I think gays get too hard of a time. Yeah, it's kinda funny in a way. Pretty gross in a way. Strange in a way. Overblown in a way. Here is the way I see it: one cannot argue that if you are a believer in the New Testament Bible, you obviously have to concede the point that THE ACT of homosexuality is a sin. But I don't hate a guy for being gay any more than I hate one of you guys for cheating on your wife, or lying on your taxes. Wrong is wrong, but as humans we put "degrees" to things.
I believe the fact is people are born with the proclivity to be gay in their desires, or at least their natural tendancies force them into that role through societal pressures. I have a gay cousin. I remember him getting off the school bus when he was 10 yrs old, and running to his house----legs kicking out, hands flailing out to the side, like a girl afraid to soil her dress. A 10 yr old, probably didn't know what sex even was. And no, he wasn't molested, etc. He always talked "gay". Always acted "gay". People always called him "gay". I'm not sure when his first actual act was, but it certainly wasn't a surprise.
Some say "God would never MAKE someone that way". Why not?? God has certainly made me in a way where I am tempted to do sinful acts all the time. Heck, I want to pork every girl I see. Is that a flaw in my creation?? NO, I'm just allowed to be TEMPTED.
Another argument for "gays born that way". Hermaphrodites have both male and female genitals. Sometimes at birth, one 'set' is more obviously developed than the other, and the doctor will give the parents the option of "well, she'd make a better boy at this point" so she/he is made into a HE. But HE looks like a male on the outside, but is a total FEMALE on the inside (emotions, etc). Perhaps someone that is gay got that same raw deal......a set of genitals that don't match up with what is inside of their body?? That would be a tough way to live, no??
These are the thoughts I have whenever I feel like cracking an abusive joke at the expensive of a queer. Sure, they can handle a joke here and there like anyone should be able to, we're all human, but sometimes with a bunch of hetero guys the gay jokes will start bordering on 'hate', which ain't so cool. I've got friends that will scowl in disgust if they see two guys, but two women isn't a big deal.