Chris you pretty knowledgable in these areas as well. You have to admit it is pretty interesting but do you really believe a town operates like that where they just make up ordinances and regulations for the heck of it without no consideration of doing it illegally? Now the whole town can be held accountable since this stuff was just made up? Do you really believe that Chris?
Tell me what officials did that so I can research it out and pass it over to some hungry lawyers here so they can own that town and maybe I can get a piece of it myself. How much for your
I think that Robert H. video taped that event, go and watch it.
That was almost 2 years ago and I don't remember names of people that well, especially those that are clueless and are dumbazzes.
Yes, I really belive that those people are clueless for the hauling waste water regulations as a lot of people out there are who don't have CDL. That is why they were telling contractors to just haul away the wash water. They wanted to inspect your tank and trailer first but if you have a CDL like some of us do, it is not up to them when on public roads and highways if you are compliant according to D.O.T. regulations. Watch the video, you will see where they say that they want the contractors or have the contractors haul away the wash water. If you are serious and pursue this, give me a percentage that you think is fair, no problem with me on that one.
If the city officials had any clue, they would tell the contractors that only licensed waste haulers can legally haul hazardous waste or that contractors have to get the proper training, get the proper commercial vehicles, CDL with hazmat endorsement, etc..... but they did not as they had no clue about this whatsoever. Again, send me a percentage that is fair. As a responsible city or group of officials they should have told the contractors what I just typed so they would have covered their asses but they did not. Watch the video, I believe it was mentioned at least a couple times.
That is why so many vacuum and pump truck companies were there at the meeting so they can help out contractors so they would not get the huge fines by the State Police, D.O.T. officers and State Troopers, these guys know just about every regulation in the book like no cop I have ever seen in my life. I guess they are the top of the top to know so much. When you think about it, by the city not telling contractors about the D.O.T. regulations, it is a great selling point and decent scare tactics for the vacuum truck and pumper truck companies selling their services to the pressure washing contractors, who knows, maybe the city did not tell the pressure washing contractors on purpose to help out the vacuum truck and pumper truck companies? Scandal in a big city, no, it could not be so when big cities are just so honest.
Anyway, go and watch the videos and see for yourself how they had a hard time not answering my questions along with questions of other contractors in the room because there is so much they really did not know. This may seem hard to believe but watch it for yourself and listen closely and see how even when they got help answering, the answers changed several times.............(drum roll here).............................because they really don't know and contractors were paying fines for this nonsense.
Now, thanks to Ron Musgraves help going there numerous times and educating the city and officials, they are heading down the right road finally after years of being mis-informed by vendors and others that had their own purposes in mind and not reading the CWA for themselves and understanding it along with understanding properly built commercial facilities are built to handle commercial power washing without the wash water ending up in the MS4. Hope this helps and makes it clear.
Let me know when my check is in the mail.