Apple Cider Recipe

Chris. You have no power to affect my business. I am just asking you to stop attacking it. It's just not nice.

I never deny that you helped get us started, and I still express my gratitude for it to other contractors (ask Chris C.), and I dont attack you. I question the mixes you push like gospel, and you attack me. The attacks are one sided. I dont know why you can't handle being questioned, or there being more than one "correct" mix to clean a roof.

I think it is your ego at stake. Nothing else.

Either way, It was very rude of us to hijack Donnies thread.

Donnie for 35 Gallons use

10.5 gl Sh
24.5 gl Water
1/3 of a gallon rubbing alcohol
and 1 large bottle of Ajax.

Dont take what I've said out of context. This mix WILL clean very well.
You are correct, we both got a little carried away :(
For Donnie, you can increase the rubbing alcohol to 1 gallon if needed in that Mix.
Well you professional roof cleaners have really given me alot of information to digest. Thanks for the recipe Scott.
Chris. You have no power to affect my business. I am just asking you to stop attacking it. It's just not nice.

I never deny that you helped get us started, and I still express my gratitude for it to other contractors (ask Chris C.), and I dont attack you. I question the mixes you push like gospel, and you attack me. The attacks are one sided. I dont know why you can't handle being questioned, or there being more than one "correct" mix to clean a roof.

I think it is your ego at stake. Nothing else.

Either way, It was very rude of us to hijack Donnies thread.

Donnie for 35 Gallons use

10.5 gl Sh
24.5 gl Water
1/3 of a gallon rubbing alcohol
and 1 large bottle of Ajax.

Dont take what I've said out of context. This mix WILL clean very well.


What about adding any "soap" to the mix?...Is it only needed for the clinging effect on steep roofs?
Andy, adding soap to the mix helps with the cling but it also helps with removing all the dead mold and algae residue as well as the pollution that has settled on the Roof. As the rain hits the surface of the Roof the soap activates and assists in the rinsing process. We were Cleaning a bunch of Concrete Driveways last week where we had also Cleaned the Tile Roofs. It was raining pretty hard that day as we were working and even after several good storms in the past 2 weeks you could still see oxidation and crud coming out of the downspouts along with some soap. Most all Roofs Tile or Shingle will always look even better after a few good rains. Hope this helps!
Before you go around and buy all this stuff to clean roofs see if you need anything else besides the basics. I know guys in a lot of different states, including Florida that do not need a lot of extra ingredients. Try out a mix and see what works for you.

Every area in the U.S. is somewhat different and might need a little bit different mix, you don't know just like Larry or I will not know what exactly will work for YOU until YOU try out a basic mix and then take it from there.

You might not need anything but some surfactant for the steep roofs, you might need more things (not likely but you never know) to help clean the roofs with the no-pressure methods. It is up to YOU to see what works in your area.
I Wasn't even going to respond to this post Scott :eek:
But I would hate to see someone come across this "information" and take it as gospel truth ?
It is untrue that TSP, Borax, Surfactants, Alcohols, etc, etc, do not improve the cleaning capabilities of SH/Water alone.
You seem to have "unlearned" that Scott.

Here you are Scott, telling someone to add some Soap to their mix for "better cleaning, and use less Chemicals" :confused:
Now, you are out here saying that adding TSP or Borax to the mix makes NO difference ??? :confused:
FEW Soaps even approach the cleaning power of TSP, much less equal it.
Borax is a Potent cleaner in it's own right.
I grew up sort of, in a Junkyard.
Dad always had Borax around to HELP the bar of handsoap clean our hands from excessive dirt/grease.

Scott, are you seriously gonna sit here and tell all us roof cleaners that TSP don't work ?

It does work, and it especially works at lower concentration mixes of SH/Water.
Here is why.
Pure SH has a HIGH PH, water does not.
When we mix SH with water, the MORE water, the lower the final PH of the solution becomes.
The LOWER the PH of any SH/Water solution, the less Hyporchlorite Ion is released that does the cleaning.'
This Reaction is more favorable at HIGHER PH's.
So, we use TSP to Raise the PH of weaker SH/Water Solutions.

As far as sugggesting large pumps for newcomers goes, yes we do :)
I think it is correct to say I have trained a lot of roof cleaners.
They are instructed to "clean some roofs" with WATER until they become accustomed to the high flow pumps :)
If I am personally training them, we actually go up WITH them on the roof.
NEVER have we had anyone say "Chris, I can't "handle" this good of a pump".
ALL get the hang of it pretty quick.
Actually, we have a Forum FULL of New Roof Cleaners using these BIg Pumps :)
We aim to turn out Competitive roof cleaners Scott.

Here is our latest trainee being "taught irresponsibly" by my Men, and Me. :)

Chris is BACK
"Chris is BACK "
To bad, same old B.S. Two months "away" didn't mellow him. I guess nothing will.

Mike I like the Logo
"Chris is BACK "
To bad, same old B.S. Two months "away" didn't mellow him. I guess nothing will.
Mike, I think that is an OLD post if I'm not mistaken.
May I ask what is considered a "large" bottle of Ajax? It comes in sizes from 16oz up to 2qt.? I tried to google my question but all I found was "large"..
I also ran across some post about 34oz Ajax sold for $1, but not in my area :(..
Here is the link:


Is Ajax any better than Dawn soap?
Can I add soap in the Apple sauce as well for better clink?
Sorry if these questions are dumb or have been answered..
Try about 20 to 28 ounces of soap to a 50 gallon tank of 1/2 to 1/3 strong SH and the rest water, keep it simple.

If that does not clean good enough, change the ratio some to use more SH.

If the mix runs off too fast, add some more soap, the soap is just to help it from running off too quick.

Give it a try and experiment, it is not rocket science, nothing is going to explode if the ratios are not precise do the ounce. Give it a try and experiment.
May I ask what is considered a "large" bottle of Ajax? It comes in sizes from 16oz up to 2qt.? I tried to google my question but all I found was "large"..
I also ran across some post about 34oz Ajax sold for $1, but not in my area :(..
Here is the link:


Is Ajax any better than Dawn soap?
Can I add soap in the Apple sauce as well for better clink?
Sorry if these questions are dumb or have been answered..
I will answer for Chris on this one , "Applesauce" aka Roof Mix has TSP and 20 mule team Borax soap. There is no need to add another soap to it.

I prefer to use a 60/40 mix 60% water 40% sodium hypochlorite 12.5 to 15%, I add 10 pounds of TSP per 100 gallons of mix, the TSP does a good enough job of being a decent surfactant for me without adding soap.

Also we dont rinse and we get immediate results and the ratios run about 10 gallons per 800 to 1000 square feet of surface.
Thank You guys :)
FYI, I dont like the "cider" recipe, I dont like the alcohol, its dangerous and gives off a terrible gas and it wont last, if you have any left over you might as well trash it.

The old tried and trued 60/40 method works well and has for years.