This is NOT directed at anyone in particular, but anyone that believes a checkpoint (of any kind) is good obviously believes that having rights is bad.
Our rights come first and foremost. Ignorant people don't know what their rights are and must rely on other people to tell them what they are.
If you don't know what your rights are or if your rights are being violated, ask yourself these simple questions.
* Did I harm someone?
* Did I damage someones property?
* Did I dishonor a contract of some sort?
If you can answer these questions with a 'No' then you have not violated anyone's rights.
If you are being "detained" against your will, then your rights are being violated. Detaining someone without cause is a Tort (an injury). You are being injured because your time and freedom are valuable to you (are they not?).
Licenses (of any sort) replace your rights with benefits and privileges (yes, you waive your rights). When you acquire a "Drivers License" you waive any and all rights to travel freely. You essentially have agreed to accept the terms of their [adhesion] contract. When you dishonor that contract, you have violated 'their' (corporate) rights.
Two points that were mentioned I feel I must address.
The first is Constitutional rights. We have no Constitutional rights, in fact there is no such thing as Constitutional rights. Anyone that believes they have Constitutional rights has never read the Constitution. The Constitution is a document that "limits" what the government (as a whole) can and can not do. Anything outside those boundaries is "unconstitutional".
The second is the "Miranda rights", again, this is not accurate. The Miranda Warning is a short list reminding you of your rights (the ones you have before, during and after any encounter), it does not convey any rights what-so-ever. Do you not have the right to be silent anytime you wish? Do you not have the right to consult with an attorney anytime you like?
Back to the "Drivers License". When you voluntarily accepts this contract (and it is a contract) you accept all the terms and conditions of said contract, which are codified in your State statutes. You are obligated to abide by everything associated with that contract. We can't change their rules which we agreed to abide by, but we can dispense with the contract. Warning, this is not recommended for the faint of heart or anyone that does not truly understand what is involved.
We as contractors operate under "contract law"... what's in the contract makes the law. The government cannot interfere with our contracts, unless, of course, you waive that right by accepting one of THEIR contracts.
In closing, the Supreme Court has opined that any stop is an arrest (by detainment). If you are detained, you are under arrest... period. What the Popo are doing, is investigating to see if they can make anything "stick". They have no warrant, they have no evidence, they don't have squat! They want you to fall into their trap so they will look good to their handlers.
I have had several very interesting discussions with Deputies in the past and on one occasion I informed the Deputy he was committing a 'felony trespass' on my property. He smiled and said "because I'm wearing a gun?". I said "yep". He knew damn well he was committing a crime (a felony!!) in my presence, and had no compunction about his actions.
Most of the seasoned officers know exactly what they are doing, they've been around long enough to learn through experience. The newer young officers are just believing they have the "right" to do as they damn well please (because their sarge told them so).
If you don't know what your rights are, then you have none. Keep that in mind.