Chris whats on the other side?
Chris Please Post a Link to all your Cards, Chris Sells Cards for use in Residential that are Proven. You guys should look at these great Cards.
I really liked one he used in NOLA at the event. Great Card
Chris whats on the other side?
Don't Over Think the Think, Over Do the Do.
Pay the cash to have your card professionally designed. This thing is only going to get you low paying customer calls because it looks cheap. You know I'm just being straight up with you man.
Look at the other guys card.... who would you call?
Chris whats on the other side?
Don't Over Think the Think, Over Do the Do.
Take heed and listen to what Chris L. says.
My opinion, I dont like it. You'll get a better response if you slap a price up there on the card. Something like "House Washing $247" up to xxxx amt of sq ft.
I would test that card you made on a limited scale just to see.
Design can be done in-house, paper&printing must be done by pro. IMO..
Chris Please Post a Link to all your Cards, Chris Sells Cards for use in Residential that are Proven. You guys should look at these great Cards.
I really liked one he used in NOLA at the event. Great Card
This is just a quick rendition of yours, the headline is what sells
Thank you for that what did you create that in.
I noticed that house picture right away. Hahaha! Glad it works for you!
PEOPLE STOP PUTTING PRICES ON YOUR SH*T!!!! All a price does is say "hey this card has no call to action i can't sell so here is my price take it or leave it."
That's a total crock of SH*T!
Like ant said GET IN THEIR HEADS.... whats important to mommy - watching her little girl play soccer
What's important to daddy - Golfing with the guys on sunday instead of cleaning his house.
Stop selling a price and pressure washing and start selling benefits that's how i have grown my company the way I have. It's not something i made up its basic business principals ...