Carolina Prowash
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I got teary and chills Tony - how wonderful for Fayth as well as your entire family 
My daughter Fayth was baptized yesterday. She wanted to be baptized a year ago, so we spent the past year talking to her and letting he know what baptism was all about just to make sure she understood. She also took a baptism class at our church.
Some of you guys saw this on facebook. (so just click on past if you've seen it, it's the same video)
I thought I'd post it here out of respect for Al because I haven't seen Al on facebook.
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Thanks Al.
I know it's easy to look around us today and become convinced that these are really "bad" times.
But, thanks to the kingdom of God we don't experience anywhere near the type of disrespect for God in our government or persecution of those before us.
After the crossing of crossing of the Red Sea, the miracles of the desert wandering for 40 years, the miraculous conquering of the promised land, the flourishing of Israel under David and Solomon, here is what you got:
Even Saul killed priests for helping David and that was part of his downfall.
For the past couple of weeks I've been studying Saul and David. I want to know what made David the "man after God's own heart" in contrast to Saul who was so bad that God took his Spirit away from him and evil spirits came in to reside afterwards.
In the aforementioned killing of the priests (I Sam 21) David indirectly contributed to their deaths because he lied to the high priest in trying to get him to help him. Yet later in the New Testament, Jesus uses David's eating of the special bread as an example that (and apparently in agreement with) a person's physical needs come above religion. (Matthew 12)
I can't make heads or tails of it. Is lying under certain circumstances ok? Any ideas?
I like this verse when it come to persecution
As far as trying to understanding what your studying.......lets just say its way over my head, but it you can put it into laymens terms...let us Know!!!
It's certainly not over your head Al. It's not over my head either, both of us just need to keep digging till the Lord opens our hearts to the answers.
Al, I know you know the NT back and forward, but as far as the Old Testament goes we need to think about this.
What did the Bereans study? (Acts 17:11) or what do you think Paul encouraged Timothy to study? (2 Timothy 2:15) These instructions were given when the New Testament wasn't even near completion yet. Those guys studied the Old Testament text because it showed them what God liked and didn't like. It also gave them the PROOF that Jesus was the Messiah.
Expecting the NT to provide all our needs spiritually is like having an 8gpm hot machine sitting in the shop unused because we're perfectly happy cleaning with a the 2.5 gpm Home Depot machine we use all the time.
I learn something new everytime I go back and read the OT.
Tony, I think the eating of the bread is a separate thing from the lying David is doing. Jesus mentions how David ate and relates it to the disciples eating the wheat. Have you seen blue letter bible? There's a concordance and lots of other stuff built in.
Tony, you are mistaken. Davids greatest downfall is when he first, looked at and lusted after Bathsheba, then "laid" with her. When she ended up pregnant, he sent Uzziah to the war front because death was certain. That amounted to murder. Murder is unforgiveable, at least in my church, because in the repentance process it is not possible to restore a human life. Let alone confess the sin to the person you offended, or killed.
After that, he started a downward spiral that led to his condemnation. In my opinion, David realized what he had done, because of Lamentations, Psalms and Proverbs all are lamenting his sins, and are basically written prayers seeking a forgiveness that was not coming.
Nope, you misunderstood. You can still restore the wrongs you committed, unless of course, you killed them. Repentance and forgiveness are about a willingness to admit a wrong, and make it right. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as an unwillingness to admit you made a mistake, or the inability to correct the wrong, such as having murdered someone, that do not allow you to properly repent, you will be held accountable for those sins. Of course, this is just my opinion, from my own scripture study.
Nope, you misunderstood. You can still restore the wrongs you committed, unless of course, you killed them. Repentance and forgiveness are about a willingness to admit a wrong, and make it right. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as an unwillingness to admit you made a mistake, or the inability to correct the wrong, such as having murdered someone, that do not allow you to properly repent, you will be held accountable for those sins. Of course, this is just my opinion, from my own scripture study.
BTW, all discussion in here from me is my opinion also. My opinion has been known the change A LOT over the years. I don't think anyone will ever know ALL the truth while on this earth. Especially me. :smile-us-down:
I know this is 4 weeks old now, but I am happy for your Daughters Following the Lord in Baptism Tony.. The bible states that Baptism is a picture of what Jesus performed for us on the cross. As the believer stands in the water they are standing while the water of coarse horizontally crosses their body, forming an impression of Jesus on the cross. When they are submerged it is a picture of his death and when they are raised up it is a picture of the resurrection. So when a person is Baptized it is a story of salvation that was provided to us through Jesus.
Not only was it the death, but the shedding 0f innocent blood. The perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the OT people read of all the sacrifices over and over and ask why. It was not that it removed sin truly, but it was a picture of the future sin debt being paid for by the Lamb of God(Jesus).