PWNA - Who authorized this?

I haven't stated my stance anywhere to anyone because I don't have one. Read post 138 again. Especially read the 3rd sentence and you'll see for yourself.
How can you not have a stance but yet have reasonable doubt. In post # 150 you stated you had reasonable doubt. That tells your stance. Your outlook about this subject matter has certainly changed from your statement in post #138 and your statement you made in post # 150. What changed your "stance" in that short amount of time? Inquiring Minds want to know!
I Just wanna know why they dont respond. kristopher, Can you help me understand? what do you think the reason is for them not responding to this matter? If the PWNA is reading this then I strongly urge you all to speak. Settle this matter once and for all and be done, but I understand the reasoning why you haven’t and why you probably won’t.
Rance they are told they are the majority because we on the web are bottom feeders in Roberts own words.

They have blinders on and don't have a clue to the damage they cause.

They are sort of like Kris told this is helping people make more money.

Reality is Kris doesn't know Doug used to have to look left and then right because Pressure washing in Houston was cite you and let the judge sort it out.

Kris it's PWi have your own thoughts, please let them actually be yours and not someone else's .

When and if cops think your a criminal we will still help you. The other people won't.

Good luck
How can you not have a stance but yet have reasonable doubt. In post # 150 you stated you had reasonable doubt. That tells your stance. Your outlook about this subject matter has certainly changed from your statement in post #138 and your statement you made in post # 150. What changed your "stance" in that short amount of time? Inquiring Minds want to know!

How can someone have reasonable doubt and yet have a stance? Thats like me saying that guy is guilty, but I have reasonable doubt. My stance has not changed since this thing started. The reason is simple there has been NO HARD EVIDENCE presented here to show me beyond a reasonable doubt that what the PWNA is accused of is fact. Most of what I hear and read is hearsay and with commentary to convince the reader that this is what this is saying. That doesn't mean that I think someone is necessarily lying only that they may or may not be aware of the entire truth.
Alright Tony I have a proposition for you. Since you want me to see the truth of your side then will you allow me to ask you a series of questions regarding this matter here in the PWI? Better yet what about that UAMCC talk show that is coming up in 2 weeks? Allow me to cross examine you and everyone can hear the answers. It would give me 2 weeks to prepare my work. Perhaps it works in your favor and a PWNA representative will show up. However I do have some stipulations if you agree to do this.
Alright Tony I have a proposition for you. Since you want me to see the truth of your side then will you allow me to ask you a series of questions regarding this matter here in the PWI? Better yet what about that UAMCC talk show that is coming up in 2 weeks? Allow me to cross examine you and everyone can hear the answers. It would give me 2 weeks to prepare my work. Perhaps it works in your favor and a PWNA representative will show up. However I do have some stipulations if you agree to do this.

How about we dispense with the drama of a Perry Mason style show and keep this all in writing.

Ask me all the questions you like right here. My answers will be in black and white for everyone to see now and in the future.

I look forward to it.

Perhaps you can find someone, anyone in the pwna who will agree to those same terms. Good luck

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The evidence is here on PWI, it has been for years now.

Look at the email Tony has showing how Robert was trying to say that the city bmp's might be illegal and how they can pay him to change things. That by itself is a huge conflict of interest and lying right there as their bmp's are not illegal but he wanted to change them just like he wants to change other cities' bmp's around the country.

There are pages and pages of evidence here on PWI and threads showing how the pwna is letting this type of behavior happen without the knowledge of the pwna members, if the members knew that Robert is out there trying to make cities' bmp's more strict for no reason, the pwna members would not only tell him to stop but also to get out of the org and to quit getting into their businesses to say the least.

The truth and answers and evidence is right here, take a look at it and open your eyes.
How can someone have reasonable doubt and yet have a stance? Thats like me saying that guy is guilty, but I have reasonable doubt. My stance has not changed since this thing started. The reason is simple there has been NO HARD EVIDENCE presented here to show me beyond a reasonable doubt that what the PWNA is accused of is fact. Most of what I hear and read is hearsay and with commentary to convince the reader that this is what this is saying. That doesn't mean that I think someone is necessarily lying only that they may or may not be aware of the entire truth.
WOW! If you are so blind to the facts presented here in this forum that you still have "reasonable doubt" then that makes me wonder who's sandbox you were playing in while you were attending Banned Camp? Direct question to you Kris, if you have done your home work you would know that there was several text messages posted. Were those text messages hearsay? You want hard evidence? It's here Kris. All you gotta do is open up your mind and your eyes and you will find it. Tony S. has provided hard evidence. So has Ron and others as well. I hope that you can find the truth. Maybe you won't. Some people never do!
I Just wanna know why they dont respond. kristopher, Can you help me understand? what do you think the reason is for them not responding to this matter? If the PWNA is reading this then I strongly urge you all to speak. Settle this matter once and for all and be done, but I understand the reasoning why you haven’t and why you probably won’t.

Steve, I believe they (BOD) are not allowed to post on any BBS except to promote their org or org events. (Except of course if you own the PWNA and a BBS then the rules don't apply of course)
I Just wanna know why they dont respond. kristopher, Can you help me understand? what do you think the reason is for them not responding to this matter? If the PWNA is reading this then I strongly urge you all to speak. Settle this matter once and for all and be done, but I understand the reasoning why you haven’t and why you probably won’t.

PWNA Gag Rule.jpg
Steve, I believe they (BOD) are not allowed to post on any BBS except to promote their org or org events. (Except of course if you own the PWNA and a BBS then the rules don't apply of course)
That rule alone is asinine, IMO. Why would they not allow their BOD to post on another BBS? What are they afraid of? Are they trying to hide something? I guess for them, networking could expose subject matter that they don't want to address? If I were not allowed to post on another BBS then I probably wouldn't be here.
I guess that wouldnt work for me.seems foolish.
I think to avoid any conflict say's they want to be alone in an industry that has hundreds if not thousands of contractors like myself who search for information and to network with other contractors to educate myself so I can be successful as a business owner and help others. It's like they are a private group of people who want to rule over others. It's communism. If I am wrong then help me see the truth of this rule. Help me to understand the reasoning for such behavior. I gotta go to work. Hope everyone has a safe, productive and blessed day! Peace out.
Sounds like every contractor in the country needs to send their AHJ's a message what this group (org) is doing to make life harder for not only contractors but also regulators for no reason other than to try to sell everyone on more equipment or more expensive equipment when it is not needed at all and that this group (org) only represents a couple hundred contractors, not the 1,000's or 10,000's of contractors around the country and that people are really getting tired of this nonsense and many have told me that they are ready for some legal action if they don't stop this nonsense.
Thank you Doug for showing that the PWNA BOD members can not post in other orgs. Now for the second reason why some of them haven't posted; It's because some of them are in that special little camp Rance mentioned earlier. Now that we all know why they won't answer us here can we move on?
Thank you Doug for showing that the PWNA BOD members can not post in other orgs. Now for the second reason why some of them haven't posted; It's because some of them are in that special little camp Rance mentioned earlier. Now that we all know why they won't answer us here can we move on?

Kris do you Understand that Region Six said the BMP's FT worth used Illegal, the PWNA was notified and ignored this at a BOD meeting it was Recorded.

Now the BMP has been removed by Ft Worth and replaced.

Understand that Miss-direction of these officials only Lead's to difficult Enforcement that leads to contractors having difficulty complying and being looked at like Polluters. ( Industrial Waste creators)

It will not go Away until they Change, maybe a sorry I told you that your were right. Ok that parts a fantasy!!!!

Kris we can all disagree here, but stop asking people not to have thoughts or opinions. If you like that type of conversation head over to PWC or TGS
Ron, please show me exactly where I ever made that statement you are suggesting I made.

Thank you Doug for showing that the PWNA BOD members can not post in other orgs. Now for the second reason why some of them haven't posted; It's because some of them are in that special little camp Rance mentioned earlier. Now that we all know why they won't answer us here can we move on?

Kris really got no time to argue with you about what you type, either you get we are helping you with the rest of the industry or you don't.

Really if you do not see it then its ok, go on about your business. But please understand asking someone to move on off this particular subject is a TGS or PWC comment. No one is going to let this go!!!!

I do suggest that if you have no real info on why you feel the way you do perhaps you should stay out of the post. It seems you want to side track to anything but the Point!!!

So this is me asking you to stay on the point of the thread and ad to it either way. or just stay out because its obvious you really do not have a real thought either direction other than distraction.