Tony Shelton
BS Detector, Esquire
It says to discharge your waste water to a sand trap, grit trap, and grease trap if available. It does not say anything about how you are to accomplish it. That is left up to the contractor.
Obviously if you are washing over one of these you do not need to pick up the waste water in order to accomplish the discharge.
To be honest Tony, you do not comprehend very well the written word.
What level is you academic training?
I don't know what you are trying to pull here.
My comprehension of the written word is sufficient enough to know that your BMP's call for using the "sand trap, grit trap, and grease trap if available" PRIOR to discharging it into the SANITARY SEWER, NOT as a proper way to dispose of runoff when the circumstances warrant.
From your writings any reasonable person would draw the conclusion that this water would have to be picked up and put in the sanitary sewer just like Jim claims all parking garage runoff must.
Maybe you meant something else. Possibly it is your writing skills that are lacking.
Here, I'll show it to you from your own BMP from the PWNA's website:

And my academic level is adequate to spar with you and prevail Mr. Hinderliter. Anything I mention above that would be just bragging.