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Plastic Sheeting

Not going to argue about this I gave my opinion on the matter, bottom line I wouldn't risk the health problem or the astetic problem with the owners for a few dollars of plastic. I am sure the plastic can be used for other things but think it would best be left off of any food contact surfaces
Alexy - you made good points and you have agreement with me, it's just not worth the time and problems.
I will not reuse plastic
Cross Contamination.

This is a no no.
I just cant understand why you would want to, its nasty. I dont reuse plastic, gloves, rags or coveralls. That all comes to less than 10 bucks a job BFD
They may be full of contamination,and if they get hit with a problem and they have the opportunity to dump it off on you do you think thye will? Our industry is full of liabillities. Why give any more opportunity to get any more, the benifits far outweigh the few dollars saved.
I just cant understand why you would want to, its nasty. I dont reuse plastic, gloves, rags or coveralls. That all comes to less than 10 bucks a job BFD

10 bucks a job for one truck is about $100 per week in material....not too hard to part with $100. Look at the big picture though...50 weeks of $100 is $5000....multiply by your # of crews, say you have 10, that's $50000 per year in used thrown away material. Not saying it isn't a necessary expense, but there are ways to get that expense down.
Look at it another way – It takes time to clean and refold the plastic and time is money – if you extend the hours as you have done, your saving is in time not old plastic.
10 bucks a job for one truck is about $100 per week in material....not too hard to part with $100. Look at the big picture though...50 weeks of $100 is $5000....multiply by your # of crews, say you have 10, that's $50000 per year in used thrown away material. Not saying it isn't a necessary expense, but there are ways to get that expense down.

I agree, reusing plastic is not one of em. Another way to look at it, 10 bucks is 3 percent of the job, dont matter if its one or a million, its still 3 percent. 10 bucks is not a big deal to me on one job, just as $50k would not to 5000 jobs, still 3 percent.
I agree, reusing plastic is not one of em. Another way to look at it, 10 bucks is 3 percent of the job, dont matter if its one or a million, its still 3 percent. 10 bucks is not a big deal to me on one job, just as $50k would not to 5000 jobs, still 3 percent.

$50k of necessary expense is no big deal. $50k of wasted material is. Managing material use can save you lots of money, especially when dealing with employees. You almost have to be like a nagging old lady sometimes.
Sometimes I Clean a hood that is not too dirty and I reuse the plastic .. but if it is to nasty to handle I trash it... By the way the local nut ( Lowballer) had a little problem at one of his stores.. It seems he set the fire system off and just happened to find my sticker on it.. He asked me to recharge it I said Ok and Gave him a price of $700.00 he said he was only making $125 on the job .. he said he couldn't afford it and I don't guess he had insurance because when I metioned that his insurance could pay him back for my cost he walked away... I left and thats the last I heard of it.. I did pull my stickers off of everything.. Hmm some folks will just never learn...
Hey along time ago we used to use tarps and wash them off after every job ....LOL go figure...
Don't be so cheap. Do you wash out and re use your rubbers too?

I wash mine out, but they are about 165 a pair. I love them and they have lasted me a long time.

if you buy a good quality plastic you can reuse a couple times. We often move the plastic over and cover other equipment instead of opening another box. I personally have never rinsed any after one job and reused on another.

I have exterior used plastic over and over again and again. about six times, what we are protecting are elsectric panels and alarms.
I don't do hoods - yet. I want to learn at some point, just not sure when.
Anyway, my wife used to run a kitchen in a local middle school. She tells me she would have thrown you out and reported you to the health department and told you stick your bill up your @%% if she even thought you were reusing plastic when cleaning her hoods. Her words - not mine. She's sitting right here. Sorry.
Even though they scrub everything down daily before they use any surface, it just adds an element of danger of contamination that no responsible chef or kitchen manager would knowingly risk. And I wouldn't want to be the contractor that put them in that position.

From your customers standpoint, wouldn't it look like you were ripping them off? They have to assume that the cost of the plastic is included in the cost of the job. Then you come back with used plastic and charge the same or more to clean the same setup. They aren't stupid, they know that new plastic comes from a roll, not out of a bag or other container. Why should they pay as much or more this time?
And what if you don't notice the roach eggs you picked up from the floor of the last job, and leave them at another job that never had a problem until they hired your company? That could be a reputation killer by itself.
I just think you are playing with fire by reusing plastic. I sincerely hope you never get burned, but it wouldn't surprise me. I guess my point is, it's not something I would do for the minimal savings. I'd rather bump my prices a few dollars to cover the cost of the plastic. You've been in business long enough to have built a good reputation in your area, so I doubt for a couple bucks you would lose any business. But you do what you feel comfortable with and what works for you. This is just my opinion. I don't mean to insult anyone, just trying to give another perspective.
Come on guys you are talking about $10.00 throw the plastic even roll up and pick up and bring to the next job is not only ridiculious its being cheap.sorry if i ofended you
See, I told you. First, the cost of plastic keeps going up as fast as gasoline. Second , all of us throwing away plastic, every night. Not good for the tree huggers. They are gonna get us eventually. And the plastic I reuse is not that dirty. Sometimes it is only one spot where the grease ran down. Sometimes it is not dirty. The greasy crap we throw away. We dont fold it up We just crumble it up with the stained side to the inside. That way the dirty side is again on top. I do realize that the tops of those ovens we rest the plastic already so clean a teacher wiuld eat off it but we sneak around and do it anyway. A minimum of $10.00 a job, 3 jobs a night, 5 nights a week. I would rather buy a foamer.

OK, Look at it this way. You just cleaned a nursing home. Just a wrap and blast job. What does the plastic look like? Not a speck of grease on it. HMMMM Throw it away. Why not. I got the money. It breaks down at the landfill in 200 years, No problem.
Oh yeah, now your an environmentalist................keep reaching:rolleyes: I wonder..............if I were in your area how many of your customers I could take from ya if I just happen to mention that you do that to them?