EPA Enforcement in 2012 Protects Communities From Harmful Pollution

With all due respect, you make those statements due to a lack of knowledge.

Timothy, welcome to his arrogance. I can think of no individual person that has done more to harm this industry that Robert. Gamble is trying but most know to not take him seriously. The PWN@ has promised repeatedly to not shop BMP's. They are doing it as we speak. For the sake of the Industry the PWN@ needs to be shut down. I don't know what can be done to get Robert to quit destroying the industry. He either thinks he is helping and doesn't know any better or he is just a spiteful man.
Timothy, welcome to his arrogance. I can think of no individual person that has done more to harm this industry that Robert. Gamble is trying but most know to not take him seriously. The PWN@ has promised repeatedly to not shop BMP's. They are doing it as we speak. For the sake of the Industry the PWN@ needs to be shut down. I don't know what can be done to get Robert to quit destroying the industry. He either thinks he is helping and doesn't know any better or he is just a spiteful man.

I have personally met Robert and his lovely wife. Nice guy, sincere, and appears to want be helpful. But he ain't afraid to put on the sales hat. Despite all that he has accomplished in life, it has not been enough. Robert is so insecure about who he is that he must make one more new and bigger sale. But that does not make him a bad man. He is really and truly a nice guy. I just wish that he would find a another hobby.

I've also met the other individual referenced herein. I pray that man finds peace. You, having a heart, can not help but to feel sorry for someone who deals with the burden of inadequacy that is so huge that his every waking moment is consumed with attempts of making himself to appear to be something. Not something special, just something, anything. I can not imagine the pain that some people carry inside their head.

We do need some new reps, but whom shall it be? On second thought, maybe we don't need reps. Just leave us alone.
Robert, I will try to contain my passion on this and ask this question again as straightforward as I can:

Why did you add that "hot water = emulsification" to the BMP's and to your presentation to municipalities when they nor the EPA have NEVER used that phraseology to limit hot water cleaning in the past?

It's like being required to put a catalytic converter on your car, then going to congress and saying, "OK, I'll do that, but keep in mind about the methane that is produced when my passengers pass gas".

Why bring up something that isn't even on the radar?
Notice that the TC-40 Media Filter is not designed for FOGs or Surfactants (detergents); in the regulatory world if is not design for FOGs and Surfactants, you cannot use it for FOGs and Surfactants.
Robert, I will try to contain my passion on this and ask this question again as straightforward as I can:

Why did you add that "hot water = emulsification" to the BMP's and to your presentation to municipalities when they nor the EPA have NEVER used that phraseology to limit hot water cleaning in the past?

It's like being required to put a catalytic converter on your car, then going to congress and saying, "OK, I'll do that, but keep in mind about the methane that is produced when my passengers pass gas".

Why bring up something that isn't even on the radar?


Are you asking these questions and making statement as the "Official UAMCC Environmental Chairman" and stating "UAMCC Position" or as a "Private Contract Cleaner"?

Which "Hat" are you wearing? I cannot tell.

Are you asking these questions and making statement as the "Official UAMCC Environmental Chairman" and stating "UAMCC Position" or as a "Private Contract Cleaner"?

Which "Hat" are you wearing? I cannot tell.

Why is it so difficult to simply answer the question?

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Robert what hat are you wearing? The director of the pwna without a interest in the industry or a person without and interest in our industry?

I'm answering as a business man who supports his children washing. A man who protect his children against anyone trying to take food from there mouths.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Why is it so difficult to simply answer the question?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


You guys are like an attorney in a deposition, if you do like the answer the first time you ask it over and over again.

I have answered that question several times, why would you listen now? I am not going to repeat myself over, and over, and over again.

Someone else is welcome to copy and paste my answer, maybe then you will listen.

You guys do not even read the what I write; you just attack.
You are talking about a person who used a bullhorn to sell reclaim equipment at a bmp meeting with city officials. He won't answer if it hurts his bottom line.

If you were paying attention, you would know that was a demonstration; no sales pitch, other vendors were also there to show different technologies.

You guys are like an attorney in a deposition, if you do like the answer the first time you ask it over and over again.

I have answered that question several times, why would you listen now? I am not going to repeat myself over, and over, and over again.

Someone else is welcome to copy and paste my answer, maybe then you will listen.

You guys do not even read the what I write; you just attack.

Robert, I honestly don't recall ever hearing the answer. Please point me to any prior answer you gave regarding the addition of emulsification verbiage to the bmp's.

I apologize if I missed it. The last thing I want to do is waste anyone's time covering old territory.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Robert what hat are you wearing? The director of the pwna without a interest in the industry or a person without and interest in our industry?

I'm answering as a business man who supports his children washing. A man who protect his children against anyone trying to take food from there mouths.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

Another example of unprofessional comments and accusations.

Why do you make statements you know are not true? Is this the theory that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be believed?
Robert, I honestly don't recall ever hearing the answer. Please point me to any prior answer you gave regarding the addition of emulsification verbiage to the bmp's.

I apologize if I missed it. The last thing I want to do is waste anyone's time covering old territory.

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Why was PWNA formed? What is the purpose of a Trade Association? Why are their lobbyists? Why did you travel several states this past summer? Ring a bell?
Here is some of the technology you are proposing.

TC-40 Media Filter http://www.cabmphandbooks.com/Documents/Development/TC-40.pdf

Here is AHJ Training



What does this have to do with Tonys question? Robert, before you mention that I lack any knowledge on this whole thread let me say that i agree with you. so please shed a little light as to what I have been seeing/reading for the last 12 months.

95% percent of the p/washers on this board believe that you have met with represenetives from multiple agencys and proposed rules and or changes that would adversly affect the commom pressure washer and his work.

It is alleged that you wrote, proposed, touted, shopped, etc, these rules /changes while acting as the enviromental chairperson for a certain org.

It is said that you used your powers as an advocate, for the pressure washers your org represents, and proposed these changes to these agencys in order to sway the way these agencys think/thought of pressure washing , which in turn would mandate most pressure washers to buy reclaim equipment and It just so happens that you build design reclaim equipment.

So far individuals are making a strong case that this is true, and you have been asked certan questions that could clear everything up but your respnses have been a bunch of nothing. whats going on here? make a case for yourself or step away from being a represenitive to the pressure washers.
Why was PWNA formed? What is the purpose of a Trade Association? Why are their lobbyists? Why did you travel several states this past summer? Ring a bell?

I don't recall ever asking you any of those questions.

I am starting to believe that you think I am asking you what emulsification is. I know what it is. I don't need a link to a page that explains emulsification.

What I am asking you is why did you introduce the verbiage and concept of emulsification when it has never been an issue?

I can only find where you addressed hot water entering the storm drain. That is not what I am asking about.

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I found your previous answer:

I only coined three things: the term “Cosmetic Cleaning” & “Reasonable, Rational, & Logical”, and established over 110F as being Hot Water (a negotiated temperature with the EPA), otherwise Hot Water was any water that was elevated in temperature out of the tap! Everything else was already established by EPA Regulators. Any one that believes I established all of that stuff is just day dreaming and if you think about it not a logical or reasonable conclusion.

It was in this thread:


You came into the thread once, and never addressed anything about emulsification.

Try this, do a google search for "plaza cleaning without soap". You will find pages of Bmps and various EPA info.

Then try a search for "Water that is greater than 110°F is considered hot water and considered the same as using soap." You won't find anything anywhere else on the internet that says that.

Search for "Hot water is an emulsifier and similar to using a detergent". Guess what, you can go 100 pages deep and never find anything that resembles this kind of sentiment at any municipality or the EPA.

So, again, WHY, Robert? Why did something so restrictive make it into your (PWNA's) Bmp's?
What does this have to do with Tonys question? Robert, before you mention that I lack any knowledge on this whole thread let me say that i agree with you. so please shed a little light as to what I have been seeing/reading for the last 12 months.

95% percent of the p/washers on this board believe that you have met with represenetives from multiple agencys and proposed rules and or changes that would adversly affect the commom pressure washer and his work.

It is alleged that you wrote, proposed, touted, shopped, etc, these rules /changes while acting as the enviromental chairperson for a certain org.

It is said that you used your powers as an advocate, for the pressure washers your org represents, and proposed these changes to these agencys in order to sway the way these agencys think/thought of pressure washing , which in turn would mandate most pressure washers to buy reclaim equipment and It just so happens that you build design reclaim equipment.

So far individuals are making a strong case that this is true, and you have been asked certan questions that could clear everything up but your respnses have been a bunch of nothing. whats going on here? make a case for yourself or step away from being a represenitive to the pressure washers.

A Professional Question gets a professional answer, however give me a little time. Observe the responses, and you will understand the industry better.