Russ Spence
Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh or you may get dimembered for that statement and i cant help ya grant is like the "godfather of PWI"
My shop in phx runs quite a bit more than 700.00..... I would say most citys a small shops going to cost about $2200 to $2500 about 1500 feet
My power bills are about 300
I wish i live in the country...
After 25 years, I am considering moving to a commercial location. Found a building w/land, office, heated shop and an area w/o heat for a warehouse. That would keep my home private, and the garage is just not large enough. Anyone who can lend me $275,000?
I understand the the thoughts, but if we all did the "what if" thing we would be afraid to do anything.
ANthony- I am in the process of building a 24' x 48'. It will be for storage of chemicals, plastic, grease filters etc. And my 52 Chev pick up and other projects. The office could go in it, BUT Cheryl says it will stay in the house. I said yes mam, and it leaves more room for projects. I have gotten package prices for $6600, not inclucing concrete. I only have 1 acre, I dont think it will crowd us.
I would love to hav a place that I could set up like Daves. The problem here is that rents are so expensive, that a space like that would cost close to $1000 a month.