The multitech system sounds great if you are doing parking garages that produce that much sludge.
It needs to be understood by the public that 99% of the cleaning we do as an industry does not produce this type of runoff and that most contractors don't deep clean garages at 80 gpm with a fire hose to produce that quantity of sludge.
Environmental specialties require higher expenditures on the part of the contractor and end customer. Most of us rarely, if ever, get into that type of work.
Filtration needs to be customized for each situation. The vast majority of our work needs no filtration at all in that what we are cleaning is SIDEWALKS and houses and roofs that have less on them than the surrounding parking areas, streets, and landscaped areas that run right off into the storm drain.
My son, Chris, has some accounts with companies who deal with a lot of large grease spills. This is common with the Casinos here. Food Grease Spills, for example, need to be handled entirely different. A 325 gallon concentrated grease spill on a pad can be picked up with absorbent and dumped in the trash, for the most part. What is left must be dealt with legally as well as intelligently.
The "sludge" that is left, before the vacuum, in the vacuum, and in the first section of the filter below can be dealt with using absorbents and dumped in the trash. We also have a special absorbent we have used in cleaning evaporator coils to aid in stopping leakage into buildings that works great for landfill dumping.
This filter, which belongs to Chris, is set up specifically for cleaning grease spills. As you can see, the end result is crystal clear with not even so much as an oil sheen and there is a minimum amount of sludge to deal with because the sludge was taken care of in a dry manner prior to water cleaning. Running the brush under the water at the end was to show that the sludge in the first tank was so thick it wouldn't even come off the brush using the cooler water that came out of the filter.
We have to use our brains and filter what needs to be filtered. We don't need the government or some manufacturer or distributor dictating that we have to use XX filter to be "compliant'.