Ron Paul For President ?

Let me understand this, four jet airliners fly into our building with 16 members of a group and we Water Board a few of the suspects and you say we are out of control. Once again what would you have done? You never have said what you would have done.
I would NOT have went into Iraq
See, its what you would not do - what would you do to respond. Everyone , Brits, Clinton, Germans agreed that Iraq was a problem and Bush acted.
We are going in circles - I think we can end this one - you would have done nothing.
Representative Ron E. Paul (R-TX 14th)

Political Action Committee Contributions: 2007-2008 Campaign Cycle

Total 2007-2008 campaign contributions: $3,000

Sort by: Total Amount | Contributor

Contributor Total

Thats what the site says he raised this year
See, its what you would not do - what would you do to respond. Everyone , Brits, Clinton, Germans agreed that Iraq was a problem and Bush acted.
"Everyone" ?
What about the French ?
Friends don't let friends get into stupid wars :)
With less than 1 percent of the vote he is done!He should move to France.
I stay out of all the political (and religious) discussions here because no matter what is said everyone else has a different opinion but David your comment

He should move to France.

made me laugh! I will let you all get back to the commentaries.

Have a good day all!
He is still done - why because his views are on the outside of Area 54.
Apple is right. Ron Paul got a larger percentage of the vote in Iowa than many of the main stream candidates. He also has raised millions of dollars. Just recently I think he got 6M in one day off an internet run campaign. I beleive that was a one day record for the most cash raised by any candidate ever.

The conservative base is ticked off and are looking for someone who really has their values and will shake things up. As far as him being a divider I hate to say it but this country is divided and has been for a long time. Any candidate that will make a real change is going to piss people off. I think in this election we will see a real fight for which path we sre going to take as a nation and it will be over divisive issues.

I don't need my government telling me I have to switch to CF bulbs by 2012. I want a real leader who will run things the way they were meant to be when this country was started regardless of who that offends and what it means for their political career.
We ran Barry Golwater in 1964 and went down in the bigest defeat in history. Ron Paul is not even close to the middle. Doug don't change your light bulb-we have big brother-the elephant is in the tent today.
Rudy wants everyone to have electronic ID cards. Thats a little too Area 54 for me. But nobody want to say so because it's in the interest of "national security" If he gets elected, make sure you figure out which side of your kids head you want the chip implanted in to. I know, another conspiracy theory...

Gotta love that Patriot Act.
Ron Paul is old news! He needs to save his money, pack it in and go home.
I know I said I won't post in this thread anymore. But a great example of what I speak. Anyone watch the debates last night? Gotta love how the main stream media (fox news) treated Dr. Ron Paul on the debate for being the WINNER at coming in at 33%. What is fox afraid of? I guess they treated the man pretty good they actually ALLOWED HIM TO PARTICIPATE unlike the last debate.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Where is Ron Paul's Banner across the pages of all the mainstream sites? I didn't see it up like I did the rest when they won. But I guess the guy from Fox at the end said that Ron Paul really didn't win.

I'll just keep my mouth shut and I apologize for posting another conspiracy. No need to apologize for my conspiracy on this Ron, I already did.

Oh and on another note the more I watch Hukabee is right along with the rest (a puppet).

But I bet if there was another terror attack any canidate that strongly supports the war to stop terrorism approval ratings would shoot threw the roof. Thanks Mr. Laden!!

I'm still trying to wake up Ant. but it's a slow process. I think I may still be dreaming.

I'm sure there will be a recount on votes by morning.... good night all I'm back to my dream!
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I know I said I won't post in this thread anymore. But a great example of what I speak. Anyone watch the debates last night? Gotta love how the main stream media (fox news) treated Dr. Ron Paul on the debate for being the WINNER at coming in at 33%. What is fox afraid of? I guess they treated the man pretty good they actually ALLOWED HIM TO PARTICIPATE unlike the last debate.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Where is Ron Paul's Banner across the pages of all the mainstream sites? I didn't see it up like I did the rest when they won. But I guess the guy from Fox at the end said that Ron Paul really didn't win.

I'll just keep my mouth shut and I apologize for posting another conspiracy. No need to apologize for my conspiracy on this Ron, I already did.

Oh and on another note the more I watch Hukabee is right along with the rest (a puppet).

But I bet if there was another terror attack any canidate that strongly supports the war to stop terrorism approval ratings would shoot threw the roof. Thanks Mr. Laden!!

I'm still trying to wake up Ant. but it's a slow process. I think I may still be dreaming.

I'm sure there will be a recount on votes by morning.... good night all I'm back to my dream!

Its alright, just like all the republicans say......The Surge is a success! ... The surge has helped some , but success?? It only took 5 years to even figure they needed more troops. Bush and all these candidates say great. We had more soldiers die in the past 12 months than any other year of this war, is that success
We are stuck there and will have to stay for decades and thousands have died and many more will. they should have planned this mess a lot better. Poor planning killed many soldiers. All these candidates say its going great:confused:
We are stuck there and will have to stay for decades and thousands have died and many more will. they should have planned this mess a lot better. Poor planning killed many soldiers. All these candidates say its going great

Ron Paul isn't saying it's going great. Your right this is a war that will last a thousand years. No other candidate will withdraw our troops but Ron Paul.

In reality if you think about it Fox is being exposed fast. First they exclude him from the previous debate and Jay Leno exposed this on national television right before this current debate and than the way they treated Dr. Paul after this debate, I'm sure MANY MANY people put two and two together on this. The sad thing is I can't even find the poll from last nights debate can you?