Russ Spence
Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
got that word marked too~
In every case once you INTEND to trademark or wordmark something you are advised to begin using the TM symbol in all of your advertising as well as on your materials and such so that you can protect your trademark or wordmark during the application process. Once your mark has been approved you begin using the “circle r” symbol showing your mark is registered. From what I understand your mark will not show up in TESS until it has been approved and registered.
Guy, when this is all over I will give you an explanation and you will see how I am not inconsistent about liars. But it is premature now.
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I have been informed that AC Lockyer has exclusive rights to the word "SoftWash". The New Orleans PW Class will therefore teach, as part of the course, "soft washing" using pressure washers, 12v pumps, and air-powered pumps not "SoftWashing" which is exclusve to AC.
My apologies for any confusion.
I find this whole thread hilarious. Is all this really necessary for an over priced pump, a hose, a tank and a chunk of aluminum?
so I thought the photo / poster was being hosted by Micah.
As for trademarks, wordmarks and patents I have done several over the years.... They are very costly and are lengthy to complete...... I am not sure I will get all approved or not.
From what I understand your mark will not show up in TESS until it has been approved and registered. I leave that up to my attorneys.
Now I did misspeak when I wrote to Micah in my PM that I “have” the word mark.
No, and I don't need to use the word SoftWash at all in my business or in the class if it really is protected. I stated in the beginning it was a CYA post, just in case he was actually telling the truth.
Unfortunately, there are guys who have a LOT tied up in using the word SoftWash.
This is what I was talking about:
When I wrote this:
We had numerous and trademarks and three patents with our "Owners AutoMart Franchise system. I already knew that what AC says here is a fact but you guys all think he is a liar so I left it up ti him to determine if he was a liar or if he just knew simply was using the law as it is his right. Looks like he knows what he is talking about. Again
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AC there were no over reactions nor anything unprofessional.
We as pressure washing/SoftWashing contractors have a lot invested in the systems we use to clean and how we market them to consumers.I have a system that does SoftWash it's just not one you sell.Yes I have marketed it as soft wash and various other combinations of the words over the years as have others.What compels you to constantly try to and bite the hands that feed you is beyond me.I suspect it's all about ego,but come one man why would you set out to make an entire industry your enemy?
The GOD complex is old and tired play nice and other will as well.Stop threatening people with lawyers and wordmarks and enjoy the success this industry has given you.
I have been informed that AC Lockyer has exclusive rights to the word "SoftWash". The New Orleans PW Class will therefore teach, as part of the course, "soft washing" using pressure washers, 12v pumps, and air-powered pumps not "SoftWashing" which is exclusve to AC.
My apologies for any confusion.