An important note that must be addressed.
"We the People" (us) HIRED the government to take care of the day-to-day operations of running the country. While we were busy making a living, they decided to start scamming us because they knew we were too busy taking care of our own business' to notice what they were up to. These "employees" made up their own rules, regulations, statutes, "laws" and so on and started using them against us ("We the People"). WE ARE THEIR EMPLOYERS!!!
How many of you (that have employees) allow those employees to dictate how you run your business? I would venture a guess of ZERO. Since when did those employees start giving benefits to you in the way of health care and tax breaks to the point that they could manipulate you and your business at will? Do you accept benefits from your employees, or are you providing them?
YOU are the employer, the government is the EMPLOYEE, plain and simple. If you don't like what the employee is doing for you, then FIRE their ass.
Anyone that accepts any sort of "benefit" from the government (i.e. employee) is a slave to them. Your employees own your ass.
Wake up America.
Derrel we are their subjects. From the President to the guy who cleans the bathroom at Mt. Rushmore.
While we spent the last few years tightening our belts, letting employees go, losing our homes and our retirement plans they keep sucking the life out of our country. They complain and sue for not getting a raise while we all suffer, then have the audacity to complain about furloughs even when they are getting paid for them.
They send in hyped up thugs to gather their pay by pulling us over with guns in our faces and levying fines for not wearing our seatbelts, talking on our phones or failing to pay extortion fees for tags on our cars we used to use to get to work, when there was work.
They drain our bank accounts if they think we didn't pay quite enough on tax day. They fine us for "polluting" while their own crews dump raw sewage into the lakes.
Yes, we are their subjects.
We chose to be their subjects by sending our kids to 12-16 years of their indoctrination camps, just like our parents did. This ensures that no one has the education to vote their way out of servitude.
We are done for Red. Some other country needs to come in and take over. We don't have the guts or the sense to clean up our own mess.
Sound like traitor? No I am a patriot. The traitors are the ones who allowed this to happen, and continue to allow it without resistance.
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