See this is what I dont get? Little innocent kids get these horrible diseases and die so young. Then we have scum of the earth walking amongst us that do nothing but bring pain to others. Where is God's justice in all this, I always here people say well she/he is in a better place now?
Sounds like you don't like the guy who brought all this suffering into the world. Why not fight against him? :thumbup:
Here's an example:
Thinking that God just simply allows this suffering is like thinking that if someone broke into your house then it's the Mayor's fault.
The mayor has set things into place to help keep crime (evil) to a minimum. He's even shown examples of charity and helping others and gets on TV and tells the benefits of looking out for your neighbors and putting others first.
But everyone doesn't listen to the mayor. Some call him a kook. Some rebel completely against him and break into your house and take your TV!
Some blame the Mayor. But how can the mayor even begin to protect your house without a system in place to reduce crimes like that? Blaming it on the Mayor is blaming it on the wrong guy.
What about the neighbors that turn the other way when they see a criminal breaking into your house? How about the pawn shop owner that accepts your TV? How about the criminal himself who thinks of himself above all others? The root of his actions come from not listening to the Mayor about putting others first and helping others.
These people are all guilty and form a group that allows evil to permeate society. NO, the pawn shop owner didn't break into your house, but he didn't allow the Mayor's system to influence him to TURN THE STOLEN MERCHANDISE AWAY.
God has a system too. With the exception of the crusades (which were caused by a complete misunderstanding of Christ and his mission) and some other instances, Christianity has been the keel that keeps mankind from annihilating each other.
Before the Flood murder was rampant and there was no respect for life. We see that all over the place today where Christianity isn't allowed any influence. Christianity is the Salt that keeps the world preserved. Imagine if living in America was like living on Kenya or Iran. Christianity is ridiculed and not tolerated in those areas and rampant violence is the result.
Nick, I know you know this is a true statement:
America was built on Christianity and Christian principals.
At one time the
only schools of higher learning in America were Christian colleges. Many of our founding fathers studied in them. The whole system of crime and punishment was based on
Judeo Christian writings. (Take a look at some of their notes or discussions while framing the constitution.)
We are just a small part of this. This is going on at a level higher than us.
That higher level is where the problem of death and suffering can be adequately discussed. I'm not anywhere near that level yet but hope to be when I die. I'd like to know the answers to all those questions.
Meanwhile God has left us a HINT of why this type of suffering happens. And that is because without the Goodness of Christ and the selfless example he set
permeating the earth we will never experience the peace that God intended for us before his betrayal in the garden of eden.
That peace will come, but not on this earth while there are men and women here who choose to cheat, steal from and murder their fellow human beings.
They have rejected the mayor's system of others first!
...... How many of you would be willing to leave your families right now for that better place. I know that for me I want to spend as much time as humanley possible around my family.....
Before Fayth was born Shelly and I felt we had no reason to be here anymore. Our businesses were fairly new and we were doing well, but we couldn't find any REASON to be here. Chris was living with his mom and I had little if any influence with him. Together, night after night we prayed to die soon and together so we could leave this world of heartache and toil and misery and begin the joy of eternity.
About then she got pregnant. I believe God answered our prayers by giving us a purpose. That is the reason for Fayth's name (the "y" is in honor of my aunt Faye)
Would I go right now? You bet. Shelly and Fayth would be taken care of and I have no doubt God will provide them a much better man than I am for the job. I'm damaged goods just doing the best I can and it's not nearly what Shelly and Fayth deserve.