The gOV Shut down, Can they Stay Closed?

We provide healthcAre to our employees as well. It costs them about $100 a month and us about $300 per month per employee. The way it looks now, we might have to discontinue coverage.

Scott We are Canceling, They will be able to get it cheaper now on there own. I do not think that will Last Long, Its another attack on Small Biz. I'll bet Companies with 1000's will provide Cheaper care. This will ultimately give them advantages in a good Economy when the labor pool is Slim picking.

I'm so Glad I'm on down Turn and nearing the End. I hope I make it with out major Hiccups.

May, 2014 I do not want my Employees to get screwed after some loyally stuck with me for the long haul. I thought a year Salary for my managers and 1000 for each year Served over 10. 500 for all under 10. The thing that sucks in the GOV will take 49% so I may gift them all 10,000 flat. Pay the Salary over the Next Year.

Propowerwash May exist after June I have not Decided what I want to do. I know in 2015 I'm taking a Year off as Planned.

Its been pretty fun run and I'm excited for the next venture, I will not miss daily employee crap despite I have been lucky.

The insurance thing is not something I want deal with for sure and feel bad for all those in small business stuck in this.

Lets Hope we can all make the Best of this.