Here is the updated flyer. We have some more good news to add in here that's going to be sweet. The final Flyer will be out early next week after we get back from NOLA. That last version will have also the Room Block info and the paylink for this event.
Do not book anything yet until this last version comes out because where on the verge of getting an even better deal with the hotel..
I'll also put this Flyer in its own thread so who's ever interested can go right to it.
Thanks for the support of all the bulletin boards for letting me put this out there to the garage guys and future garage guys.
Keep sending your emails to & if your interested and as that goes up will keep trying to get some more national companies to respond.
If you need to you can contact Jim Gamble at 510-612-0437 or John Tornabene at [COLOR=""]631-804-1777[/COLOR]
Thanks Guys,
John T.