What does this have to do with Tonys question? Robert, before you mention that I lack any knowledge on this whole thread let me say that i agree with you. so please shed a little light as to what I have been seeing/reading for the last 12 months.
95% percent of the p/washers on this board believe that you have met with represenetives from multiple agencys and proposed rules and or changes that would adversly affect the commom pressure washer and his work.
It is alleged that you wrote, proposed, touted, shopped, etc, these rules /changes while acting as the enviromental chairperson for a certain org.
It is said that you used your powers as an advocate, for the pressure washers your org represents, and proposed these changes to these agencys in order to sway the way these agencys think/thought of pressure washing , which in turn would mandate most pressure washers to buy reclaim equipment and It just so happens that you build design reclaim equipment.
So far individuals are making a strong case that this is true, and you have been asked certan questions that could clear everything up but your respnses have been a bunch of nothing. whats going on here? make a case for yourself or step away from being a represenitive to the pressure washers.