Keep it Simple. If you do a separate card for each service and mail them all to the same neighborhood then you are getting some branding and a solid message everytime.
Guys, you have to be patient. I get calls off a mailing months down the road. I get calls in the Spring from my Fall mailings. You will get more calls in another week or two and by July you will be rockin'. People will do business with the company they see the most. If your competitor is mailing 3 times a month you need to do 4. That is of course if your ad is good as theirs is. I do want to see that piece by A and J!
How much more or less is it to send these through the mail?
A Good Ranking Website Beats The Crap Out Of Mailer, Doorhangers, Or Any Other Marketing Returns Out There...........It Works 24/7/365!!!!!!
Hey Guy!
The thing about a website is, your only pulling people that know they want pressure washing service.. The vast majority of people dont know they are in the market for pressure washing service until they get your fancy card in the mail..
Individual ROI will be much greater with a website obviously, but the direct mail will allow you to pull lots of work.
Chris I love the steps, what I always wonder why doesn't you printing process do the routes?
Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
It ends up being more cost effective to have a local guy do the preparation.. He charges $23 per thousand. We provide him a spread sheet of what routes inside what zip codes we want to do and he breaks them down, labels them, and sorts them into the proper bins.. As well as puts the paperwork together for us.
So we basically have them shipped to him and he takes it from there, we pick them up every Tuesday morning 9 months a year and bring them over to our postal center for check in and from there, take them to the individual post offices..
If you try to have the original printer label them for you it gets really confusing and really increases your shipping fees (to you from them) because of the way they are boxed.
Also we do a new card every 6 weeks and with in that 6 weeks we are actually doing 10 different towns and 10 different mailers tailored to that town.. So the shipping fee would be really high if we used a online printer..
I worked at a couple of large printing places out here and typically they dont count anything its all done by weight. Thats also how the internet houses do it. We submit around 125 print orders a week, there is always an expected variance. They say for every 5,000 you order its expected you may get 25 pieces more or 25 pieces less.. Ive never seen it less its usually more.
With comercial Ron you probably just use standard mail with a targeted list? When we do it that way for regular customers from our system we will have the print house just print it on like you mentioned..
I wrote this manual on exactly how to do EDDM it walks you through every single step from the research to the paperwork.. You can download it free here at this link: http://www.windowcleanerproducts.com/docs/direct-mail-manual.pdf
Hey Guy!
The thing about a website is, your only pulling people that know they want pressure washing service.. The vast majority of people dont know they are in the market for pressure washing service until they get your fancy card in the mail..
Individual ROI will be much greater with a website obviously, but the direct mail will allow you to pull lots of work.
I am releasing my EDDM this week, I have about 7k going out, putting them together and prepping sucks, I personally rather toss rocks. I heard EDDM is very hit or miss, we shall see.
My guys separates the routes, always giving more Cards than needed to a route because better to give more than Short them. Screw anything up they throw it out....
Weight or Count the point is they track them while printing. So if you request any printer to Blank in the runs they will usually do it. Often they do it by 1000 or 500 which works Ideal for EDDM
Theres a Few guys who have used my printer and everything comes done to deliver just mail them. Let me know if you like saving money...he can actually find and affiliate local to as well.EDDM has to be bundled in 100 pc quantities for our local post office. I have some 8.5x11's in print currently... testing the waters on some new stuff.
Theres a Few guys who have used my printer and everything comes done to deliver just mail them. Let me know if you like saving money...he can actually find and affiliate local to as well.