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Look what it Took to Make E-clean today, this is my rewards after 30 years

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Brian, content provided from the UAMCC according to the agreement -- which was never signed -- meant that the UAMCC would actually write the content and submit it; I would not have to write the article. While I agreed to write the article in this particular case as a favor, it took me more than a full day's worth of work to write it. That's why we offered free space but required UAMCC to write the content -- once the contract was signed, which it never was. Ron said that he knew we needed a contract, that Nichole had been out sick and no one had been able to write an article. I said I would be willing to write something myself for that issue as a good faith effort.

Who paid you to write the garage cleaning content?

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Did Ron provide the content he was supposed to, that he claims he did?

How many times do I have to repeat it? He asked me to provide content and I refused. I don't know who else he asked or what he provided.

Can you at least make it a couple of pages before making me repeat it again?

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Who paid you to write the garage cleaning content?

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I'm going to stop answering questions that are really none of your business...after this one. (I believe you are trying to accuse me of being paid to write the article.) eClean Magazine paid me to write this article. That's where my paychecks come from. Who paid eClean for me to write the article? NO ONE. Here's what I said yesterday on this same topic. Again, none of this has anything to do with the UAMCC President's actions, which was what this whole thing was about. It was about Ron Musgraves falsely accusing eClean Magazine of falling through on our end of an agreement, and doing it publicly, and board member Tony Shelton lying about us publicly as well. I am not the head representative of a not-for-profit organization that has a written code of ethics that its leaders are expected to abide by. I am not a board member who is apparently ok with letting the President and fellow board member lie publicly time and again about an agreement and place the blame back on someone else.
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I'm going to stop answering questions that are really none of your business...after this one. (I believe you are trying to accuse me of being paid to write the article.) eClean Magazine paid me to write this article. That's where my paychecks come from. Who paid eClean for me to write the article? NO ONE.

Of course he is trying to accuse you of that. He thinks you're "bought and paid for" and that telling lies is no big deal. I have a hard time believing anyone could be so dumb, but I guess when all your worth comes from one person, it is important not to see that they are a manipulative, lying creep.
I'm going to stop answering questions that are really none of your business...after this one. (I believe you are trying to accuse me of being paid to write the article.) eClean Magazine paid me to write this article. That's where my paychecks come from. Who paid eClean for me to write the article? NO ONE.

So Jim Gamble has a private event and you don't mind taking your time to actually "write" the article. Free publicity for the "garage doctor", the PWNA Western Environmental Chair.

Yet a not-for-profit org, that is running your banners and doing email blasts etc, is required to write their own and provide you "content".

Someone paid your flight and hotel at that event.

I'm not asking you any questions. Just making statements. You don't need to answer.
Never mind Tony I found it. You are exactly 12 years older than me. So if a 12 year difference makes me a "kid/young guy" well then you must be a very old man. Perhaps you would like a walker to get around? I'm getting really tired of not just you, but others here saying that I'm young. Yes I look young, but I am 33 years old (this 19th of September) I have 2 kids and been married for 4 years now. I've been in the work field since 1996. So please stop using phrases like "watching the young guys make fools of themselves".
So Jim Gamble has a private event and you don't mind taking your time to actually "write" the article. Free publicity for the "garage doctor", the PWNA Western Environmental Chair.

Yet a not-for-profit org, that is running your banners and doing email blasts etc, is required to write their own and provide you "content".

Someone paid your flight and hotel at that event

I'm not asking you any questions. Just making statements. You don't need to answer.
Any time I attend an event, I write about it. I also wrote an article, upon Ron's request, in this issue about an event I did not attend (Windows 101). I also wrote an article about the Iowa event, upon Ron's request, prior to the event. I didn't write a follow up because I personally didn't attend. (I made the exception of the Windows 101 event this month because Ron said he'd like me to write on it as the UAMCC piece, so I did.) I wrote about NCE in Tampa when I attended it. I wrote about IWCA when I attended it. I wrote about the Pressure Washing Seminar when I attended it. And yes, I even wrote about the PWNA event when I attended it. There's an example of a GREAT event that I attended in August that I wrote about in this current issue. And no, I did not charge for any of them. Yes, some paid my travel, just as Ron planned to pay my way to the February event and possibly one other this year -- if we had a written contract as agreed upon, and if he had asked me to attend and my schedule allowed. (And for the record, neither PWNA nor PWRA paid my way to their events.)
Again, I promised not to release the file you shared with me, and I kept that promise. That was what the screen shot you've used over and over was about. The non-written agreement was that we would get a written agreement. I can't tell you exactly what was in the non-written agreement because I wasn't there and I've seen no written agreement to tell me what was in it. I only saw the email that said you were to get me content...and a written agreement...neither of which I've ever received.

I don't know what we agreed upon because I wasn't there at your face to face meeting and there's no written agreement. We would have worked extra to get it rolling if we had the agreement as agreed upon.

This is the travel you planned to provide, correct? I told you I thought I could come to Iowa, but I wasn't sure because my husband was possibly being furloughed this summer. We weren't sure if he would be gone for two months or not; if he had been, I would have had to stay here with my children. I have the emails if I need to post them. I don't know when New Jersey was, but I wasn't asked to come. You said maybe next year you'd send me to Milwaukee. Again, I wasn't invited. I would have worked my hardest to make it happen.

eClean is a partnership. I am a partner, but Paul Horsley is the majority partner. You and Paul are the ones that met in person and discussed the deal. It was between you two. I don't know exactly what was said except that you would get it to us in writing, and you never did.[/QUOTE]

Great so from the Git go you never knew what you're was suppose to happen. LOL Thats and eye opener, maybe instead of saying Take your ball back we could have worked it all out. WOW!! Loss for words
I'm going to stop answering questions that are really none of your business...after this one. (I believe you are trying to accuse me of being paid to write the article.) eClean Magazine paid me to write this article. That's where my paychecks come from. Who paid eClean for me to write the article? NO ONE.

PWNA Pays you to write that LIE? you forget that you told me didn't you?

I really wish you could have worked it out because this Screen shot Clearly will tell the TALE of Deception goes back further.

Do you think when you told me you felt horrible about writing a lie that maybe it changed my attitude about working with you. See Allison I'm not perfect and I have Lied in my life but I usually as a big person have realized working with someone who is doing something not honest its time to pull away.

So I stopped , your right Allison you should stop posting because you know telling us that you didn't know the Garage cleaning event Story was BS would be BS. You also know not only from your personal admission we knew guys there.

Its not about the success or Failure folks, its about the Story Told in E-Clean and what really happened that didn't happen.

You know Allison I will answer Thad's Letter about Posting Homo Sexual Photos of leaders in our industry and it will curl your Hair. I Only hope you can show some moral Fiber to actually do what was right to do in the first place. The Industry will be watching you!!!

You're buddy Posted Homosexual Photos of a Past Director even so the truth won't lie with just me but others, perhaps more if they also decide to come forward.

I just do not even know what to say or how to say it,

Thanks all its just so wonderful being in this industry that spouts they want to work together.

When your Reading the article which I have not had a Chance to verify all miss-truth someone ask Allison if She DEny This as part of the conversation?


If she Does She's lying, if she says she did she can't be trusted.

I highly recommend you get everything in writing because this women's WORD means nothing.

E-clean Fiction Magazine for the Fakes of this industry

Paul Horsley maybe you want to be a Man and call me, I'm embarrassed for you again.


I want Everyone to READ her own Words, because she Hammers home agreements Agreements Agreements. I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word I give you my word.

By the Way I won't be asking you or Paul for your address for my attorney , I have them!!!

Allison Hester Broke Confidence as a Journalist , if you work with E-clean so stories and content you give them doesn't get Miss used please get a contract.

These Folks have been adamant about this and I Highly suggest you do not trust there word.

Paul I do not know why you could not return a call but I forgive your stupidity in not reviewing the Facts in your Magazine of Mistakes.

Hidden from the Story Allison, the truth about what the Garage cleaning Event Didn't do Bothered you.

I would have Never Posted this Allison as you and I were friends, you decided to go on and assault. Witch hunt like Mike Hilborn, maybe you have been done by the Same People?
What does the Garage event have to do with the current situation? If we are going to change the subject perhaps you should unban Jim Gamble and John T so that they might speak their side in another thread.

yeah the Garage Cleaning Event does not have anything to do with this Chris. Its all Allison writing Article about thing that Maybe didn't Happen?
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