Hood Cleaning School

Happy Holidays,

David, etal. I think I'll take the devil's advocate roll. This school has found a niche market and are packaging a product to people who have lost their careers, thru downsizing and the economy and have money to spend on a business venture. There customers are the same people who drive Cadillac Escalades and who view the $8,000 to $16,000 as a tangible investment. You could go to one of them and say "free" and they'd try to look for the catch! There are a lot of them out there. A business of their own means a required sizeable investment is necessary or it's not worth the effort. What I believe they get is a package deal: knowledge, equipment, certification, hand holding and business how-to. They are also the people who world plunk down money for a "yellow truck" franchise but see this as even more liberating! Most of us see it as not worth it, but we see things through greasy faceshields not rose colored glasses.

See ya
So why havent you taken his school yet Indiana? Maybe you have but I dont see that you are a certified rusty duct cleaner in your signature.

I just want to know why I should pay $8000 for the school. What makes it different from the $2000 that IKECA and PWNA charge. All of them offer certification and training but the website doesnt show why it is a better investment than the other certifications. I have seen the comparison chart on the website but it just doent seem like it's worth $6,000 more to me. I would pay $8000 in a heartbeat if I could turn it in to the kind of numbers he talks about on the website but I just dont see it.
Dear Matt,

We also offer a 3 day $3000 "Certification Only" course that is designed specifically for kitchen exhaust cleaners who have at least 1 year of cleaning experience but for whatever reason either haven't gotten certified from IKECA or PWNA but still want to get certified.

Ya'll keep asking well who certified you to certify people?

Who certified IKECA to certify? No one.

Who certified PWNA to certify? No one.

They certified themselves to certify others. I have spoken with the Southern Regional Director of the NFPA and he stated that the NFPA does not certify any organization to certify others.

Now for a little background into IKECA and PWNA. IKECA was started in 1992 by Phil Ackland and then he broke away from them in 1995 and started PWNA. Then IKECA sued PWNA for copyright infringement because they were using the same questions on their certification exam. It was eventually settled. But the point that I am making is that both organizations were started by Phil Ackland, who just happened to help write the NFPA 96 that required that you be certified, who just happened to write both "certification" exams and up until this year just happened to be the only company in the world that offered certification.

We are a true alternative to IKECA and PWNA. We are not affiliated with these fine organizations in any way. We simply agree with them in principle that kitchen exhaust cleaners should be certified to raise the standard by which all kitchen exhaust cleaners must clean by.

Now does being certified mean that you are automatically better at cleaning exhaust systems than someone else- NO!!

Experience is the only indicator of how good you are going to be. We are simply training people in a uniform manner following the NFPA 96 as our gold standard trying to raise the level of professionalism in our industry.

If our tuition is too much money for you to spend, then don't attend our training classes. No one will make you attend our school or make you become certified. But eventually it will be required that you be certified. I talk with insurance companies who are requiring that there restaurants that they insurance use "Certified" hood and duct cleaners.

Nursing homes in GA can only be cleaned by "certified" hood and duct cleaners.

Now I realize that no matter what I say on this board, someone will misunderstand what I am trying to say or take it out of context. So I invite anyone of you that would like to speak with me in person, either call me or fly to Nashville and meet with me in person. My phone number is listed at the top of our website and I look forward to any conversation that might occur.

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Hi Guys,

I'm neither for or against this school. It serves a purpose. When I first saw it I wrote about it with tongue in cheek. The fact that it is still going strong tells me that they have found their niche, namely, the guy who has money and wants to start his own work alone business, to restore the lost income from a previous "professional career". He's probably bitter to "big business" and mistrusts associates. The fact that they charge a package price is marketing savvy. They have put together a turn key operation for the uninititated. Check out the web site- they are selling the sizzle! They downplay the hours, the smells, the physical risks and challenges. The majority of people who would pay for this course would be scared off by our workers (LOL), but I'm just sorry I didn't think about it first.

See ya
As I see it your school has several problems. To start with your school is just not credible. It lacks a history not to mention you are not recognized by your peer group. That is what sets you apart.

The other issue is your profit loaded startup package. Your students will in short order notice this that your equipment is far from being the industry standard.

Your past students should speak up and give you the credibility that you need badly.


I see your point but I can say that about the PWNA & maybe the other org. but I don’t know enough about them and what steps they have gone thru.

I have spoken with rusty and he knows that I feel as well that his price is too high for me. I wouldn’t recommend anyone at that price either.

He is however just and instructor of someone’s manuals. I don’t believe he preaches any of his own theory’s as far as technical aspects. How ever I may be wrong but I understood that he uses some fire code book and phi’s material witch is the accepted standards and they are recognized.

I sorry David and Matt, I couldn’t at this point recognize any ones certification because everyone is certifying themselves with out any back up.

Plain and simple, Matt & David with your knowledge at this point would be no worse certifier than Rusty. Actually I don’t even know how many years rusty has. I also don’t know if he has any formal education. (Does Phil)????

I’m not defending either of these guys nor am I trying to pick a fight with you guys. I think this whole system is screwed up.
Hi David,

I agree with you completely, however, I don't think that their school grads know anything else about PWing except what they are taught about hood cleaning by the school- so they have nothing to compare it to. They have no reason to complain cause they don't know what to complain about. They promise to show them how and they obviously come thru. Like I say, I wish I had thought of it myself. The school grads probably don't know about this website.
If you, David with your expertise, put an ad on the net and in those biz idea magazines to train for $5.00 you'd get maybe 5 calls. Put the price up to say $2,500 and you'd be too busy for the next 5 years with training. Add $2500 more for an equipment package and you could wear a suit to work and not a rain suit, either. It's the psychology of "(high) price is only an issue in the absense of value." Demonstrate the value and people will knock down your door with their money.

See ya
Does Phil ever come to these BBS? Does anyone that writes or gives certification classes attend these Boards???????????(Maybe PETE & Chris Detter) Believe they wrote the wood for PWNA.

Trust me it’s not because they don’t want to let the information out for free. It’s because they would also be attacked by others, maybe me.

I actually applauded Rusty for being up front and honest even though his price seems high. At least he speaking the truth about his own program, it’s not any different than most from what I know. (He has the guts to speak about the problems with this whole system.)

This space is for information I wanted to type but can’t.

I think you guys should take him up on the phone call and maybe you might see where he is coming from. I have heard the same problems mentioned by you in the past and my eyes have been opening.
Mr. Musgraves,

You write a lot of stuff on these boards, some of which I agree with, but today you hit the nail on the head - right between the eyes! I agree completely with you. This certification thingy is a mess. Why not contact Phil Ackland yourself and see if he will respond to your requests. He has a website and phone #'s listed.
From my limited knowledge on the thing, Phil is the person who got the certification ball rolling in order to create a standard of training and liability. When an insurance co. goes looking for a responsible party to sue after a fire - they need a back to shove up against the wall and certification gives the hood cleaners a backbone and liability!
The rest of the certifications: deckcare & EPA are, IMHO, smoke.

See ya
I am certified by the National Exhaust Cleaners Association and the Southern California Grease Cleaners Association. I never said I was certified to certify anyone but I will certify anyone who I think is qualified, like any of the guys that have been working for me that I have inspected numerous times and am sure will clean to bare metal.

I think the problem with your website is that it just seems too good to be true and that is why you are getting so much flak. It just sound like one of those get rich quick schemes, many of which are floating around the internet right now. I don't understand why you wouldn't want to prove the reliability of your service by providing customer references. I have seen the quotes on the website but they look like recent graduates, which I am sure had wonderful experiences and learned a great deal about the business. But what about guys that graduated earlier this year. Who knows, these guys may have booming businesses now due to your training. It might be a huge boost to your business to post some positive feedback from guys that have been using your method in the field for some time.

Not that any of our opinions are worth a shit to you but some of the guys on this board have been in this business for quite a while and the points that they bring up are valid whether you believe it or not. If you have a method that is worth $8,000 and a guy could truely make the kind of money you claim then I say more power to you and I wish you all the success a man could ever have.
National Exhaust Cleaners Association and the Southern California Grease Cleaners Association?
How much did they charge you Matt? Did it come with tools?
I think there is some confusion as to what exactly we offer.

Our main course is how to set up and operate a successful kitchen exhaust cleaning business starting out as a 1 man operation and growing your company as big as you want it. Basically a turn-key business with all of the leg work done for you. It is designed for the person who has never cleaned exhaust systems before but desires to start a new business.

Cost $8000 for business, training and manuals. Equipment optional (that is you can buy our equipment package or you can buy from any source that you desire.)

Our 2nd course is offered several times a year and is only for experienced kitchen exhaust cleaners (like Mr. Bryan) who wish to become certified. It is a 3 day course, includes your training manuals and is only $3000. Not to mention if someone has been previously certified from the organizations that he mentioned above (or IKECA or PWNA for that matter), we will give him a $300 credit off of the 3 day course bringing his total cost to $2700 for the 3 day course. Not to mention as long as they continue to clean exhaust systems the certification that the obtain from us will remain active (sort of like a Lifetime member of the NRA.)

Cost $3000 for certification, includes manuals, training and certification exam. $2500 for each additional person from the same company. Minus any rebates from previously certification.

Obviously someone who has experience wouldn't pay the $8000 to learn how to clean hoods. But someone who needs the entire business would.

I'm just curious how many kitchen exhaust cleaners started out with the most expensive equipment that was available and spent no money starting their business.

It has been implied that the $8000 isn't worth it. If all we did was give you dinner and teach you to spray and go then it wouldn't be worth it. But we teach sales & marketing, bookkeeping, chemical safety, ladder safety, equipment maintenance and repair, how to set up your business, how to hire/fire employees, NFPA 96 standards, as well as how to start your business with as little overhead as possible (1 man operation working from your home with your family to help you get started.) Most people will blow more than $8000 on a piece of junk vehicle.

How much would you have spent to pay someone to teach you what you know now if you were starting tomorrow with absolutely no knowledge of how to clean exhaust systems.

Now as far as being an overnight company. Roger has been training people this business for the past 9 years. We didn't just happen. It has taken years of planning and perfecting to have a product that people want to buy.

I would like any information from the organization that certified you if you could post it here on this forum. I am always very interested in any certifying body and what it takes to become accredited from them.

You have to understand that this is a capitalistic society that we live in and although it would be nice to offer free training to anyone that comes along you know and I know that it doesn't work that way.

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Once again why should I even be remotely interested in your certification at $2000 when we are certified and run 4 crews just to service hoods?

You gloss over the hard questions. I would like to hear from your graduates. We would like to hear as to how you have reinvented this process.


You have just answered your own question. Our course is NOT for you, never has been, never will be. You are not our target audience.

Now as far as speaking with people that have completed our training I have invited them to join in our conversation but this is my discussion and they don't have a "dog" in the fight so to speak. If they have time they are free to join in, but unlike us they are busy cleaning and growing their companies.

I spoke with Scott in Chicago yesterday and he has cleaned 30 restaurants in his first 2 months of business.

Earlier this year we obtained 54 restaurants for Ron in Knoxville.

We've picked up 19 restaurants for Inbok in Las Vegas.

We got Roy from Indiana 43 restaurants this summer.

We got 32 restaurants for Jerry in north Georgia.

I spoke with Robert from Kansas today and he is starting to repeat his 6 month restaurants and is making more money than he was when he was working in a factory.

I spoke with Tracey & Shannon from Chattanooga and they are starting to repeat their 6 month restaurants.

We are working a deal now to pick up all of the TGIFriday's in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio & Penn.

We are growing a nation wide network of independent Certified Hood & Duct Cleaners and we will only grow stronger. A network of people with a different attitute towards kitchen exhaust cleaning and hopefully will bring a new level of professionalism to this industry.

We're not some "shame," but a legitimate business with sound business principles. I invite anyone to fly to Nashville and meet me and my wife in person and sit down and have a discussion about our company.

I have nothing to hide and have been as forthright with my answers as possible.

What more is there to say.

We offer a product that you're not interested in. But there might be others out there who don't have this same opinion.

I think that people like you (David and Matt) would make excellent instructors and eventually if our concept catches on nationwide we'll need people with experience like you have to help us spread the concept of being certified to kitchen exhaust cleaning. It doesn't matter to me if your're certified from us, IKECA, PWNA or any other organization that exists or might exist.

Okay then if you spoke with Scott in Chicago yesterday and he has cleaned 30 restaurants in his first 2 months of business. Thats about three jobs a week and according to your chart that is $2500 per month or 30,000 per year it will take 3 months to break even with the cost of your school if Scott did not purchase your equipment package. And over 6 months if he did

Mr. Grant,

Although 30 restaurants may not sound like a lot to a company that cleans 30 restaurants a week, for a 1 man operation, just starting, this is an excellent beginning.

Remember according to this board that is 30 impossible restaurants that were cleaned.

Not to mention we don't make any money off of his business. Once he recoups his investment he is at a zero loss and can be free to make as much money as he wishes for as long as he wishes to earn it.

No fees, dues, or royalties. And not to mention he doesn't even have to use our chemicals or supplies. And for that matter he didn't even have to buy our equipment.

So here is a average guy doing the impossible and yet he is grinning from ear to ear knowing that what we taught him not only works but he is soon going to be earning more money than he was before.

I call this a success story.

Only a cynic would see differently.

Not to mention that he has no employees, isn't having to pay Worker's Comp. insurance, isn't having to pay FICA taxes, deal with OSHA regulations affecting his business, has no office space that he is leasing, no secretaries, no accoutants, no headaches and hassles of hiring/firing employees, not having to worry if the job was done properly because he was there in person performing the work. He doesn't have to split the monies with anyone except himself.

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Okay perhaps I am being to cynical about this. Why dont you tell us about your personal experience as a hood cleaner. How long you have been doing it, where you got your training, how much money you have earned by yourself, How long you have avoided paying Workmans Comp, FICA, office rent etc...