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Look what it Took to Make E-clean today, this is my rewards after 30 years

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link please? And doesn't matter who sets the standard. You went running from being Chris' boy to Ron's boy... Who will be left for you after Ron goes down in flames?

I manned up by allowing myself to be lied about and not retaliating against lies told by unimportant people much like yourself. You go ahead and believe whatever spin you'd like to about it. In the end Cody and I both know what really happened.

PS I was never Chris' boy. I thought he was a friend and defended him as if he were. I found out otherwise.
You will notice that Ron and Tony Shelton and Ton-ton Evans are masters of clouding the issue. They are deceptive and manipulative. They stated that the UAMCC provided everything it was supposed have... until it became clear that they could not support that lie. Then they brought up coverage of the parking garage event. Then they brought up eClean's PWNA connections. Then said Allison is "bought and paid for." It's crayons, marriage vows and salesmanship here. They are desperately throwing anything against the wall to see what sticks... and to keep people from seeing the writing on the wall.

And here's what it says... cheaters never prosper and liars don't win in the end. Ron and his cronies' days of having leverage to bully others are numbered.


No there was mistakes on Both sides, said that from the beginning.

This was all moving forward in a Private Area in front of the members only of the UAMCC. All the members saw me asked for a resolve, she was fast to cut off ties quickly.

I simply thought I had been a little tough so I extended my apology for handling her wrong and not being delicate Because she I thought I maybe was not sensitive.

At that Point we had no intentions of any agreement as we are now stating.... I instructed Nichole to simply by a ad of her choice.

Remember I'm the customer, LOL

Does anyone realize that I do not need Eclean nor does anyone else. We as contractors provide content to there advertisers. They need our content for there advertisers, I will take care of my own Media as the majority of the members elected in the Org to do.

The member support that she had a very Poor attitude even after my Apology which now i wish I had never even done. I would have been Happy firing her because if anyone thinks the UAMCC got a fair shake regardless of written agreement the proof is in the content.

WE had many events, one got into the MAG.....a few days ago. Perhaps to say she treated us Fair ?

Honesty integrity and liars, I suggest being careful because damaging a person reputation is not Nice.
Were you accused publicly or was it in the "Memebers Only Uammc" facebook group. I am confused. The two are not one in the same. Publicly would be what you did by putting up on your magazines's website and actively promoting it on FB.

I wonder if she realizes it was private?

OPPS a little detail thats important, only the UAMCC members knew and I wanted them to discuss and perhaps help get the details finished.

But as you remember she was quick to say Take it all back. YEP

Thats the problem with partial conversations
what does that mean, Ron? Does it mean that what you're saying here is your personal opinion... just as a guy, and not as UAMCC president?

Yeah, I'm Ron....

The UAMCC last i checked doesn't pay my bills. I do, my Bod members are themselves also with there own thoughts.

You do not like the way I lead tough!!!!!!!

I just do not even know what to say or how to say it,

Thanks all its just so wonderful being in this industry that spouts they want to work together.

When your Reading the article which I have not had a Chance to verify all miss-truth someone ask Allison if She DEny This as part of the conversation?


If she Does She's lying, if she says she did she can't be trusted.

I highly recommend you get everything in writing because this women's WORD means nothing.

E-clean Fiction Magazine for the Fakes of this industry

Paul Horsley maybe you want to be a Man and call me, I'm embarrassed for you again.


I want Everyone to READ her own Words, because she Hammers home agreements Agreements Agreements. I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word.

By the Way I won't be asking you or Paul for your address for my attorney , I have them!!!


Just a Little Lesson in E-commerce site traffic and return IP is crucial in a service directed oriented Magazine like E-clean.

No one Wins in these Battles, frankly if Allison is done its time to Lock this thread down.
Why are you HEre?

Is this Chris?

It is Michael Mole. We've talked before. And I'm here because when I saw the link Allison posted in one of the FB groups, I thought "hmm, I wonder what they are saying about this over on PWI" and I came over to see. And ever sense, I feel like I'm one of about 5 people who knows up from down and truth from lies.
Were you accused publicly or was it in the "Memebers Only Uammc" facebook group. I am confused. The two are not one in the same. Publicly would be what you did by putting up on your magazines's website and actively promoting it on FB.
I apologize up front if this sounds like I'm talking down to you or anyone George, but I don't know a better way to approach this. The dictionary defines "public" as 1. The people constituting a community. 2. A particular group of people with a common interest. To "make public" is defined as "to cause to be known generally." Yes, the UAMCC forum was a closed group, but it consisted of 130 people or so constituting a community of a group of people with a common interest. And beyond that, the claims were brought to PWI before I, too, made my declaration public. You also said the word "threat" was not appropriate. Again, the dictionary defines "threat" as 1. a declaration of intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc, in retaliation upon or conditionally upon, some courses of action. 2. An indication or warning of probably trouble.
It is Michael Mole. We've talked before. And I'm here because when I saw the link Allison posted in one of the FB groups, I thought "hmm, I wonder what they are saying about this over on PWI" and I came over to see. And ever sense, I feel like I'm one of about 5 people who knows up from down and truth from lies.

Stick around Mr. Mole, just please do not carry on that petty stuff with Tony. Realize personality conflicts exist and he won't like you and you are going on a trip with him anytime soon.

But you can Respect the differences you have.

At the days end Allison and i Just have differences. She's running her show the way she want and I'll run mine.
I apologize up front if this sounds like I'm talking down to you or anyone George, but I don't know a better way to approach this. The dictionary defines "public" as 1. The people constituting a community. 2. A particular group of people with a common interest. To "make public" is defined as "to cause to be known generally." Yes, he UAMCC forum was a closed group, but it consisted of 130 people or so constituting a community of a group of people with a common interest. And beyond that, the claims were brought to PWI before I, too, made my declaration public. You also said the word "threat" was not appropriate. Again, the dictionary defines "threat" as 1. a declaration of intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc, in retaliation upon or conditionally upon, some courses of action. 2. An indication or warning of probably trouble.

Thanks for clarifying it was all private , i thought maybe you confused it. I see your aware and it was what real people call a private group.
Allison I see we will not agree both had Faults so is there a need to continue here. Damage to my reputation won't happen to those who actually know me or the membership as most viewed the conversation we both had faults. I owned up to mine, now yours are viral and making everyone look stupid.

At the days End it will not Hurt me because the driving Force behind you will Leave you when they are through. I was loyal to you for years and provided you help. We hit a bump and you flew off the Deep end. Lets post a few of the things I have done for you personally.

1. Privately Hired you for JOBS
2. Allowed you to attend events
3. Bought you a dinner or two
4. Gave you Free space
5. Helped you sell Books
6. took my own time to help find people with content
7. Brought you Flowers when you didn't feel well
8. You entered a few contest an won and iPad
Basically was a fool

Allison I never once asked you for anything special or wasn't willing to pay for. I didn't post those things to mark up a Score, its hurts a person when you have done so much for them and you thought it was a friendship.


Funny I'm being called a liar here.

All for stating my opinion that Allison is "bought and paid for"

Other things are being attributed to me like "he said Ron gave Allison the all the content she asked for" and other such nonsense that I never said.

Between around 10,000 posts among all the boards, and this is all you can come up with to "prove" I'm a "liar" and "deceitful"?

That speaks volumes about those accusing me of such things.

I'm "in your face" - I'll own that.

I'm "not politically correct". - I'll own that too.

I am mean, sarcastic, smart alec, and quite a few other things that many people don't like. - I will own that too.

But the one thing I am not - is a liar.

And you guys just proved it with this ridiculous accusation and the lack of any historical proof that shows I am not 100% truthful out of five years and thousands of threads.


And Thanks.
Exactly what I was wondering, Michael.
It's fine for one party to act in good faith and extend some patience, but the line has to be drawn if there is not reciprocation.
That's just a general observation, but it seems to apply here based on what I've read tonight.

I guess no one realizes if nothing was in writing then we had no agreement. How could I have failed to provide what was needed if it was not in writing?

I guess you can't win a Negotiation when the party never intended to follow the agreement if written anyways.

If you provide 99% they provide 5% in good faith seems you might want to get out. We did
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