EPA Enforcement in 2012 Protects Communities From Harmful Pollution

I don't know how to ask more professionally.

I just want to know why you introduced emulsion and the verbiage that makes hot water the same as soap effectively removing all the exemptions we already had.

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I don't know how to ask more professionally.

I just want to know why you introduced emulsion and the verbiage that makes hot water the same as soap effectively removing all the exemptions we already had.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

As I have said before, I did not do that. i have supported the Model Ordinance, I had a great influence on it; but I did not write the entire document. The document was established from a Public Comment Period with 40 regulators and 100 contract meeting in the middle, something Washington is almost incapablle of right now.

There are parts I do not agree with, and I was repromanded by the EPA for stating my personal feelings during a conference session. I was barred for 12 months from doing training for regulators. I was reinstate when I promised to tone it down and not be so vocal.
As I have said before, I did not do that. i have supported the Model Ordinance, I had a great influence on it; but I did not write the entire document. The document was established from a Public Comment Period with 40 regulators and 100 contract meeting in the middle, something Washington is almost incapablle of right now.

There are parts I do not agree with, and I was repromanded by the EPA for stating my personal feelings during a conference session. I was barred for 12 months from doing training for regulators. I was reinstate when I promised to tone it down and not be so vocal.

It looks like you are either misunderstanding or deliberately going in circles. Prior to your 2011 PWNA BMP's there was no mention ANYWHERE about "emulsion" or "hot water being the same as soap". This is a NEW concept that YOU interjected into the NEW BMP's that you proposed to the industry and "shopped" on your own despite overwhelming opposition.

The "40 regulators and 100 contractors you are talking about are from all the way back in 1996 according to your previous posts here:


Did it never dawn on you why that is posted in EPA Region 6! Region 6 Headquarters are in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. That was posted after the July 17, 1995 Environmental Meeting that I held and is 80% based on the BMPs that I handed out at the Environmental Conference with about 40 AHJs present.

EPA Region 6 was at the meeting and received a copy. After that I managed to get the Model Cosmetic Cleaning Ordinance Posted on the Federal EPA Website.


If someone in 1996 required that hot water be considered the "same as soap", wouldn't you think there would be some reference to that fact in print somewhere? It has been 17 years since 1996!

Please do a search for "EPA Cosmetic Cleaning". Robert, for the most part the EPA doesn't recognize the term "cosmetic cleaning". Page after page comes up of you claiming that this is the "model" for the EPA but somehow the EPA must have forgotten. As a matter of fact 95% of all the chatter about our industry is you promoting yourself, the PWNA, and your own (excuse me, Michael's) company. There is nothing wrong with that, unless it is done to the detriment of everyone else!

Now I might be wrong about this, but when searching for a "MODEL ORDINANCE" for the EPA, there is only ONE model ordinance and it is from Region 6. It has not been changed as to add your "emulsification" addition from 2011 as of yet. So I think you are trying to confuse the issue with a 17-16 year gap.

I'm sorry to ask again, but I must because it just hasn't been answered yet....... PLEASE provide us with the reason for adding the verbiage that claims hot water cleaning is the same as cleaning with soap.
Hey Robert give Tony quickly the basic answers he's looking for then get out of Dodge. Your in a no win situation here. You can explain yourself to death and it's going to fall on deaf ears here. These few guys are not accepting your answers so no matter how you explain it which I understand it completely there still not going to accept what your saying.
Good luck.
Hey Robert give Tony quickly the basic answers he's looking for then get out of Dodge. Your in a no win situation here. You can explain yourself to death and it's going to fall on deaf ears here. These few guys are not accepting your answers so no matter how you explain it which I understand it completely there still not going to accept what your saying.
Good luck.
John. What are you talking about? Robert has come no where close to answering the question Tony put to him. If you see it somewhere, point it out. You are right in one aspect. We are not accepting the answers he gives that are lies. However, the answer to Tony's question he has not lied about. He has simply not answered it. Remember, he came here with his garbage this time. Maybe he thought enough people had forgot about the damage he has done or didn't know about it. That is not the case. He may be a nice old man, as many have said. Being nice and old does not excuse decades of destroying an industry to put money in your pockets. Gamble does it for attention. Robert does it intentionally for and end game/gain. Tell me which is worse.
With all due respect Hr. H...The stories from the 6 Contractors (No Names need to be used) would probably have been more helpful.

"Combined Sewer Systems" are just as they imply, Sewer Systems that combine human waste & storm water that go directly to the treatment plant. This has been found to be an incorrect system because treatment plants can not handle the Sewer & Storm-water flow. When it rains treatment plants are overwhelmed by the combined flow and then "Wash Out" into receiving streams, In most cases sending millions of gallons of raw sewage into waterways that everyone seem to be concerned about. Cities around the country are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to "Split" these systems because of the tremendous damage this is doing to our environment.

Again with all due respect the "Knee Jerk Reaction" in Houston had nothing to do with your comment as to "Why" it happened. The evidence of this is on the CD's that Michael sent me from the meetings there. The years of misinformation Houston received was averted by a few concerned knowledgeable Contractors in just a few months, not years.

Again hyper-linking this article and info into a pressure washing board is wrong IMO, and I really wish you would stop doing this. There would be no problem just posting the article without all the hyperlinks.

Someone researching pressure washing or pollution (Because of your hyperlinks) could come across this and come away thinking that Pressure Washers & Pollution are or go "Hand In Hand", and I'm sure you wouldn't want that kind of misinformation out there for another "Knee Jerk Reaction" from another City like Houston.....would you?

I would ask the moderators to move this thread to a Non-searchable area ASAP.
I agree this is wrong linking this to our industry. All it does is put a target on us. IMHO Why dont we throw up a red flag and say OVER HERE, OVER HERE>
Another example of unprofessional comments and accusations.

Why do you make statements you know are not true? Is this the theory that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be believed?

Robert, I'm trying to find out where you fit in here. You just told us you no longer own the two businesses that made your a contractor and/or a distributor/manufacturer. If that is a case, then the PWNA has an environmental director that no longer has an interest in the outcome of all this rather than just as a hobby. That's frightening.
Robert, you have many people here who are PWNA members, my last count was around 180 of your 200 something membership.

Whats your stance on any of these people having any say in there future with this?

Do you have any feed back from your members?

Do you poll them ever on BOD items or listen to there thoughts or opinions on these matters.

Do you have a list of the members? I can recall that through most of your rein at the PWNA the org did not know who its members where.

Hundreds certified over the years but no one knows who or how many.

Professionally this has not helped us, not much.

Here's is a Funny, washing Trucks on a Dirt pad when you called for concrete containment. This is a director certifying the future washers, whats it going to be?

Are we going to do this right or not?


Here's my next question Robert, why replace you after 25 years?

Second with who?

No one in our industry could make heads or tales out of the confusion you have created.

This certainly becomes Dangerous, your leaders do not understand the negative impact of your program without complete attention to details.

We do not NEED more Houston's.

Looks Like this Person
Tony give Robert 5 questions short and sweet so he can answer them. Do it like this because Robert is so smart his answers are here but we need them dummy downed so we can understand them better.

I have given him one question for a few days now. Still waiting for an answer.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I have given him one question for a few days now. Still waiting for an answer.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Join the pwna , then you will get the answer.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Originally Posted by Tony Shelton
I don't know how to ask more professionally.

I just want to know why you introduced emulsion and the verbiage that makes hot water the same as soap effectively removing all the exemptions we already had.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
As I have said before, I did not do that.

He's answered your question right there.
Originally Posted by Tony Shelton
I don't know how to ask more professionally.

I just want to know why you introduced emulsion and the verbiage that makes hot water the same as soap effectively removing all the exemptions we already had.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

As I have said before, I did not do that.

He's answered your question right there.

John, Tony is trying to get an answer, not a lie. So far Robert has not answered him. Robert has a tendency to avoid the truth by copying and pasting vague things or just flat out lying as he did to us about Charlotte and his bullhorn.
So who is the UAMCC enviro chair these days?? Ron or Tony or Billy Booze?

Scott Stone & Jerry

We have Associates on all committees

The enviro Team at the UAMCC is 50 guys from each state and 10 Regional Directors

The regional Directors are the Chair for there Region and report to Scott Stone, his total team is 60 some people.

Each regional Director is responsible for his or her area Solely. Since these regions are driven by the EPA we used there chart for separation. This will avoid issues of things not needed in those regions, this will customize the program to fit the contractors needs in that region. We are still united with one Focus...

I suggest you start a thread on UAMCC for further discussion. At the UAMCC we involve the industry we represent, the entire industry not just the few who think they are the industry.
So who is the UAMCC enviro chair these days?? Ron or Tony or Billy Booze?

Scott Stone & Jerry

We have Associates on all committees

The enviro Team at the UAMCC is 50 guys from each state and 10 Regional Directors

The regional Directors are the Chair for there Region and report to Scott Stone, his total team is 60 some people.

Each regional Director is responsible for his or her area Solely. Since these regions are driven by the EPA we used there chart for separation. This will avoid issues of things not needed in those regions, this will customize the program to fit the contractors needs in that region. We are still united with one Focus...

I suggest you start a thread on UAMCC for further discussion. At the UAMCC we involve the industry we represent, the entire industry not just the few who think they are the industry.

Scott Stone & Jerry

We have Associates on all committees

The enviro Team at the UAMCC is 50 guys from each state and 10 Regional Directors

The regional Directors are the Chair for there Region and report to Scott Stone, his total team is 60 some people.

Each regional Director is responsible for his or her area Solely. Since these regions are driven by the EPA we used there chart for separation. This will avoid issues of things not needed in those regions, this will customize the program to fit the contractors needs in that region. We are still united with one Focus...

I suggest you start a thread on UAMCC for further discussion. At the UAMCC we involve the industry we represent, the entire industry not just the few who think they are the industry.

So the Enviro team for the UAMCC is 50states x 50 UAMCC members per state so you have 2500 UAMCC enviro team members. Then there's probably a leader in there per state(50) + 10 regional directors and these 60 people answer to Scott Stone. So just on the Enviro team alone there are over 2500 + 50 +10 +1 +1(Jerry M.) = 2552 members here..

Hmm sounds like with that membership alone you have around $500,000 in the UAMCC bank account.. Very impressive. Now who does Scott Stone and Jerry answer to? Is it all the BOD members?How does that work? Where does Tony Shelton fall in here since he's pretty knowledgeable with the Enviro side of things?
So the Enviro team for the UAMCC is 50states x 50 UAMCC members per state so you have 2500 UAMCC enviro team members. Then there's probably a leader in there per state(50) + 10 regional directors and these 60 people answer to Scott Stone. So just on the Enviro team alone there are over 2500 + 50 +10 +1 +1(Jerry M.) = 2552 members here..

Hmm sounds like with that membership alone you have around $500,000 in the UAMCC bank account.. Very impressive. Now who does Scott Stone and Jerry answer to? Is it all the BOD members?How does that work? Where does Tony Shelton fall in here since he's pretty knowledgeable with the Enviro side of things?

One from each state John 60 somthing total