Ron Paul For President ?

If you listen to Ron Paul speak the fact that he is unelectable speaks volumes about the electorate. This man has it right. I will vote for him if I can. If the sheep of this nation want to elect another nanny that will continue to sell our freedom that is their choice.
We were for Goldwater and we got LBJ and Viet Nam – 53,000 dead – but we wanted to vote for our values and look what we got. My core value is as high as yours – we must look at the big picture and not the slogans. If you decide to vote for him – you just threw that vote to the guy behind the curtain that changes OZ. :eek:
We were for Goldwater and we got LBJ and Viet Nam – 53,000 dead – but we wanted to vote for our values and look what we got. My core value is as high as yours – we must look at the big picture and not the slogans. If you decide to vote for him – you just threw that vote to the guy behind the curtain that changes OZ. :eek:

Both the main party candidates are the man behind the curtain. One will just change things faster than the other. It makes no difference Republican or Democrat pick your poison the end is the same.
Would someone please tell me anything that Ron paul has ever accomplished? Business, political..anything? I keep seeing people talk about how much "support" he has, but in the last few primaries he has struggled to get more than 3 percent of the vote!

I believe the reason everyone thinks he has so much support, is because his supporters are Vocal about it. They campaign, send money, anytime his name is mentioned on the radio 200 of them call call to complain about how unfair the host is being. I say Boo hoo..

Mcain (whom I dislike) at least commanded something in the military. He has also gotten a ton of legislature through (whether you like it or not).

Romney built a half billion dollar fortune, Governed a very Liberal state succesfully, headed up a broke olympics and ended with a 2 billion dollar surplus, etc...Romney has has some flip flopping issues, but show me one candiate who has the exact same beliefs as they did 5 years ago? Any debate is welcome.:) :eek: :D
Scott, you are on target. I just hope we don't run McCain - would be a sad day.
Agreed. Am I real thrilled about any of the candidates? No.But Romney is the closest to a true conservative that we have. However, I have heard some talking heads say that if mcain gets the nomination, they just wouldnt vote. By not voting, your voting for a dem. And having either Barack hussein Obama, or Billary Clinton, would be an even sadder day. (if sadder is a word :) )
Agreed. Am I real thrilled about any of the candidates? No.But Romney is the closest to a true conservative that we have. However, I have heard some talking heads say that if mcain gets the nomination, they just wouldnt vote. By not voting, your voting for a dem. And having either Barack hussein Obama, or Billary Clinton, would be an even sadder day. (if sadder is a word :) )

How can you say Mitt is anywhere near close to a true Conservative, other than what he says nowadays. Look at his record, man are the Conservatives that gullible. This guy started universal health care in MA, he wanted illegals to have Lic. He was for women choice. I dont want to put Mitt down to much, because if a Dem doesn't get in, I'd like the next best thing, Mitt:cool: :D

I find it comical that the conservitives are saying Mitt is a conservitive. you conservitives are screwier than I thought LOL, :confused:

There isnt a single candidate I like for president, thats sad:(