I got them! powerwashstencils----


Sold it and two other shopping centers today. He said "The main reason I took the bait was because of your presentation and the quality of your business cards".

Thanks Ron for all of your help

That is great, I will post a shopping center one in a few days. Its different, we have the service contract right on the page.
We might have Power Wash Stencils in New Orleans.
We'll see.
We might have Power Wash Stencils in New Orleans.
We'll see.

Thad, I have the stencil. Kory is going to tote it to MB unless you say its a go.

Its a great product and was a highlight at FL. people saw it in action. They loved it.
Thad, I have the stencil. Kory is going to tote it to MB unless you say its a go.

Its a great product and was a highlight at FL. people saw it in action. They loved it.

Marc called today.
We'll see what we can work out.
I had a live chat with a lowballer on PWI live chat yesterday. Marc he will be ordering one from you soon, hes upset we stenciled his jobs he lost.

I said goodluck, explained we are using the stencil in our customer service and stenciling ourselves to make sure we are doing a great job. i told him have at it, i want to know if my people are not performing.

Of course we wont be getting rid of our quality control guy, he will still check jobs and likely find ones we need to redo. it happens
Got this email and I thought it was funny considering the manager watched me put it there and said it was awesome. Guess someone else didn't like it.lol

First Name :
Last Name :
Address Street 1 :
Address Street 2 :
City :
Zip Code :
State : AL
Daytime Phone :
Evening Phone :
Email :
Comments : Ashley, you need to remove your advertising from the sidewalk at Taco Bell immediately. Ethically, this is crossing the line.
Just spoke with the manager and he knew nothing about it. I'm going to remove it anyways, just to be on the safe side.

I wonder if it is a competitor of mine getting a good one on me?
I would email him some pics of your work instead Ash. He should be impressed with those. Competition can't stop that. :)
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/h-HGRjq2Gkk"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/h-HGRjq2Gkk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

Stencil demo florida round table
Looking forward to the videos Ron. I think they're pretty cool myself, but like Nick said, you're prolly gonna end up cleaning it all. I understand you are getting permission, but is that the agreement? If we can do this for 2 days, we'll clean your entire sidewalk?...

I have had to clean some up and we nailed them as customers.

Today was the 83 job since the stencils. Many factors come into play. I had a strong marketing campaighn allready going.

This helped alot

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Thanks guys , please have fun!!!!!!!!!