PWNA caught in Gross Misrepresentation to Industry and Authorities

Wasn't the demo's in Vegas the ones where it was supposed to be a working garage cleaning and they ended up doing demo's instead?

This was supposed to be a working garage cleaning but instead just some demo's and they left the area with clean spots, did not clean everything to make it look uniform, I bet the hotel people were upset that they left the place looking worse than before they arrived.

I remember that one, that is where they came into contractor's back yard and supposedly invited regulators to talk about changes that were coming around the corner to shop the pwna bmp's but wasn't this the same regulators that told them to take a hike as they saw them for the liars and mis-informers that they were? I could be wrong but I think I might be right.
I was not going to respond on here unless it became a series of personal attacks. That has happened, so I will respond.
First, here are the statements I made on the other bulletin boards:
I was contacted by Robert Hinderliter on 5/17/14 and asked by him to conduct an interview and write an article based on his answers so that he could share his side of the story. He wanted to respond somewhere other than the industry bulletin boards. The information in the piece was based solely on answers given in that interview (as I stated in the actual article) and was posted on our website. It is IMPORTANT to note that this piece was not requested, nor paid for by the PWNA. It was not paid for by Robert Hinderliter either.

I contacted OC representative Jenna Voss -- who is the representative that Robert Hinderliter worked with and who initially contacted the PWNA -- on the morning of May 21. We had a brief conversation, and the questions I asked were corroborated: Did OC contact the PWNA? (Yes.) Did the PWNA write Orange County's BMPs? (No.) What were they were looking for during the public comment period? (Primarily, to make sure they were clear and easy to understand.) On this question she elaborated, adding that sometimes in an attempt to get more specific, things actually get more complicated. I took this to mean that the BMPs that Robert posted were long, as some people had already commented online that they were hard to understand. She also emphasized that industry members needed to understand that they had little to no control over changing certain aspects of the BMPs that may be considered acceptable in other parts of the country because California fell under a different set of rules. She continued by explaining that if people made suggestions that had to do with the specific requirements and regulations, they likely could not do much about them.

Since the article was published, OC Stormwater Program Chief Richard Boon has said that the information presented by Robert Hinderlter has "badly misrepresented the intentions and actions of a local public agency." They also said they do not plan to change their BMPs, which are detailed in BMP Fact Sheet IC24. Richard Boon is Jenna Voss's boss and I have corroborated that he does not plan to change the original BMPs.

However, I now have a number of questions. Were Jenna and I inadvertently discussing different documents? Why did she simply not tell me there was no public comment period when I asked? Why did she elaborate about the document changes being long and harder to understand? And lastly, why would Robert contact me and ask me to write an article based on lies, especially knowing that the UAMCC leaders would be going through it with fine toothed comb?

I have made an official request using the Freedom of Information Act to try to figure out whether this was a blatant lie, a miscommunication, or perhaps a combination of both. The OC department has 30 days to get me the information, and I will also need some time to sift through it -- and possibly conduct follow up. Believe me, I want to know the truth in this situation as much or possibly more than all of you. I will not, however, commenting further at this time.

Next repsonse:
One thing I have tried to build my 20+ year career on is professional integrity. I believe in admitting when I'm wrong. In this case, while I accurately reported the information that was given to me, and while I did state that the article was based on the information provided by Robert Hinderliter, obviously the information was not the same as what was written by Richard Boon. Again, whether that was a blatant lie or a communication breakdown or a combination of both, I don't know, but I will work my damnedest to find out and do what I can to find the truth. One thing I hate ALMOST as much as being lied about is being lied to, and if that's what it was, I will report it. However, I'm not going to assume that it's a clear-cut case of being lied to until I see evidence.

As for Scott Stone, I want to publicly say I don't believe he did anything wrong by going to Richard Boon. Obviously, Boon had the final say on what was going on so he was the person who needed to be contacted. I went to the wrong rep and was given bad information. Scott did the right thing.

I personally think the best thing that could happen now is for both sides to stop flinging assumed accusations at each other and look to see what really happened here. I assumed the information I was given was authoritative, and I was wrong. I've had at least two false assumptions made about me on PWI, and they are wrong. As the saying goes, when we assume it only makes an ass out of you (u) and me.

Now to go through your points:
As for Las Vegas, I stand behind what I wrote in the article about the event. I have stated here publicly that I was disappointed that the cleaning did not happen, but it seemed to bother me more than anyone else I spoke with. Overall, the people I interviewed – and I interviewed whoever happened to respond to my emails – felt the event was worthwhile. I realize it’s not the article you wanted. It is my understanding – because Ron sent me a text in March with the cover of the new UAMCC newsletter – that you have your own communications outlet so I would suggest running the article there.
Did I report on what happened behind the scenes? No. Do I know? No. I have tried to make it clear that I do not want to be an investigative journalist, and I have every right to make that decision. I want eClean to be a positive, practical resource that helps people build their businesses.
Before you start attacking me on the non-investigative journalism statement, let me be the first to say I realize now that I should not have interviewed Robert about the BMPs because it goes against my mission statement. Perhaps it’s because I’ve known and respected Robert for over 20 years, and I’ve seen how he fought for contractors back in the early 90’s when no one else would. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been on the receiving end of the lies and assumptions from the leaders of the UAMCC many times (several today) and I wanted to help him have a place besides PWI for his side of the story to be heard. Perhaps it’s because I’m tired of the reckless assumptions and incorrect allegations that have been made on countless industry members on this bulletin board, and with zero apologies. So when Robert called and asked me to interview him about the BMP situation, I did. Now it’s my obligation to figure out and report where the discrepancies occurred.
You asked why I haven’t talked to Robert since? Why I haven’t talked to the PWNA BOD? You are assuming I have not. Just because I haven’t reported it yet doesn’t mean I haven’t done it. I am not reporting anything until I have the facts. You can argue shouldn’t I have done that the first time? Yes, I should have. Hindsight = 20/20
Now, on to your many false accusations.

  1. The articles were not requested nor paid for by the PWNA. They were not paid for by Robert Hinderliter, or by anyone else for that matter.
  2. I did not put the document together and I had not seen it or heard about it before it was posted online last week. That is one of the big questions I have as well.
Those are the two regarding the BMP situation, but several other accusations and lies have been told in this thread, so I will tackle them as well.

  1. I did not “make up dialogue” in the document I put together on why I will not work with the UAMCC while Ron Musgraves is in charge. I did not make up the emails or screenshots I included in the document
  2. I have not posted anything about your family, other than when we were “friends” I would comment on Facebook about how beautiful your children are. I have a hard time believing I would say something ugly about your family, but if I did, please show me where and I will remove it. You continually send me a relentless barrage of texts accusing me of this, then you direct me to a post on another bulletin board that I do not own and a comment by someone that was not me. The comment was made on a thread that I started, but my thread and comments had nothing to do with your family. I have no power to remove those comments.
  3. I have never made up “blogs.” You sent me a batch of confusing texts earlier this year accusing me of things and I had no clue what you’re talking about. You said I wrote something for “Willie.” It took awhile, but I figured out it was a comment by someone that was made when the UAMCC document was posted on our site. I believe you are accusing me – again – of making up posts and using people’s names? I’m not even sure if that was what you meant – “false testimony” was the term you used – but I took the comments down out of courtesy because they were unprofessional. Then I received messages about the fact that I’m now hiding them.
  4. Next, you’re saying you “fired me?” From what? Offering you a free ad and article space, as long as it was provided by the UAMCC and I didn’t have to produce it?
Why will I not work with the UAMCC? See the above.
I would like to support the UAMCC, I really would. But as I’ve stated before, I’m not going to work with the organization while its current leader continuously harasses and lies about me and others.
Here is a question for you, with all that went down in Las Vegas, the town that Tony Shelton and some others live in and work in and after all that happened, the lies that were spread about Tony and Ron, why didn't you interview Tony or Ron about the event and how so many lies about them were made up and spread over the various bbs's out there, including the bashing of them and others.

Why, still to this day haven't you interviewed them about what happened in Las Vegas so the real truth can be put out there so people will have some truth and facts instead of the lies about them?

Here I am asking you to interview Ron Musgraves and/or Tony Shelton about Las Vegas so the truth will be put out there for all to see. I hope I don't hear some B.S. that they have to ask themselves or other nonsense like that, here it is, someone is asking you to interview one or both of them.

You like to interview what it seems to be mostly pwna members and write things about the pwna but I thought you had no bias but it seems to be mostly about the pwna, why is that? It seems like they are the ones paying you so naturally you would do more stories and interviews about pwna and their members which seems unfair to me when there are two organizations out there for the contractors but most of the interviewing and stories out there seem to be about pwna and their members.

I hope you don't take this as an attack, just trying to get some answers to these questions.
What person sits an says I'm attacking them with your story online about my wife an children. Your the most sick an disgusting.

You condone this , yes it was all in your original findings about this on ecleanmag. You wouldn't let the homo photo stuff go because you simply believe my children had not been affected. How dare you !!

Your a heartless person , pretend this didn't happen an not remove from your site the links.
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The spin doctor thinks this stuff somehow is funny.

I'm the person attacking all the while the industry sits an reads again nothing she confirmed. Just took a liars words he didn't post homo photos multiple people seen an others he admitted to.

It's ugly an you brought private conversation to the public arena.

Remove your lies about a situation that caused my family pain you have no clue of.

Why did you post blogs in others names that where derogatory about me? Why would you think again taking something said about me to you by email was true. Cowards email but won't post things because they are liars. I see you removed them. Thanks or was it because you saw my screen shots of them calling you a bitch for posting an telling me I'm sorry?

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Why am I wasting my time with you. Your lost.

The only time you choose to report anything controversial in your life was the attempt to discredit me.

You had to make crap up because over all the years there isn't any.

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Yes any fool doesn't think this is serious I have three little girls and no place on the web in 20 years I have anything derogatory about myself or especially calling my children illegitimate. What type of people do stuff like this ??? Ones you don't want as friends.

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5 days an I retire, I'm asking you publicly for the last time remove your crap of the site. I'll be happy not to mention your name ever in my life. Leave me alone !!!! Please an stop pretending it's me attacking you. Your lucky at this point I've only text you.

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It is a very sad day when someone posts things like that, just blindly believing that who they talk to as truth.

It is such a shame that people want to post stuff like that about people's families, how non-professional is that?

I was hoping that she would not do like others have done, I guess no better than the others, just lies and some people believe them without even trying to look for the truth first. It is obvious she does not even try to find out the truth about people or checking out the facts before writing, what a shame.

I forget, is her writing lies called slander or libel? I forget about those two. Which is the one that magazines have to print retracts when found out they printed lies without even trying to find out the truth and are sued? I hear about those things but get the two confused.
What person sits an says I'm attacking them with your story online about my wife an children. Your the most sick an disgusting.

You condone this , yes it was all in your original findings about this on ecleanmag. You wouldn't let the homo photo stuff go because you simply believe my children had not been affected. How dare you !!

Your a heartless person , pretend this didn't happen an not remove from your site the links.

Look at the original post here

Where did I say anything about your wife and children? The ipetition? It's not mine. It's not about eClean. In fact, I told the person who wrote the reference to your family that I thought it should be taken out -- and it was well before you started blaming me for it. As for the homo photo stuff, I don't condone the photos. But you have also told me that it was someone else (and I have the screen shot) who did it, which again points to your record of just making reckless accusations.
Mike Hilborn spends three days outside my home watching who's coming an going for three days , posts his findings about me online this is perfectly acceptable by ecleanmag. As a matter of fact Paul horsely the bod sits on the BOD at the current time. These guys are not good people an this is the type of folks she works for.

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Look at the original post here

Where did I say anything about your wife and children?

You referred to it right there, you have removed the private conversation part because I have a screen shot now of many things false in the entire story.

Allison it's right there. Your association with all the people who assault me. Your with them all, you work for one who allowed a man to sit an who knows watch my children as they came an went. It's really nasty, but it's time I tell the story. I'll have the extra time on my hands in a few days. Will you deny that didn't happen, Mike h didn't case my homes an places of business ? All while your boss knew an has never said it was wrong. I kept his comments written down. I think will all be shocked.

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You referred to it right there, you have removed the private conversation part because I have a screen shot now of many things false in the entire story.

Allison it's right there. Your association with all the people who assault me. Your with them all, you work for one who allowed a man to sit an who knows watch my children as they came an went. It's really nasty, but it's time I tell the story. I'll have the extra time on my hands in a few days. Will you deny that didn't happen, Mike h didn't case my homes an places of business ? All while your boss knew an has never said it was wrong. I kept his comments written down. I think will all be shocked.

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Mike Hilborn was removed from office because of his actions. (This happened before I ever started eClean.)
It is a very sad day when someone posts things like that, just blindly believing that who they talk to as truth.

It is such a shame that people want to post stuff like that about people's families, how non-professional is that?

I was hoping that she would not do like others have done, I guess no better than the others, just lies and some people believe them without even trying to look for the truth first. It is obvious she does not even try to find out the truth about people or checking out the facts before writing, what a shame.

I forget, is her writing lies called slander or libel? I forget about those two. Which is the one that magazines have to print retracts when found out they printed lies without even trying to find out the truth and are sued? I hear about those things but get the two confused.

Your one of the people who beyond doubt saw these photos an the people who had them in there avatars. You could Also see it was me an another person.

Allison just thinks it didn't happen, she calls me a liar in the story.

It's very personal because my 12 year old son at the time wAs affected at the time. I'm not going into the details as they are private. So are my wife's illness , she had cancer an lived through 5 surgeries which most here don't know. So let's say I was a bit busy, this was also while the Pwna was stalking my home. Alison's partner boss was a leader in the org at this time.

She doesn't know anything about my life nor will she ever. I used to bring my kids to events an such , I don't much anymore.

What would I do , oh let me introduce Ryan to the guy who photoshopped you in that porn. He's not 12 anymore , I can't control what he might do.

Let me introduce you to Paul horsely , yeah this is one of the guys who helped stalk your home. Yeah remember you where 17 with your mother in the hospital with cancer. Yeah those are the guys parked across the street. Yeah they where only in the bushes a Little while.

This stuff actually becomes laughable , I guess maybe I should write about it a long time ago.

These men are scum !!!

I know that this stuff to the reader seems only fiction able. These dummy's actually posted a confession online.

Allison didn't report this or have a second thought about taking up where they left off.

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Mike Hilborn was removed from office because of his actions. (This happened before I ever started eClean.)

Lol ..... Yeah it was All before so that makes it all ok.

Why didn't Paul get removed?

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Allusion please remove your ugly story from your site an I'll never mention the name ever.

Give the good people of the Uamcc a chance. The Uamcc is the industry, don't hurt others for your hate towards me.

Life to short Allison , I've had obviously worse things. Frankly if my girls read those articles ever in the coming years .

A guy once gave me a death threat, I played the audio for you. You said it was a papa bear protecting mama bear. Well this will be a papa bear protecting baby bear.

So have a good rest of your holiday weekend. The simple facts don't hide.

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Look at the original post here

Where did I say anything about your wife and children? The ipetition? It's not mine. It's not about eClean. In fact, I told the person who wrote the reference to your family that I thought it should be taken out -- and it was well before you started blaming me for it. As for the homo photo stuff, I don't condone the photos. But you have also told me that it was someone else (and I have the screen shot) who did it, which again points to your record of just making reckless accusations.

Reckless accusations , people here seen the photos an all who posted them. You don't listen or read well. The man you stand by posted them. They sat in his avatar on another site for months. You chose to report like now I'm lying about this when others here an elsewhere witnessed this poor behavior of a human.

If you didn't condone you would have never printed an they taken it out in the first .

Print it take it out An that ok , mean while search engines pick this crap up.
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Hey I'm at the beach today because the pressure washing has been blessed. You do what your heart tells you. People are not stupid Allison , majority know I'm a good man with positive intentions. My record speaks for itself.

Papa bear protecting baby bear!!!

We get silly a lot!
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