Apple Roof Cleaning
Roof Cleaning Instructor
Maybe we should "soften the algae" instead of the water Chris ? Calcium Hypochlorite is not as powerful as SH is, it needs a little help.Ok water softer sound good on paper but the it is going to push up roof cleaners cost. One thing water softer are going to cost 2000 - 5000 and larger tanks so they do not waste time money running to get more soft water. Sorry to say this it is going to cost to much to make CH work when you can get dot lic and pull in any pool shop get SH for a lot cheaper.
I have read conflicting reports, one says the hypochlorite ION formation is 100 percent at a PH of 10 or above, another report said it keeps increasing until PH 12.The high PH mix hits the algae (organic matter) that has a lower PH, and a PH drop occurs. LOL, maybe it will be better to raise the ph of the algae first by spraying it with the baking soda/water and THEN hit that chit
SH loses strength as it meets organic matter, or loses PH. Perhaps if we make the organic matter (Algae) a high PH first, and then hit it, we can use LESS strong SH or CH, save money, and do less potential plant damage ?