I spoke with this representative of the storm system:
John Brown
Customer Solutions Coordinator-Maintenance
CONTECH Construction Products Inc.
605 Global Way Suite 113 | Linthicum, MD 21090
Office: 410-796-5505 Ext. 1519 | Fax: 866-376-8511
and from my county
So, Nigel, if I understand this correctly, you are saying that John Brown, from Contech Construction Products, Inc, told you on the phone that his products are so ineffective that they cannot handle runoff from a properly pre-swept and drycleaned, then deep cleaned Fuel pad? But rather, can only handle the occasional rain event?
I have screenshot this thread and will be sending it to him and his boss, Mr. Keating, on Monday to verify these claims.
Anybody can make anybody say anything on the phone. I could ask "Is your system designed to deal with hundreds of gallons of gasoline and oil runoff while cleaning pads?" The obvious answer would be no.
But the question is deceptive. We may be dealing with a few hundred gallons of water, but the actual oil and gasoline content is only a tiny fraction of those gallons.
It would be like calling and asking voters "Are you going to vote for Mitt Romney or that muslim guy wants to kill you if you don't convert to Islam.
As for the second part, The local water authority is the LAST place to find accurate information about any water filtration system. They are bombarded daily with a hundred guys like Robert who have "the best system" according to them. Most of them, like Robert, love to wrap the authorities around their fingers so that they can "shop" BMP's or rules that require contractors to use their products. Thankfully, most of the AHJ's, like mine here in Las Vegas already know this and laugh about them behind the scenes.
Further, the local authorities don't want to deal with any runoff issues at all. Asking them about the abilities of a commercially available detention system is like asking PETA (the people for ethical treatment of animals) what are the kill shot capabilities of a 30-06 at 200 yards.
You seem to be so infatuated with fuel pads why have you not dissected what is actually in the runoff before filtration to find out exactly what kind of filtration you need. In other words, we have no cottonwood here in Las Vegas. It would be stupid (and completely dishonest) of me to sell my customers cottonwood filters for their condensers.
How do you know what is needed to filter this waste if you don't even know what is in it and in what concentrations?