Hopefully this will be a gift from me to you for the holidays, Waking up.

The other canidates just tell you what you want to hear and are being pushed by the Main Stream media. (The same people that got Bush in office the first term he served).

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I know there are other people that feel the same way as me but they are afraid to touch on this subject. I'm not a person that will say what others want to hear so crucify me for it.
Ron Paul reminds me of one of those guys that wants to meet a god in a spaceship somewhere...all you gotta do is drink this potion. Even though there are some things that I agree with, he is too out there for me. It would be like having a little bit of toilet water mixed with my Lipton Green much as I like the tea, I wouldn't drink it because of the toilet water.

Mike Huckabee is the man with the plan.<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

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uhm...I don't see anything in those quotes that I necessarily disagree you? I didn't check the context of them all either, but on face value, I don't believe he said anything that I disagree with...

Of course this is a corrupt world man, read the Bible! It's a fallen world that will be judged. Every man and woman. There is nothing that our government can do about it, or any government can do about a fallen world. According to the Bible it's only going to get even worse. All we can do is pray for God's mercy and for his protection. I am one that happens to believe that we SHOULD police the world to a degree. If we are in the moral right then we should try our best to make sure that things like genocide, terrorism and hate isn't spreading. Are you saying that you would stand by and let thousands or even millions of people get slaughtered without doing anything about it? I know if I saw a man raping a woman on the street, you better believe that that jerk would catch a boot to the head or even a bullet depending on where I am.

I think Ron Paul has some good ideas...don't get me wrong, like I said before, but he will never get elected because he is too radical.

The message was in the picture. Even though you may not vote for Ron Paul. I would rather have Huckabee win before one that the main stream media is pushing for (the main stream media is constantly feeding the people bad information and only information they want you to hear and believe) and that's exactly why most of the people don't know who Ron Paul is but I bet everyone knows who Hilary and Obama are. It's just the people that will agrue with you until your blue in the face but have never researched any of it. All I'm saying is i'm going to push for this under dog president before pushing for one that I smell bull **** on and I think if more people wake up to what's happening in this world there could be change. Kennedy would have been a great president and you can see it on his face he was a president for the people and I think Ron Paul STILL has the right idea and has done everything he said he would do for as long as he's been a congressman for Texas. I just don't believe a a terrorist organization called al-Qaeda brought the Twin Towers down nor do I think they have a threat to our country. As Ron Paul said if were going to go to war go to war and get it over with. Google the Gulf of Tonkin Incident into google and see what you find.

I write this more to educate people then arguing with you Anthony I think you probably are on track with what you said in your last message.
I like Ron Paul. Hey Matthew with Shark I got some questions about Alex Jones. Do you listen to him alot? If so give me a call. 478-338-1076. Thanks.
Someone else likes huckabee???? Been pushing for him a year and a half now
Way to go Anthony!!!
So what does the Gulf of Tonkin Incident have to do with anything today? We have been attack in the past – Pearl Harbor – and that does not prove anything in the events today.
Does it ever really matter whom gets elected? Democratic elections require popular vote.. ie say what you think the people want to hear then position and maneuver your way into office.. once you get there, change nothing, offer nothing and keep the country divided over whom is doing the right thing. I gave up the politics game years ago. Its a battle of wills and egos. I refuse to offer dispute and create bad feelings being passionate about a bunch of liars with agendas. I'd just as soon reset the economy with a monarchy.. buh bye welfare, lawsuits and overpaid music/sports/entertainment stars.
The thing I dont understand is that the democrats could have a sure fire president elected, but they want to chance every hillbilly (present company excluded) republican btween tennessee and colorado to come out to vote merely for the purpose not to have a woman or black man in the office
Women or black has nothing to do with it - what are they going to bring to the table - name one thing or one bill that they have helped pass - they both are empty of everything but solgans.
Women or black has nothing to do with it - what are they going to bring to the table - name one thing or one bill that they have helped pass - they both are empty of everything but solgans.

Exactly. So why are these 2 candidates pushed in front of our face everyday?

Ron Paul preaches about stuff he has done and helped with in the past. He is a candidate that is not full of false hope. Getting Hilary or Obama elected is all part of the new world order just like Bush was (both times) and that's why I said I would even be okay with Huckabee in office because he is not part of there plan. I will reopen this topic once one of them get elected and say I told you so. I hope to god I'm wrong though but with the electronic voting machines being used now unfortunately I don't think I will be. And if I was wrong and one of them so happened get into office they might mysteriously go suicidal or get into a bad car accident.

signed: ~a crazy guy~ right?

Read This - Potential Hit on Ron Paul!
New world order has been around for years - for all that power and we are still in the same place – the world hates us because we have things like FOOD, WATER, IPODS, Wealth and so on. When RON Paul takes over nothing will change – they will still hate us because we are the “haves” and they are the “have nots”.
The New World Order plan is policing the world. Ron Paul has talked about this before and if you asked me years ago before Ron Paul was running I would have said the same. So when Ron Paul ran that's why I jumped right on his ship. Your saying it's been around for a long time but everyday we move more and more towards it. What about the RFID CHIP being steps away from passing? Are you going to give this to your children? ANYONE FLY ANYWHERE FOR THE HOLIDAYS? -This is a great example of what I'm talking about.

Believe me I wish I was wrong. When I first started researching this stuff I was skeptical to believe it but it all came together like a puzzle and I used to laugh listening to Alex Jones on the radio thinking this guy was a nut case. Now I'm preaching just like him.

Here read what Martial Law is Martial Law. Bush has passed it now where he no longer needs approval from anyone to declare Martial Law.

Bush also known as a Dictator.
I will bet you a dinner that President Bush will leave office without declaring Martial Law. Am I on - YES-NO. One more thing-The North Viet Navy did not attack the C Turner Joy at Tonkin - but our Mid. Eastern residents, did in fact fly four jet airliners into our property - and if you think President Bush had anything to do with that you better put the Kool Aid down.
Is this a discussion about president Bush or him declaring martial law before his term? NEVER mentioned in any of my posts. Let's not start making bets off subject David. The bill that was passed is that the president can declare martial law without any approval.
I support bush for having character.
Not lying under oath.
Being faithful to his wife.
Standing up for what he believes in.
Holding to position instead of playing the polls
Recognizing the threat terrorism poses.
Tax cuts
Starting to restore our intelligence capabilities that Clinton dismantled
Appointing the most diverse cabinet in US history
Standing behind those appointees even when they offer to resign
Not falling for the "global warming" hype
Vetoing stem cells
Handling 9/11 with strong leadership and uniting the country
Fighting alqueda in Afghanistan
Removing a brutal dictator and making a freer Iraq
Opposing abortion
traditional family values
His religious views and the role they play in his life
recognizing the threat of radical islam

Sue me...although Bush has been big on tort reform...another reason I like him

Lemme tell you why no one likes Ron paul: people like you
Cant drive under a bridge or past a street corner or or down a highway without seeing ron paul spray painted on some public or private property. Should be brought in for vandalism. Their supporters won't leave it be if someone doesn't support him. They flood the internet with conspiracy after conspiracy and god forbid you take a differant view. I honestly dont think Im friends with any Paul supporters because they won't leave me be. I had one guy who would come to my apartment, invite himself in to chill and then try and start up with his Ron paul arguments. I dont like him...guess it must be a conspiracy against him. The government actually paid me to oppose him. Just doing my duty