Use of the word "SoftWash" in the New Orleans Pressure Washing Class curriculum

Hey AC, in my case I registered my business name Clean County Powerwashing in 95-96 with my county. You have to do that here to along with having a License to Powerwash(this is another topic that can and has been discussed because My License falls into the home improvement category yet I most of the time have to charge sales tax where Home improvements you don't)

To register a business name here you have to find a name that cannot be already registered. So that's pretty easy and fairly cheap. About $35 16yrs ago.

How do you go about registering a name and what's the cost factor to that? Does doing that now cover you for someone else using a domain name has your name in it?

Interesting post...

Trademarking a name h

John you don't need to have a Lic. in Suffolk County to Power Wash. Consumers cosiders it a cleaning service.
Should we alert all air conditioning companies that they are no longer allowed to use it the abriviation AC in any of their business models? Just curious...

I already got that. If you use AC and COIL and CLEANING in the same sentence it will be prison time.

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FYI, AC THIS is why you will never be accepted fully in the bbs world, I wish I were a fly on the wall when one of these guys cleans your plate one day, you will deserve it! Is it reall y so important?

I am going to assume it is, good luck with your SoftWash Systems, I like mine, our use of our soft wash systems has been very lucrative.
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I'll just go right out and say it. AC is a tool.

You can't say that Chris, Jeremy has already claimed that name. You can legally make a variation of it like "Tule" or "Ptool" but to use "Tool" would violate Jeremy's trademark. :)
You can't say that Chris, Jeremy has already claimed that name. You can legally make a variation of it like "Tule" or "Ptool" but to use "Tool" would violate Jeremy's trademark. :)
Actually Tony, Ron has the wordmark on "Tool" and has me described as such, I was able to use the word, because hither-fore it was used as a name for me and was well within the wordmark patent to use it. On the other hand, Chris did not, and is, to put it bluntly, screwed. Ron's attorneys are working overtime drafting up the necessary 125 page "cease and desist" order/defamation of character/lawsuit paperwork.

I am also sad to inform everyone that the word "wordmark" is now wordmarked by me and you will all need to edit your posts to reflect such for past, present, and future posts....If not, I will add this into Ron's lawsuit to Chris and we will have to proceed with a class action lawsuits on said such offenders....carry on.....
Wow....douchebaggery at it's finest.

It's never a phone call with AC or words in person always some subversive email or message.Frankly,the guy doesn't have the balls to stand face to face with any of the contractor here and piss and moan about how someone spelled softwash,SoftWash, soft wash etc. Why you ask?

Hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.
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Yes,I said and Scott or Steven can move it,but it's not anything a large majority haven't thought themselves.

He didn't make an impression on me in Tampa 2yrs ago.Walking away from myself and a few other contractors while being asked questions so he could go rub elbows with the true millionare contractors who were in attendance.

I am truely fed up with guys like this being allowed to bend this industry over and rape it.
LMAO. S#######n is to funny.

Just don't capitalize both S's and make it one word and you might escape witjout getting sued.
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Yes,I said and Scott or Steven can move it,but it's not anything a large majority haven't thought themselves.

He didn't make an impression on me in Tampa 2yrs ago.Walking away from myself and a few other contractors while being asked questions so he could go rub elbows with the true millionare contractors who were in attendance.

I am truely fed up with guys like this being allowed to bend this industry over and rape it.

Nah, I can't be bothered moving anything on Christmas day - we aren't the only ones with the ability to moderate threads/posts. I think as PWI staff you have that ability also.
I love this forum

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AC it would be better if you showed proof of this because a search of TESS does not come up with anything at all.

That is trademarked by someone else and is the closest one I could find. Most of the SoftWash trademarks are held by WashTec Holding.

If it is filed but not yet approved there will be a published for opposition date that you can input your opposition to this trademark before it is issues.
Wow....douchebaggery at it's finest.

It's never a phone call with AC or words in person always some subversive email or message.Frankly,the guy doesn't have the balls to stand face to face with any of the contractor here and piss and moan about how someone spelled softwash,SoftWash, soft wash etc. Why you ask?

Hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

This reminds me of a book I'm reading called STUFF CHRISTIANS LIKE by Jonathon Acuff. It's a comedic look at Christians. (by a Christian).

Here is an excerpt:


Christians occasionally swear. They don't do it a lot. I'm not talking about thirty-second tirades laced with profanity. I just mean that every few days they'll say a swear in the middle of a conversation. Why do we do it? I think we want you to know that we know those words exist. We want you to be aware that we are aware they are out there and we know what they mean. Plus, everyone knows that swears are nineteen times more powerful coming out of the mouth of a Christian. That's a scientific fact right there. If you're a nonbeliever and swear a ton , it's just not that big of a deal. If you're aChristian though and you swear birds fall out of the sky. Trees shake to their roots. Magma gets fourteen degrees cooler under the crust of the earth. wielding that kind of power is too tempting to ignore.
John you don't need to have a Lic. in Suffolk County to Power Wash. Consumers cosiders it a cleaning service.
Hey Art--that's what I always said but the consumer affairs told me that If I advertise I need to snow proof of lic/ins. I thought I didn't need the contractors license but they made it clear to me years ago this I will be fined of caught. 16 yrs later which is now Suffolk County gave me a letter to send to the state that I need to have a home improvement lic. But the state says I still have to pay sales tax and they don't care what my county says..

Typical... And I get screwed in the end..
Hey Art--that's what I always said but the consumer affairs told me that If I advertise I need to snow proof of lic/ins. I thought I didn't need the contractors license but they made it clear to me years ago this I will be fined of caught. 16 yrs later which is now Suffolk County gave me a letter to send to the state that I need to have a home improvement lic. But the state says I still have to pay sales tax and they don't care what my county says..

Typical... And I get screwed in the end..

I was there a month ago and they told me you don't need a lic to power wash or SoftWash, Sales tax is a differant story and advertising I'm not sure what they are talking about. They have a fine line on this. If you are power washing a home and a peice of siding falls off. You can't fix it with out a Home Improvement Lic
I was there a month ago and they told me you don't need a lic to power wash or SoftWash, Sales tax is a differant story and advertising I'm not sure what they are talking about. They have a fine line on this. If you are power washing a home and a peice of siding falls off. You can't fix it with out a Home Improvement Lic
Hey Al I'll have to go back in there. I can tell you this a friend of mine got fined years ago $500 because he was caught advertising without a license. He's a landscaper who cuts grass. He needed a home improvement license. The second time it's considered criminal.

You better check again yourself as I will. There looking for revenue streams here themselves and better safe then sorry. Ask them if you advertise can you do it without a home improvement license in your line of work.