Responses in green.
Again, the interpretation of the written word,....... I am reading the line above and one of my interpretations is , that you want to me be afraid of what their lawyers would do to me.
Is this what you meant?
Do you mind posting literature and video of the layers of filter media so that we all can better understand how it works and its effectiveness.
Is it possible you and I can attempt to explain to my AHJ's the technology with examples of where it has been successfully employed and accepted by other similar governing agencies in the US?
Sounds phenomenal, agian,.....Is it possible you and I can attempt to explain to my AHJ's the technology with examples of where it has been successfully employed and accepted by other similar governing agencies in the US?
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What you have done is made the claim that Taco Bell is filthy and the ground surrounding it is so toxic that it has to be cleaned, picked up and treated at the sewer plant so it doesn't kill the fish in the bay. This is where people bring their children to eat. Some of them have outside eating areas. Sometimes children get on the ground and play or fall. If anyone ever did get sick for whatever reason and wanted to sue Taco Bell, all they would have to do is look up your video and their lawyer would use it to prove their case. I am almost certain that if Taco Bell knew this video was up they would take it down in about a second.
I have not been so lucky. I simply asked you to remove slanderous remarks the Jim made in his comments on the thread and you refused to do it. It has been 8 months now. I have not pursued it because my attorney said I can't do anything about it unless I have damages (lost account, etc) and the longer you leave it up there after being asked to remove it the better my case. Here is the slanderous comment I asked you to remove. It is a completely false statement:
garagecleaning 8 months ago
Nigel, I NEVER new how much crap was generated from a Drive Thru cleaning. Great Job and as always, great information. Don't let 1 person get you from stop posting this information.
I am sure if I dilute my cleaning with 1,000,000,000,000 gallons of water, it might ok? Please Tony, I have seen from your videos where your son was doing a drive thru and all of the waste went right into the storm. One day you will be fined and thats what you are afraid of. Being caught as a Polluter to waterways.
Frankly, Nigel, I don't believe a word you say.
You come off on the boards as some kind of innocent guy who just wants to do the right thing, but given the opportunity to do the right thing and remove this lie off your youtube page you don't.
So I'm not falling for it.
It is easy to tell from the comments made by the peanut gallery on the Taco Bell Video, that you are producing the desired effect. You know exactly what your videos are for. They are to show a graphic depiction of what you claim is some kind of toxic waste that needs to be removed from the property. When the reality is, as you have stated here, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS IN THE RUNOFF.
What good will it do for me to post the layers that we use for filtration if you can't even tell me what is in the runoff? How can we test the effectiveness if you don't even know what you are starting with? See, these are questions you should have been asking Robert or your buddy Jim if you were really interested in the science.
I've been in the air filter business since 2004 and have a pretty good working knowledge of what kind of filters take out what kind of contaminants. I also have the expertise of the construction industry behind me who has successfully dealt with the EPA using gravity filtration.
If you send me the data sheet of what is in your runoff and I'll personally make you a filter for that particular location. Free of charge. And I will make it out of commonly available media that anybody can buy without putting out $1500-100,000 for a bunch if generators, vacuums, sumps and bulky filters that would be ridiculous to use at a Taco Bell.
Otherwise, all is not lost, your bucket vacuum with pumpout is outstanding. It is just unnecessary in most cases. (I will use it for coil cleaning though. Thanks)