I have noticed one thing about AC, and this is why I am so dogmatic about pushing for an answer, and that AC will not admit when he is wrong....he is always quiet, just like he is now. I know AC trolls this board and others and has people who notify him of what goes on. We learn from history, and history usually repeats itself. I feel very confident in calling AC a liar. How so you may ask? It's a simple thing called proof, and you can find the proof. Anyone can find it. Its called a paper trail. You have to legally apply (you can apply for a wordmark also, and it can be denied....a company tried to wordmark the term "waterfed" a few years back and was denied) and register for a wordmark through a government entity that has a search database....I know, new concept. Wait, you can do it yourself!! Here's a link
http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=tess&state=4003:qsimtl.1.1 Type in SoftWash or any other variety of the word and I can't find AC or his company anywhere. YES THAT'S RIGHT, I AM CALLING AC A LIAR!!!! And until he will come on here and show me otherwise, his silence is proof enough for me.....thats his merhod of operation.