If you are saying that the card did not work for you then it is time to change the card around and only send out like 50 or 100 to see if you get a response, you just have to test them and keep on testing them until you get a great response, sometimes you have to change a lot.
I have been told by marketers that you should show the card to strangers, not friends or family because they will tell you what you want to hear where a stranger will tell you if the card would get them interested to call or not. You want to know what the card will do because if it does not make anyone interested in calling at all then there is no reason to have thousands of them made and sent out.
I actually did print a color copy before printing and did show it to about 15 people that didn't know what I had, or that I did pressure washing. I took the card back out of their hands after 5-8 seconds and asked them what was the card about. 10 of the 15 told me washing their driveway and walk ways. The other 5 didn't know what to think it was, and wasn't even aware there was such a thing. I got 2 calls complimenting the card from other business owner unrelated to PW. They wanted to know where I got the card done at and printed. Unfortunately they were not interested in having their driveway cleaned.
This is my first season getting out. I have a full time job so hitting the bricks would be tough. I priced having door hangers done vs the mailers. I thought from reading on the forums mailers did better than door hangers, and they cost less.
Where did I send them? 2 times to the same address. Neighborhoods were mostly wood and vinyl siding. Middle class. Avg home price, and in an area that has the lowest un-employment. Average age 45-55, married with 2 family incomes. Education was some college or higher.
Maybe Birmingham folks don't respond to mailers so well, maybe it is still too cold to thinking about washing, maybe I need to go try some small commercial instead. Maybe I should try a few more rounds before giving up on the neighborhoods. I have a 1000 left to send to find out.
Maybe I should change the card up some. Winter is almost officially over, so I need to come up with a Spring card. Suggestions on how to change this up for spring I am all eyes. I was going to keep the same colors, change the pictures, text and the special to house wash any size $50.00. (only kidding, I don't want to loose money on this)