Art Oliveri
Roundtable Host 2009
Hey AC, in my case I registered my business name Clean County Powerwashing in 95-96 with my county. You have to do that here to along with having a License to Powerwash(this is another topic that can and has been discussed because My License falls into the home improvement category yet I most of the time have to charge sales tax where Home improvements you don't)
To register a business name here you have to find a name that cannot be already registered. So that's pretty easy and fairly cheap. About $35 16yrs ago.
How do you go about registering a name and what's the cost factor to that? Does doing that now cover you for someone else using a domain name has your name in it?
Interesting post...
Trademarking a name h
John you don't need to have a Lic. in Suffolk County to Power Wash. Consumers cosiders it a cleaning service.