Parking Garage Cleaning videos California Pressure washing equipment

Who makes that Sleek Box?
How much more dirt holding capacity does these bigger mobile systems have?

Tom does not incorporate a sand filter

but hydro blaster does have a sand filter on this one

One of the best filtration threads on PWI, although some of the earlier listed links are now dead.

Here is what is happening in the power wash water filtration world(that i am aware of)

Robert H of releases his unit, Multitech

Here is live testing

Two contractors have successfully used the system the Multitech Unit, John T (I will let John T of Clean County Power Washing post his thread highlighting the unit) and one other in Maryland on a government job

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Jim Gamble is supposed to release Crystal Cleaning Company newest mobile filter in March 2013

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As for me, Griffs Services , I have made my own mobile filter innovations in 2011 and some additional designs in 2012.

It is a road I would like to continue to explore, but all things has a beginning and an end.
Well, there are two options. The first is down the Storm Water sewer. Unfortunately, that is illegal, and you will likely suffer significant fines if you do it that way.
I manifest mine and put it in a dewatering container and let it dry out. Once it is dry, it is legal to dispose of it in a sanitary landfill. This is typically the type of landfill that is run by a large waste company, or a city, with all the barricades in place to protect the ground water. You will want to note on your invoice to the customer the approximate volume of waste, and where it was disposed of, for tracking purposes.
I know of some contractors that make a big stand on the environmental issue that take the opportunity to dump the sludge in their back yard, and complain how mush it costs them. Then they don't understand why they, or their family suffers from poor health. This is not an acceptable solution.
Correct on the above. Our problem as with most garage cleaners is one word SLUDGE!! If it goes down the Storm drain besides being illegal, you may think you will get away with it because it's let's say 4am and the garage is closed and except for your crew, no one is around...buuuuuttt.. You wil now run into a problem that's going to get you in trouble as soon as the garage is opened or the facility manager happens to come by. The sludge will clog the drain and you will have a river of water around you.

Some drain covers you can pop open and remove that metal basket that catches debris but sometimes it can get past that. Also other times there may be no basket so your screwed.

I'll post some pics tonight since Nigel put my "link" up there. I have to explain at the very least why I was calling that compact water Separator a water simulator. Didn't even realize I was doing that--- but then again working is my expertise and video taping..well just watching it thru my phone no less ,tells ya I am no Nigel or Robert in front of the camera.
Could someone post the scientific makeup of "sludge"? I'd be really curious to know exactly how someone goes about designing a filtration system to filter out something that is, as of yet, not fully identified.

Better yet, WHY would someone design and market a filter for sale without detailing exactly what filtration it is supposed to accomplish and what net product will come out the filtered end?

For example, Air filters have specific uses, yet there is a general test that enumerates their effectiveness with a chart that tells one, "hey, this is the filter you need for this particular air quality problem". Here is an example of one:

Now with that in mind, how much of the black crap we see being blasted down the pipes with Jim's firehose is completely harmless like in this video? YET, for theatrics it still looks impressive and the runoff looks like something out of a horror movie?

Sludge is like a semi solid thats a mixture of water and a solid. It is like mud that has sand in it, grime in it, contaminates in it and it can clog up a drain easily in a parking garage. There's different ways to deal with sludge and the Multitech system is the best system we used yet that is affordable and reasonable and it won't bust your bank account.

The tenant sweepers are good to IMO as well as this bobcat scrubber we used for a contractor that has a $20,000,000/yr maintainence contract for this large national compamy


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The multitech system sounds great if you are doing parking garages that produce that much sludge.

It needs to be understood by the public that 99% of the cleaning we do as an industry does not produce this type of runoff and that most contractors don't deep clean garages at 80 gpm with a fire hose to produce that quantity of sludge.

Environmental specialties require higher expenditures on the part of the contractor and end customer. Most of us rarely, if ever, get into that type of work.

Filtration needs to be customized for each situation. The vast majority of our work needs no filtration at all in that what we are cleaning is SIDEWALKS and houses and roofs that have less on them than the surrounding parking areas, streets, and landscaped areas that run right off into the storm drain.

My son, Chris, has some accounts with companies who deal with a lot of large grease spills. This is common with the Casinos here. Food Grease Spills, for example, need to be handled entirely different. A 325 gallon concentrated grease spill on a pad can be picked up with absorbent and dumped in the trash, for the most part. What is left must be dealt with legally as well as intelligently.

The "sludge" that is left, before the vacuum, in the vacuum, and in the first section of the filter below can be dealt with using absorbents and dumped in the trash. We also have a special absorbent we have used in cleaning evaporator coils to aid in stopping leakage into buildings that works great for landfill dumping.

This filter, which belongs to Chris, is set up specifically for cleaning grease spills. As you can see, the end result is crystal clear with not even so much as an oil sheen and there is a minimum amount of sludge to deal with because the sludge was taken care of in a dry manner prior to water cleaning. Running the brush under the water at the end was to show that the sludge in the first tank was so thick it wouldn't even come off the brush using the cooler water that came out of the filter.

We have to use our brains and filter what needs to be filtered. We don't need the government or some manufacturer or distributor dictating that we have to use XX filter to be "compliant'.

Cool video Tony. That looks like it's more then enough. I never cleaned hoods which is where Roberts Water Separator in that MultiTech system is coming from.

Every garage I ever did we always run into Sludge issues that is like nothing I ever cleaned. There's a garage that we have done a few times that's only around 20,000sq'. That garage because the owner of that Bldg takes care of it there is minimal sludge that we only use those landscape liners & some oil socks to cover the drains. The garage is completely inclosed and it's under ground. He's one of my best customers and he just wants his possessions clean. We just want to make sure that nothing to big goes down his garage drains. We degrease the oil spots of course and that's the only place we use chemicals on his and most other garages.

Sludge though in parking garages is inevitable that your going to produce a boat load of it and that is where my concerns and problems are at this stage of the game.

Nothing like when the garage opens up in the AM and people drive in to see a lake in there. Not a pretty thing to deal with.