Search results

  1. schrec

    Need Man power Help.

    Need help pressure washing parking garage in Charlottesville VA. Saturday 8/29, Sunday 8/30, Saturday 9/5, Sunday 9/6. If anyone or your employees need some weekend work call me at 7577840961.Looking for man power only, not looking to partner up or sub it out. Thanks Brian Schrecengost Lennys...
  2. schrec

    Our Sirocco System

    I should go to Hollywood and make movies.
  3. schrec

    Our Reclaim Recycle Reuse Commercial parking garage trailer
  4. schrec

    All electric setup

    Here is an idea. Feel free to run with it, if you have the means to. An all electric truck and pressure washer setup. I saw on VIA motors website that they sell electric long range vehicles. E-REV for short It is an electric motor with lithium ion batteries with it that can run 40 miles a day...
  5. schrec

    I love the police

  6. schrec

    Do they have the right?

    Is it just around here or everywhere that paper box stuffers run over your hose? It has happened so many times that at 4 am I make sure my hoses are tight on me and keep eye out for them. Just because they are there for two minutes they want to get as close as they want. One morning I had to run...
  7. schrec

    little white lies

    A customer asked me what I was going to use on his roof. I told him sodium hypochlorite. if he looks it up, it will say chlorine. I was bored, thought that would be funny.
  8. schrec

    12 volt charging problems pressure washer

    Our battery goes dead when the burner is on. I know the machine is not charging properly. A mechanic told me the stator is probably the problem. Either it is too small or it is too old. He told me to find an aftermarkewt that was bigger and could charge better. Any ideas.
  9. schrec

    My easy dual machine connector

    This is easy way to do it
  10. schrec

    Historic Nor'Easter

    We are getting hit hard by a historic nor'easter. We are good, but I hope Orr is OK in chesapeake. I had to hide my wife's keys so she couldnt go to work. Virginia is in a state of emergency. It is pouring cats and dogs, and we arent getting the worst.
  11. schrec

    Uamcc Convention

    It was Awesome. A lot of things learned. Many people took time to give a good show. The convention was a great way to hone our skills, learn new things and get other ways of how to do things. George hedley is a great motivational speaker.
  12. schrec

    mobile pwi

    I would like to request a mobile version of pwi.
  13. schrec

    Gun pulsating/vibrating

    I have a 5.5, 3500, with a K7 unloader. The gun is vibrating. I know the problem is on the skid. I just dont know where it is.
  14. schrec

    the dirtier the better

    We did this last week. I hope the pics load.
  15. schrec

    Hernia surgery sucks

    yesterday morning I had hernia surgery. This morning, at 530, I am hurtin. And hydrocodones suck, I have had tylenol 800 better than this crap
  16. schrec

    Ready to Upgrade

    We are on the bubble of getting bigger washers. I want a price quote on 2 8 gallon hot water skids, and 2 cold 8's with hot boxes. I also would like these prices to include K-7 unloaders on the machines. If you would like to give a price please email it to
  17. schrec

    salesmen percentages?

    how much do you pay your salesmen or women? can someone make this a poll? Someone has contacted us and wants 10%, to start and 15% later. I think thats too much What do you think?
  18. schrec

    New Toy

    We just got one of those roof machines. They were showin it off at the NC roundtable. I havent started it up yet, came in today. Looks pretty cool. Bet they made a killin off goin to that roundtable. Anyone else get one?
  19. schrec

    Newbie Button

    I am 25. I have been doin this for five years now. I know a few shortcuts, and easy ways, but I still ask questions. There are guys comin on askin the same questions everyday, doesn't that get annoyin? I mean come on. examples: Where can I get chlorine? Should I use low pressure on a deck? Yall...
  20. schrec

    Tinkering with my toy

    I have an Alkota 5gpm at 3000psi. I want to give it more power up to 8gpm or even 10gpm Would it be as easy as putting a bigger pump on it or engine?