Good for Ford

Lot's of men sleep with other men,
In jail!!!!!!

Gays ain't so bad, I am just glad god made me a red blooded pink taco eater!! My wife has a couple of buddies who are "Heterosexually Challenged" I was traveling the whole time my wife was pregnant with JR. and they took pretty good care of them. It's nice to know that when they have "ladies" night out anyone who approaches my wife will swiftly be scared off by the rainbow bunch.

Oh yeah to all you @#$% Suckers...GIVE US BACK THE RAINBOW!!!!!

What I don't get is how it is so cool to be queer these days. And how it is so prominent on television. It is gross. But I'm with Nicole...two babes together HOT!!!!!
they get noxious at the beach and see ladies in bikinis
nah my wife's a good girl..I ain't worried none. They'd love big ol Russ
Hey Bill, sorry I meant the median age of death for homosexuals is 42 (only 9% live past 65), it drops to 39 if the cause is AIDS. The median age for a heterosexual man is 75. I'll let you do the research yourself. It's funny that you call yourself a "progressive", are you too ashamed to say liberal? The fancy name doesn't help your lack of ideas.

Like we said though, unless you are a midget, clown, Benny Hinn or a censoring Nazi we welcome your comments and ideas and look forward to your experience and knowledge about pressure washing etc....

Ashamed to say Liberal now that’s a good one do you know the difference or do you get all your information from rush? If anyone should be ashamed it’s the republicans is that what you call yourself? As if I have to ask. Now that’s a shame.
I can’t imagine with what has happened to this country in the past 5 years why anyone with half a brain would want to admit to calling themselves a republican or what they really are a Regressive.
I see you are one of the 33% that support the boy king. Let me help you with the math that means that 67% of Americans disapprove of the idiot in chief.
Lack of Ideas wow I did two posts and already you are spewing the rightwing talking points.
Here is and Idea turn off faux and the hate radio and start thinking for yourself now there is a concept.
When you say, “Like WE said who is we? Do you still think that most Americans think the way you do?
I called you out, next time you post rightwing talking points give us links OK you won’t get off easy and say look them up yourself that’s a republican way of ignoring the real facts. Well unless you are a Fred Phelps backer WE welcome your comments.
Man I like this forum next subject…. censoring Nazi
Thank you administration for letting us enable Free Speech as long as it lasts.
Bill T
Some of the comments, especially the innuendo comments are getting out of hand. You can call me a censoring nazi if you want, but I have been on this forum since the start and have never seen it drop to this level of crudeness. Please try to use more intelligent forms of arguments. Feel free to pm me if you have a question about this. If you post in the forum, and are crude, it will be deleted by me.

Scott Stone
"censoring nazi "
Was not my statement look up a few posts and you will see it. I said that will be the next topic if he cares to back up that statement.
I called you out, next time you post rightwing talking points give us links OK you won’t get off easy and say look them up yourself that’s a republican way of ignoring the real facts.
Bill T

just like a liberal, always asking for the hand-out.

when I said "we" I was talking about most of the guys on this thread. We welcome you and your views....(no matter how wrong or right they are)

I'm a proud subscriber to Rush 24/7, matter of fact, I need to renew that in a couple days...thanks for reminding me.

What exactly do you mean by "think for yourself?" I don't think that there is a political idea out there that hasn't been thought of Bill...we either agree with one side or the other, or a little of both in most cases.

How the country has gone in the last 5 years? uhm...lowest unemployment, a nice tax cut that helped out my family a little bit, people making tons of money on their houses, kicking the crap out of terrorists around the globe, not a single terrorist attack here since 9/11, morality in the oval office instead of sexual favors, A president that's NOT a convicted liar in a court of law, outlawing sticking scissors in the back of babies heads while their feet and body are out of the womb, but their head isn't, I could go on if you like.......are we living in two seperate countries or what...under the circumstances of a major terrorist attack and an economic recession starting when he took over, I think the President has done a pretty good job. Do I agree with everything? NO....but most yes.

You are the only one spouting talking points Bill. If you don't agree, that's fine. The censoring Nazi thing you don't understand, it's kind of an inside joke with some of the guys on here. If you want to call yourself "progressive", that's great. Yes I do think most of America sides with me and they have proved that since guys started loosing elections like crazy. Your ideas are not progressive they are silly. The proof is in the pudding bro.

George Bush has never paid attention to polls (unlike Clinton) so who cares what his approval numbers are? When you are a leader, sometimes the mass doesn't agree or whatever...who cares?
Bill T:

The 33% support thing is just a poor statistic. A lot of hard-core repubs like myself are dissapointed about border policy and govt spending. We are also edgy about the addition of the "progressive Republicans".....the like that are pro-choice, etc, Guiliani, Terminator, McCain. But look at the state of events going on: an ugly war, problems in the middle East, sketchy economy, Detroit falling off the map, border, and the biggie: FUEL COST. All of this, and you have 67% of people saying, "no, I'm NOT totally happy with our President."

Sensible people realize a lot of these factors are in NO WAY the direct result of anything remotely close to the President. It's as simple as this: How are things FOR YOU??? And that is how people make their judgements. Everyone knows Iraq is ugly, and everyone is getting eaten alive by gas prices. And those two things, quite possibly, may cause the Repubs to lose the House and Senate.

The sad thing is, all the Democrats have is the COMPLAINT about these flaws. They don't have positive things to offer; only complaints about what is wrong. They'll probably win these elections simply by being Monday morning quarterbacks.......not even that. At least they'd offer solutions, the Dems just say how bad things are, so vote for us. And it may work. I'm resigned to the fact that 48% of the country is made up of morons; I hope we can count of that 5% swing vote to be sensible come election day:)
Bill T-welcome I have been with this bb since the start and you are one of the very few who has injected your political options in the dialogue. I find it interesting that your liberal skills only support liberal diversity and name calling.

The Clintons had 8 years-buy one you get two. To have Hillary in any office is a problem. The Dems have no solution to anything. They did start a land battle in Waco and in East Africa.
This talk about polictical race or polictical party, Its like whipping a dead horse.... If everyone would realize they dont care about you, me or the gum on your shoe, Its all about power and lining thier own pockets....
Thats that, Period...

Some of the comments, especially the innuendo comments are getting out of hand. You can call me a censoring nazi if you want, but I have been on this forum since the start and have never seen it drop to this level of crudeness. Please try to use more intelligent forms of arguments. Feel free to pm me if you have a question about this. If you post in the forum, and are crude, it will be deleted by me.

Scott Stone

I tend to agree, Scott.
Some of the comments, especially the innuendo comments are getting out of hand. You can call me a censoring nazi if you want, but I have been on this forum since the start and have never seen it drop to this level of crudeness. Please try to use more intelligent forms of arguments. Feel free to pm me if you have a question about this. If you post in the forum, and are crude, it will be deleted by me.

Scott Stone

Scott I think the inuendo was not directed at you or anyone on THIS forum. This is why people enjoy this site...the Third Reich runs the show elsewhere.

Here is a call to everyone who participates here...Let'$ $top hinting to the BB$ for profit $ite..we all know what goe$ on over there. We need to just keep our place here at the PWI in check and FREE for contractors by contractors. Just my 2 cents. I will do my best not to cast any additional stones onto the "scene".;)
this thread is getting wierd....