
How would someone do the food part when they don't know how to cook many things, seriously?

I know you can't live on high protein shakes but when you don't know how to cook a lot of things and don't have time to eat at restaurants for better food, how do you guys do this?

Learn to cook!
Seriously, you can do it. You definitely have a handle on the technical side of pressure washing equipment, just apply that to cooking. Get some simple recipes and follow the directions. It's not hard to be a competent cook.
When you get into being a master chef it's an art, but basically it's just following simple directions.
Chris, Sample day:

Breakfast: 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, spinach, black beans
Lunch: Chicken or beef (I like skirt steak), broccoli (Or another veggie), and refried beans (or any other bean)
Early dinner: Salad with chicken, fish or beef and a side of guacamole
Dinner: Same as lunch.

Mix it up with different salsas and spices. Very simple and each meal takes less than 5 minutes to make. Chicken takes the longest so cooking the night before is best.
Chris, to be honest you don't need to worry about too much of that stuff at first. The only way to get fat like I was is be eating too darn MUCH and eating a lot of high calorie stuff like Ranch dressing, butter, anything with sugar and flour and high calorie cheese.

It doesn't do a lot of good to switch over to better quality food if your body is accustomed to eating 5000 calories per day. Drop it down to 1300-1600 and lose all the lbs first. During that time you'll be surprised how much you can learn about food and cooking. Especially when you have to make the most of 1300 calories!
Hey Chris,

Eggs for breakfast.
Veggie Smoothie for mid day snack
BIG Salad for lunch with lots of veggies and chicken
Chicken, fish or lean beef for dinner with RAW veggies

Post work out meal ---
2 bananas and LOTS of water

I take this before I go to bed and for breakfast twice a week.

This is what i take for my pre work out

And I also take
Fish oil and a multi vitamin every day.

Basically when I hit the gym I go insane on the intensity. This allows me to have my cheats of chocolate and wine.

Running will also lean you out. Do distance not intensity on running. I'm up to about 3.5 miles right now. When you get to the point where you are running the entire time....bump it up another half mile.

hope this helps man.
The only things Id disagree on are the bananas and running. You can get the pottasium you need from Spinach without the sugars from bananas. And short prints (100meters) repeated with shorts breaks (60 seconds) are shown to be better at buring fat than long distance. Its also how long distance runners train alot of the time.

I need to start taking a vitamin and fish oil supplement, ive just never been good at keeping at taking pills.
You guys are talking a whole different language from what us overweight guys need.

It's like pulling your Ferrari up next to my Econoline Van and telling me how using premium fuel will shave time off my quarter mile! hahahahaha!
You guys are talking a whole different language from what us overweight guys need.

It's like pulling your Ferrari up next to my Econoline Van and telling me how using premium fuel will shave time off my quarter mile! hahahahaha!

I eat WAAAAAAY more than 1300-1600 calories a day. I dont count calories but if I had to guess, Id say around 2500 roughly. But I get 150-180 grams of protien, eat very little carbs, and drink lots and lots of water. Keep the artifitial sweeteners to a minimum. Its not how much you eat as much as it is what you are eating.
Good point on the bananas for the carbs. My points are for the guys losing weight with minimal excercise. I rarely workout so when I need to drop 10 lbs I change my diet. If I want to cut up and get lean Ill run and take in more carbs for energy, but only before a workout. Then 50-100g of protien directly after.

I dont kow how they do 1400 calories either, I eat that before 1pm.
Looks like you're doing a good job bulking up DJ. I remember those days. Now I just want to be slim so I don't have to be a scooter jockey when I'm 60.

Once I reach 185 or so I'll start fine-tuning my diet a little better. Right now it's all I can do to take in 40c40p20f. I've been using the Muscle Milk protein powder daily after the workout with blueberries or strawberries.

I've now made it through the first half of the ABX workout doing all twenty five of each while finishing the rest of the workout doing about half. My goal is to be able to do the whole thing within a month.

Yoga is still putting a hurting on me. It's just so boring and slow. I did make it through 35 minutes yesterday though. My goal is to make it through the whole thing without putting a gun in my mouth to ease the boredom.

I'm almost able to finish all the lifting stuff now except the pullups. But I am getting better. I can do about 5 now. The sad thing is, Fayth couldn't even do one three weeks ago, now she can do five! Oh well, I guess I'd be happy just to keep up with a 9 year old these days. I think Chris can do pullups into infinity, but He's got me by 50 lbs. I told him to strap on a bag of caustic and see if he can do all those pullups then he'll know how I feel!
Dj quit wasting your money on those high dollar fat burners.My formula will burn much more calories and its half the price.Just take them 2 times aday 1 asprin 1 nodoz and 1 ephedrine pill take these all together you will be much happier with the results.Taking in much over 35-40 grams of the greek word meaning '' first importance is a waste the body cant absorb or use it".Keep it around 35 to 40 grams of protien.Eat more calorie deficient food like vegtables and stuff is good.That means that it takes your body more calories to digest ad process it than whats actually in the food you ate.3500 calories is basically what it takes to make a pound so do the math and try several things out but a calorie is a unit of heat.In order to lose or gain you have to make this up in either calories burned or calories eaten.Bananas are great because they also contain fiber which keeps you poopin and we all know fat is excrete through pee,poop,and a bit of sweat.So the more fiber on a diet the better.
Here's something you can cook Chris. I've been eating Fiber One pancakes since they were the lowest calorie I could find. Here's the breakdown of 5 of those with sugar free syrup and no butter:

59 carbs 6 fat 9 protein (around 300 calories)

Forget the fiber one - here's the new recipe Chris:

Mix 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein Powder, Splenda or Stevia to taste, in a mixer, (throw some blueberries on the uncooked side for an extra 20-30 calories if you want) Add Sugar Free Ms Butterworths with no butter. This is still around 300 calories! BUT here's the breakdown:

17 carbs, 6 fat, 52 protein!

It's not as good as pancakes at the pancake house, but I've been off sugar for so many years it tastes great to me!
Just tighten up your diet and quit hitting the gym. Its cheaper and waaaaaaay less work. Winning!! Duh!
Just so Im clear.... ordering delivery hot wings and killing a 20 pck of bottles is a bad idea????

Yall are killing me! Counting is calories is for women! If you want to lose weight dont eat a lot and run like hell. Which is probably what I need to do.
Here's something you can cook Chris. I've been eating Fiber One pancakes since they were the lowest calorie I could find. Here's the breakdown of 5 of those with sugar free syrup and no butter:

59 carbs 6 fat 9 protein (around 300 calories)

Forget the fiber one - here's the new recipe Chris:

Mix 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein Powder, Splenda or Stevia to taste, in a mixer, (throw some blueberries on the uncooked side for an extra 20-30 calories if you want) Add Sugar Free Ms Butterworths with no butter. This is still around 300 calories! BUT here's the breakdown:

17 carbs, 6 fat, 52 protein!

It's not as good as pancakes at the pancake house, but I've been off sugar for so many years it tastes great to me!

This makes me chuckle..for breakfast I has 3 waffles 6 eggs over-easy at least half pound of corned beef hash a couple burritos and a pot of coffee with 2 slices of cherry pie. I don't concern myself with dieting.....
The way you train and keep in shape changes with age. I don't do the things I did in my twenties now that I'm in my 50ties.. I can''t ! Never been over nourished or a load but I do get out of shape and pack an extra 10 to 20 lb's. By July I'll be 185 and if August is very hot 180 by September. At 4 '5" people consider me a bit over weight but strong like bull because I have a huge bone structure.
The way you train and keep in shape changes with age. I don't do the things I did in my twenties now that I'm in my 50ties.. I can''t ! Never been over nourished or a load but I do get out of shape and pack an extra 10 to 20 lb's. By July I'll be 185 and if August is very hot 180 by September. At 4 '5" people consider me a bit over weight but strong like bull because I have a huge bone structure.
