Scott Stone
New member
I was going to go find that scripture. There are other scriptures that are even more clear and plain that say a day in the life of God is as a thousand years to us.
The Hebrews believed the entire creation happened in 6 literal days.
It could have happened in 6 billion years.
If we believe that the Bible IS inspired by God to man through the Holy Spirit we're saying basically that God dictated what to write. Therefore, if He had Moses use the word "Yom", we must accept the fact that our creator meant one 24 hour period of time or one full rotation of the earth upon it's axis.
We just don't know enough about the nature of things at the time of creation to ever know for a fact.
We do not need to know, we just need to accept that He is God and believe what He has told us.
All we have to go by is the Bible and it used the word "Yom" which means a literal 24 hour day.
I just believe that any God who could flood the entire earth leaving Mammoths frozen solid standing up with undigested food in their stomachs COULD create the entire heavens and earth in 6 days.
Lou, is there anything about the 6 days, vs 6 xxxxxx years that would influence you to either believe or disbelieve in God?
Interesting concept on what a day is. That means that God lied when he said a day was as a thousand years? It is in the bible. That being the case, where else are there distortions in the bible? Using your thought process, all translations of the bible are perfect, yet the new living translation leaves out specific verses because the translators felt they were irrelevant. Since I speak a couple of foreign languages to a certain degree, and read and write in one,andhave also read the bible in a language other then English, I can verify that there are mistranslations in either thw current bible,or in the douai bible, because though I did not catch any direct contradictions, there are many things that are, for lack of a better term, lost in the translations given.
I am not the one having a problem with the concept.
That means that God lied when he said a day was as a thousand years? It is in the bible.
Hi Scott,
We know better than that! We know God is 'truth' and there is no lie in Him. He is a perfect God and a just God and therefore can not lie or else He would neither be perfect or just. Satan is the author of all lies who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Once again, a word study of the two words chosen for "day" and their respective context shows that there is a completely different word and context for the use of day. In Genesis we're looking at 'yom' (Hebrew), in 2 Peter we're looking at hēmera (Greek). Although their definitions are similar, the context is completely dissimilar. The Greek word, hōs is used just before hēmera which is comparing a day with something. Hōs is literally translated, "as, like, even as".
So, in 2 Peter, the Word is saying (of God's patience), a day [hēmera] is as [hōs] a thousand years...
<SUP>8</SUP> But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. <SUP id=en-NLT-30491 class=versenum>9</SUP> The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
"...though I did not catch any direct contradictions, there are many things that are, for lack of a better term, lost in the translations given."
In this you are absolutely correct. For example our word 'love'. I can say I love chocolate, I love the fire department, I love my wife. We basically use the same word for numerous possible applications, however in Hebrew, there are several different words used for love according to the context. There is 'agabah', (inordinate love) 'racham', (merciful, compassionate love), 'chashaq', (longing love) and many more Hebrew words for our one English word love which we use to encompass many meanings.
In Greek we have 'agape' (unconditional love), 'philadelphos', (brotherly love), 'philargyria', (love of money or mammon), 'philoteknos' (love of ones children) and many more Greek words for our one English word for love.
This being said, that is the reason for translation differences. Still, each group of scholars goes back to the original transcripts to translate directly from them.
Sure am enjoying this thread y'all!!!! :yes4:
No formal Bible College or anything, but yes, A LOT of self-study, researching, and tremendous mentoring from my pastor.
Many people know "of" God our Father, but not too many simply "know" Him! Knowing Him by spending time in His Word, prayer, and being quiet to listen is what my desire has been for about 7 years now.
We have Bible studies with my pastor at my fire station two to three times a month and revival is breaking out big time within the department! I am also working with the fire department chaplain to become a partner with him and eventually step into his shoes sometime before I retire. After that I'd like to remain chaplain of my department or be a fd chaplain wherever my wife and I decide to retire to. Then it will not really be retirement, but a full time ministry. The fire department in itself is an extraordinary 'mission field'. I often say, "They're the nicest bunch of lost guys you'll ever meet." :wink2:
How 'bout you Al??
In Psalms 90:4 "Moses is praying" I tend to read it not has what G-d said. But as admonitions of life lessens shown "presumably through prayer" to him (Moses).Interesting concept on what a day is. That means that God lied when he said a day was as a thousand years? It is in the bible. That being the case, where else are there distortions in the bible? Using your thought process, all translations of the bible are perfect, yet the new living translation leaves out specific verses because the translators felt they were irrelevant. Since I speak a couple of foreign languages to a certain degree, and read and write in one,andhave also read the bible in a language other then English, I can verify that there are mistranslations in either thw current bible,or in the douai bible, because though I did not catch any direct contradictions, there are many things that are, for lack of a better term, lost in the translations given.
But if I see you all dressed up on a bicycle in my neighborhood I will hide and be very quiet when you ring the bell! :welcome:
I maybe I will have to go upscale, and get a 1975 pinto...
Lou, is there anything about the 6 days, vs 6 xxxxxx years that would influence you to either believe or disbelieve in God?