Formal request to add 2 more categories

I have not got it yet but I will.
I was thinking that there might be a good bbs out there.

Tony recommended a good version of the good book for me to get that is easy to read so I will start there.

The Good Book On cd's are another good way, I have a hard time reading...I like listening.

On bbs ...
Its the people thats involved in it that makes it good or bad.

Even thought the has what I asked for and is very successful, I have always preferred to spend my time here
If they had the New Living Translation on cd's, that would be great, I could listen in the truck and around the house.
If they had the New Living Translation on cd's, that would be great, I could listen in the truck and around the house.

They have most all popular translations on cd and are price reasonable if you get just the New Testament....
however Tony might suggest you invest in the Old Testament as well :)
I can get the King James version for free in an audio format, because that is what my church uses. Couldn't find an NLT
I don't think it's possible to understand the New Testament unless you are familiar with the OT. Jesus was a Jew. He lived under Jewish Law. All the things he did were in compliance with that law. It would be hard to understand what he was talking about unless you make yourself familiar with it.

He didnt' make new Laws. He Explained the meaning behind the old laws and showed that the right heart needs no laws at all except for two, Love the Lord and Love your neighbor. With those two things in your heart, all the other laws follow naturally and you don't need a written law to follow.

The New Testament is a history of Jesus, a snapshot of the early church and some letters of encouragement to that church. The meat of the Bible is in the OT and the NT actually makes little sense without the background of the OT to give it light.

The OT has the characters that give us hope and comfort. If you find a version written in an actual language that we speak and understand it's so simple even a child can understand it.


This is all just my opinion. I don't know everything and am probably wrong on most. But this is what my heart is telling me to believe.
That makes sense to me Tony, Thanks.
I think I might have found something for you Christopher, its a complete old and new testament on dvd audio set for 20 dollars (actually 2 for twenty ...special) This one is NLT

Here is there web site ....I am going to order some for my family members as well
The most exciting deal that we have EVER offered on our newest Bible On DVD innovation.

Thanks to improvements in DVD technology, we can now fit the entire KJV Bible On DVD on a single disc, and we are passing along our savings to you! For a limited time, the complete KJV Bible On DVD is only $19.95, PLUS we will also send you a second copy to share with a friend if you agree to pay the additional s&h below.

That's 2 DVD Bibles for only $19.95, or under $10 apiece! This offer will not last. And if you order now, we will still include a free copy of the Children's Bible Stories CD with each Bible On DVD ordered.

Many refer to the Bible as being the inspired word of God but what many miss is that when you consider those who wrote the Bible they were writing a history of their lives. So the question is was the writing inspired or were the lives of the people inspired by God and documented by the writer?
Another question, how many truths were lost in the Bible because of uneducated or unqualified translators? How about because of translators that had an ulterior purpose, to prove what their particular version of religion teaches?
Another question, how many truths were lost in the Bible because of uneducated or unqualified translators? How about because of translators that had an ulterior purpose, to prove what their particular version of religion teaches?
Nice one brah! (Keanu Reeves voice):neo:

Many refer to the Bible as being the inspired word of God but what many miss is that when you consider those who wrote the Bible they were writing a history of their lives. So the question is was the writing inspired or were the lives of the people inspired by God and documented by the writer?

They are so many things that my little mind can't even begin to understand or comprehend.
I try not to let things I don't understand keeping my from what I do understand.
Everything is thru faith and I can't prove nothing, all I can share is what I believe to understand it to mean.......
and that being said......even the smartest scholars are probably not even going to be close.. because it is not possable for our carnal minds to even comprehend what it is really going to be like.
Don't get tripped up on the things we don't understand, that is what holds most people back.
I guess I'll just stick to the blind faith where all of this is concerned. I don't believe because of the Bible - I just know that my life is infinitely better and more manageable when I let God have it as opposed to not - or succumbing to the alternative.
Big day for my daughter yesterday

My daughter Fayth was baptized yesterday. She wanted to be baptized a year ago, so we spent the past year talking to her and letting he know what baptism was all about just to make sure she understood. She also took a baptism class at our church.

Some of you guys saw this on facebook. (so just click on past if you've seen it, it's the same video)

I thought I'd post it here out of respect for Al because I haven't seen Al on facebook.

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