
Last two weeks were cold and then last Wednesday started warming up and rain stared Friday night and ended Saturday night. 6.75 inches fell here in less than 24 hrs and tonight temps are back into the 30's and down to 10 degrees tomorrow night. We'll have to shut down again and that just sucks!

My god that's a lot of rain! Any flooding?
I heard some places on the east coast are expecting windchill factors of -70F, screw that. I'll stay where I'm at where it's sunny and +77F today.
It's snowing, it's cold, relax while a little the phone will still ring. On the really cold days I hope and pray for the phone not to ring as I don't normally say no, even though it is not fun to work those days. The snow and cold leads to work after, so I don't see it as a bad thing.
It's snowing, it's cold, relax while a little the phone will still ring. On the really cold days I hope and pray for the phone not to ring as I don't normally say no, even though it is not fun to work those days. The snow and cold leads to work after, so I don't see it as a bad thing.

Benjamin, this post reminded me of that great thread where you talked about flood cleanup. It was very interesting. Also, sounded like you made bank!
Tuesday brought us 8 hrs of freezing rain and Wed. am nobody around here went anywhere. Everything covered in ice. Looking for some sunshine to get some melt off. Kids been out of school all week and already canceled tomorrow. So these are the "Days of our Lives" in "Another World" because we only have "One Life to Live". LOL
-22`F and out steaming frozen heavy equipment that couldn't move as the tracks were frozen to the ground. Bundled up with 4 layers under the winter rain suit, steaming away all the mud and ice so they could all get to work. They made way more money with the equipment moving today then if they had just called it a cold day. I understand that my truck and equipment are setup for this weather, but people who pack up and say there is no money to be made in this weather need to look at the bigger picture.
Here's what the unusual weather did to the storage barn I keep my rigs at in Grand Rapids, MI. The high amount of snow we got just caved in the roof. We were blessed, none of our rigs were seriously effected, they are still waiting to dig out other people's vehicles that were stored there.

Cant wait for Spring!
Here is some pics from the last 2 days, -7 to -8`F during the day, stood outside all day steaming these out both days. You know its cold when your entire snow suit is a muddy icicle.


Not perfect, but they couldn't get the tracks to move at all with the mud and ice built up so high and it being so frozen.