Look what it Took to Make E-clean today, this is my rewards after 30 years

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Did Ron pay you $20 to buy your allegiance? Or do you just hate Chris and Thad so much that you'll back anyone who opposes them? Just curious... the accusation of being brainwashed shows that you are subconsciously aware that the same charge could be made about you.

And what does my statement confirm? That I don't want to have the pleasure of meeting you? Well when was that in question?

Tell me why anyone would Hate Thad or Chris?

These guys Have brought so much to you guys, they are truly genius. You just need a cash or Credit card and you can be COOL. The membership now is only 99.00 you will be able to renew.

Its free here and you where Treated nice when you joined. Heres your Nice Welcome Thread
Boy the phones must be burning up trying to generate some support for this witch hunt. They are all coming out of the woodwork now.

From low level contractors who can't sell their failed businesses (who apparently have an Obama phone now to check the boards), to contractors who are completely out of business and even Celeste, who Ron carried like a Kangaroo in a pouch throughout the death of her business until he gave her the boot and quit paying for her travel to events, hotels and food and God knows what else after Jill caught her stuffing drawing boxes in Tampa three years ago and told Ron.

Go ahead Jill, it's ok now, you can talk about it. Celeste raised her head to give support to this bashing and now it's going to have to be popped like a whack a mole. Ron never wanted to say anything about it to save her the embarrassment, in spite of the terrible situation of how to deal with fair drawings with stuffed drawing boxes.

But I guess all Ron has to do is cut off the spigot to make an enemy these days. Or be successful in a market where a lesser contractor is a failure.

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Then you've got this loser who joins in the bashing with his feigned "healing the industry" facade. Trey Posey, who wanted to come to my coil cleaning class but didn't have the $300 or so dollars to attend and asked if he could pay later. College boy. Trusted Hinderliter puppet and now employee of the year? month? day? at PowerWash.com? All I know is he finally made the $300 to pay for my class and sent it to me a year later. (Yeah, I've still got the cancelled check). Great testimonials from these industry leaders!

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If you guys only knew what lengths Ron has gone to to protect these losers from embarrassment and how much money he spent out of his pocket over the years to try to help them. Only for them to turn on him like the rabid habitually unemployed when they hear their third year of unemployment might be coming to an end.

How much money did Chris L ask you for Ron? $50k?

Here's a little tidbit about the beloved Allison. Ron came to me two years ago and said Allison needed some work because of some difficulty. He wanted to know if we could somehow pay her to write. I told Ron I couldn't afford to get involved in that at the time. So he decided he would make it work for her if he had to do it out of his own pocket. She made a commitment to write for Ron and eventually the UAMCC in the future. Word got out that she was going to write for Ron. Paul found out and would have none of that so he made her an offer. Allison came to Ron and apologized and told him she would not be able to keep her commitment. (it must have not been in writing)

That DAY I told him to cut her loose. I told him she was disloyal and she should never be trusted to write for an industry that is so divided if she didn't even have the loyalty to keep a commitment. Ron disagreed and said she was just doing what she thought was best for her family. He treated her well even after that. I was cordial to her and appreciated her declaration of her faith and put the disloyalty issue on the backburner hoping that Ron was right.

Unfortunately he was not. Her reporting on the Garage cleaning event was extremely slanted and her excuse was that she was trying to put the industry in the "best light". Nevermind the fact that she was covering up for two men who have the goal of putting the industry in the WORST possible light.

It doesn't matter who believes me on this. If you don't believe me I don't want you to. IF you fall into that camp, you either can't read 5 years of posts or you are not intelligent enough to be on a team that can pull this industry out of 20 years of stagnation. Bye bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If you do believe me, welcome to the team. We are going to end the years of the domination of backroom phone calls choosing the direction of this industry. We are going to end the "Cleaner Times" and "eClean" types of slanted reporting in favor of publications that represent us as the environmentally conscious cleaners we are. Not fake environmental directors who think like this:

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We are done. Choose a side and be loyal. Ron has worked his tail off for this industry and spent more money helping contractors with nothing to gain on his part than many of us have made since we've been in the business. He continues to do it to this day.

He is passionate. He is loyal to the cause of the UAMCC. He is doing what he is doing for YOU, the UAMCC member. He was trying his best to make the best of a situation that was gradually being revealed as a no-win situation with the UAMCC trying to get decent coverage in a magazine owned by a PWNA board member and by a writer, who couldn't even be trusted to report the facts on an event because it might make Hinderliter or Gamble look bad. A better choice would have been to not write about it at all. I'm sure the Nevada official would have appreciated not having his picture attached to such a piece.

Choose a side, have faith that you have made the right decision and work towards bettering this industry. Just realize the other side will always be there waiting to destroy your efforts on every turn. Be ready for them, don't be afraid of them and make them put everything in writing (they like that anyway).

Yes it seems that the rule, "No politics or Drama here at this BBS" goes out the window when it comes to jumping on the Hate Ron Bandwagon...my my my how principles can change according to who the people involved are.

Here's one of my favorite posts....eclean pwra1.jpg

Hate to see this??????...after what his Dad and PWNA and himself did to you????? WOW
WOW WOW WOW....I have read everything in the article and letter Allison posted, First and Foremost let me say THANK YOU Mr. President for sticking up and fighting for the UAMCC, and it's members. Thank you for doing what you thought was the right thing in trying to gain more publicity for our organization. I love knowing that our President put's himself out there, is willing to take the heat, and, does what he can to better our organization and the businesses of it's members.

Ron, You and I are not very good with words, and putting our thoughts into easy to understand posts like Tony and Scott are. But I think I can make this easy to understand....While you and I don't agree on everything, I can say this, I am proud of you, I am proud to know you, I am proud to call you friend, I am proud and honored to serve with you.
WOW WOW WOW....I have read everything in the article and letter Allison posted, First and Foremost let me say THANK YOU Mr. President for sticking up and fighting for the UAMCC, and it's members. Thank you for doing what you thought was the right thing in trying to gain more publicity for our organization. I love knowing that our President put's himself out there, is willing to take the heat, and, does what he can to better our organization and the businesses of it's members.

Ron, You and I are not very good with words, and putting our thoughts into easy to understand posts like Tony and Scott are. But I think I can make this easy to understand....While you and I don't agree on everything, I can say this, I am proud of you, I am proud to know you, I am proud to call you friend, I am proud and honored to serve with you.

Me too Doug.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how ridiculous these claims of "bullying" are. Are these people in grade school?

I don't know how these people make it in the business world.

I take that back. Most of them don't make it, like Allison, Trey and Cooney and John T. They are employees between jobs waiting for the ones who pull the strings to give them some crumbs.

You have to be tough to make it in business. You can't take every negotiation and call it bullying when you aren't getting your way.

You have to choose which side of business you want to be on to succeed. There have always been two sides. One side works hard, keeps their word even when it hurts and grows through pure determination, hard work, smart work and even divine guidance.

The other side succeeds by using the hard work of others, using loopholes to break their word, uses weak minded individuals to advance their own business and uses the government to stifle competition that works harder and smarter than they do.

The industry needs tough contractors who work hard and smart to take it to the next level and show we are men and women of integrity who can be trusted to do our work using honesty and integrity as our guide.

I am starting to understand the push for
Stiffer regulations now. It is because those pushing for it know that, given the chance, without complicated written guidelines they wouldn't have the sense or the integrity to do the right thing and they think everybody is like them. That is pretty easy to see after reading Jim's screenshot about dumping in the backyard above.

Fortunately these stunted morals do not represent the bulk of contractors. In one short year the UAMCC has already put together almost 50 conscientious contractors on the environmental committee alone, around the nation who are diligently working to represent the better half + of contractors locally. They are working in their own cities and states so the morally bankrupt can no longer come in from afar and present themselves as a representation of our industry making fools of all of us along the way.

I am proud of Ron too. He is the leader who doesn't give up. He is hated because he is strong and unselfish, something these employees between jobs will never achieve and something the corrupt contractors and vendors who control them do not have the capability of ever achieving.

Run tries to be nice to these people. He keeps all their dirty little secrets for them while they chip away at him because of jealousy.

I am not so nice. I call a spade a spade. Life is too short to pander to a bunch of nuts. We all have limited time on this earth to leave something good behind.

My own personal goal is to help blaze a path for good, hardworking contractors to make this industry into one that is appreciated and respected because we provide needed services and do it in a professional way as mature, moral men and women. I also like to laugh and enjoy life along the way! That is why I am so sarcastic in my posts and try to throw in some laughs occasionally.

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First and Foremost let me say THANK YOU Mr. President for sticking up and fighting for the UAMCC, and it's members. Thank you for doing what you thought was the right thing in trying to gain more publicity for our organization. I love knowing that our President put's himself out there, is willing to take the heat, and, does what he can to better our organization and the businesses of it's members.

He does what is right for the members...except for forgetting to provide the required content to get them the publicity you're talking about. AND forgetting to provide the written contract to keep a potentially beneficial business relationship going. Yeah. Great job, Mr. President.

Not to mention demanding that members NOT RECEIVE PUBLICITY if their UAMCC affiliations aren't mentioned. Wow. Definitely seems to be looking out for the good of the members. Ha!
Tell me why anyone would Hate Thad or Chris?

These guys Have brought so much to you guys, they are truly genius. You just need a cash or Credit card and you can be COOL. The membership now is only 99.00 you will be able to renew.

Its free here and you where Treated nice when you joined. Heres your Nice Welcome Thread

its free on the Wcr forum too. I do appreciate the warm welcome, and appreciate you allowing this conversation to continue, Ron.
He does what is right for the members...except for forgetting to provide the required content to get them the publicity you're talking about. AND forgetting to provide the written contract to keep a potentially beneficial business relationship going. Yeah. Great job, Mr. President.

Not to mention demanding that members NOT RECEIVE PUBLICITY if their UAMCC affiliations aren't mentioned. Wow. Definitely seems to be looking out for the good of the members. Ha!

No one forgot anything Michael. The UAMCC is run by volunteers. We have been working hard with the environmental mess the PWNA has created over the past 20 years of Hinderliter reign.

We are also constantly getting new members signing up and have various committees working on various things all the time.

Most people don't have time to write "content". I did have the time and Ron asked me to, but I ultimately refused because of the false reporting that went on during the garage cleaning event.

How much do you expect Ron to do on his own?

It was really simple. A simple recurring ad would have been at least a step in the right direction. Lord knows Allison knows how to lay out a simple ad, there are almost as many ads for powerwash.com and and the pwna that it looks like a copy of the Computer Shopper magazine! (Don't accuse me of lying Allison! That phrase was a simile, a type of a metaphor. Look it up)

When I bought ads in the yellow pages and various magazines we started with an interview and some ideas. The ad people wrote up the ads and published them. It was pretty simple. I'm not a writer. I'm not an advertising specialist, that is their job.

And you are turning the Uamcc member publicity issue into a non-existent problem. I don't know a single UAMCC member who would NOT want the UAMCC associated with their name. If there are any it would have been pretty simple for Allison to text Ron and simply tell him the contractor doesn't want the UAMCC mentioned. There is no issue here. It is just another distraction used by people with a weak argument.

Perhaps you are getting UAMCC members who are proud of their org confused with PWNA members who are ashamed to have their name mentioned anywhere near the PWNA.
Is it okay if I have a headache?

As I have said repeatedly in the past. Ron and I have worked in the same market for the past 24 years. He was working in it before I was. Our paths have crossed multiple times. I have never been threatened, cajoled or otherwise had Ron attack my business. I have had him give me pricing info on something that I have not done in a while, send jobs my way, loan and share parts and give me a heads up of upcoming projects. What I am seeing is mighty odd behavior from someone that is so willing to verbally attack and threaten people in other states. I literally can get to his house, from mine in about 20 minutes. I have actually been to his shop, and seen his guys working in the field. I have even been nearly run off the road by one of them.
One thing I do is, whenever I see one of his guys, I give them a stack of my cards. Why? Because I know that he pays them $25 a card that they bring in from a competitor. Best part, Ron knows I am doing it.

I learned a long time ago that some people will say anything on the internet to gain attention. It is really insidious, in my opinion. I have actually seen it go both ways, so, I am choosing to go with what I have personally experienced. Others have made a solid effort to use my name and reputation to bolster what they were doing, likely because I have managed to become recognizable. I have made the mistake a few different times, thinking that it would be different. It has even cost me some money, because I made a bad choice. I have even had the PWRA guys come after me to join them. I no longer do that. I make sure that what ever I associate my name with is going in a direction that I support. That is my personal choice, and I am going to stick with that, because I think that is the best direction for me.


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It really stems from the inaccurate way the Vegas Garage cleaning event was portrayed and Tony calling her out on it. After that hurt feelings took over.
I could care less about what Tony S has to say about the way I covered the Las Vegas event. The fact that I didn't cover it the way he wanted me to is not my concern. I got honest feedback from those I interviewed for the article. Tony S. keeps mentioning how upset the Las Vegas EPA people are with their photo being in the article. If they are upset, they can contact me and I will gladly pull the photo. But I haven't heard anything from anyone but Tony so far.
I read what Allison wrote in the 20 page letter explaining everything that went down. I was there in those conversations. I know exactly what was going on in The private page for UAMCC members only. Which I was banned for because I asked about the Sirocco event here in San Diego CA, an hour away from me. It was disclosed ONLY to the facebook private page that UAMCC donating members would get in free the first 2 days. As a donating member of The UAMCC I wanted to know more about it since I was planning on going and this announcement was not made in The UAMCC forum for other Non-facebook users to read and take advantage of this.

Now I will admit that I was TOLD not to post because I was under suspension for allegedly doing something wrong which at this time I can't think of. Perhaps one of them can provide that here as to why I was asked to not to post. After I was told NOT to post, I ONLY posted when I needed something answered. Again this information was not given out in The UAMCC forum for others like myself to see. the UAMCC Member only page is a facebook page for donating members ONLY. I am a DONATING MEMBER so I should have access to that page. I also have the right as a donating member to question anything and everything that goes with The UAMCC.

As said by Allison herself in the 20 page letter that she was amazed on how many came out of the woodwork, I too can attest to that as well. I was AMAZED and proud how many came to me in private, public, emails, phone calls, and text that fully supported me. Those people have my utmost gratitude and respect. I am glad and proud that someone in our industry is taking a stand for what is right and I stand with them.
Me too Doug.

I take that back. Most of them don't make it, like Allison, Trey and Cooney and John T. They are employees between jobs waiting for the ones who pull the strings to give them some crumbs.

You have to be tough to make it in business. You can't take every negotiation and call it bullying when you aren't getting your way. [/QUOTE=Tony Shelton;321709]

I call publicly lying bullying.
Tony, I didn't say I didn't understand it. I said you were publicly lying.

So when Jesus used this idiom he was lying?

In Mathew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth.

I know there is salt in my sweat. But I am not salt.

I'm confused. Where have I lied?

You are bought and paid for. Just like I said.
I could care less about what Tony S has to say about the way I covered the Las Vegas event. The fact that I didn't cover it the way he wanted me to is not my concern. I got honest feedback from those I interviewed for the article. Tony S. keeps mentioning how upset the Las Vegas EPA people are with their photo being in the article. If they are upset, they can contact me and I will gladly pull the photo. But I haven't heard anything from anyone but Tony so far.

Of course you could care less. I don't pay your bills.
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