Guess the number of Years people have in Pressure washing?

Carlos Excutive Director UAMCC 3 years ????

We know Carlos has worked for various landscape outfits with promised partnership privilages.He worked for them I'm assuming while pursuing the organization called Wrappi.

Wrappi was a wood org Carlos started and was involved in.

So Carlos concrete guy, landscape guy, pressure wash guy & wood guy. While he held several jobs with various non-profit organizations.

Carlos good bye to the industry 2years 8 months ago

It Has Been an Honor to Serve this BBS and the Industry - Feb 8th, 07, 08:13 PM

It is with much sadness to say farewell to an industry that I have grown to love and respect over the many years that I was affiliated with. I started this thread a week or so ago but did not hit the "Submit New Thread" tab here on the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> ~ I deleted everything I typed and walk away from my computer.

As I reflect back on the "ups and downs" our industry has experienced over the years I want to thank each and everyone of you for your insight and perspective. As our industry continues to take shape and evolve, I am overly optimistic that one day there will be a seamless relationship between powerwashers and a organization, in which it will continue to put the needs and desires of all powerwashers in the forefront.

Being a leader in the industry is a tough billet to fill. Though the <ACRONYM title="power washers of north america">PWNA</ACRONYM> has certainly had their share of criticism over the last year I do want to wish them the very best. I do want to publicly thank Everett for reaching out to me when I was involved with WRAPI. I walked away from our conversations feeling more optimistic about the direction and path the <ACRONYM title="power washers of north america">PWNA</ACRONYM> and WRAPI could of embarked on.

Even though I have not formally met the folks at Delco I would like to take a second and pay tribute to Robert H. for paving the path for so many. I owe so much to you sir and I thank you!!

To all my friends on the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> **this is the hard part**

Over the last 4 years I have pretty much planted myself on the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM>. I ventured out every once in a while to see what Ron's board was up to but for the most part I remained close to the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> as I considered it my home!

Ron, you have a hell of a site over there. Keep up the good work and it was great catching up with you last week on the phone!

All of you at <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> have been part of my life going on close now for 4 years! Alan, Celeste, Squirtgun, Scott S., Craig, Jon in N.M., Seymore (in the house), John T., Matt, Jeff, Aplus, Ron M., and so many more I can't name you all......

You folks are the ones that will continue to shape and drive this industry into the direction that it needs to go.

I want to thank each and every member on the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> in allowing me to share my experiences as I grew my own company from scratch to what I consider to be a very successful venture. I pray that the advice that I gave was sound and helpful. As a mod, I always tried to maintain a neutral approach to our industry dilemma's and offered what I thought was prudent but fair direction. Thank you all for allowing me the latitude to do that.

Beth and Rod - Even though I have not even met either one of you I am every so grateful to have made your acquaintance. It has been a joy to be part of the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> over the years. I am not a big BBS person, as I have a business to run, but over the years I have witnessed a sustained momentum of productivity on your board. You are fair and have a keen sense of what this industry needs as it relates to moving it's agenda!

I want to thank both of you for filling in the *blanks* for me to get me up to speed on the industries current events. Over the years I have found your advice to be honorable and reliable. Thank you.

Beth, thank you for allowing me to serve the <ACRONYM title="the grime scene">TGS</ACRONYM> as a member and also as a Mod. I know that my departure comes at a surprise to many but it is time. Your most recent selection of mods are individuals that carrry a wealth of experience in all facets of our industry and I am simply amazed of all the talent that surrounds this board. Donald Trump was once asked why he was so successful....his answer was that he surrounded himself with talented individuals. Beth/Rod ~ God Bless both of you!

My business model has changed going into '07. Several opportunities have presented themselves to our orgnization in '06 with a launch in '07. My landscape/concrete business has grown tremendously over the last couple of years and we are now focused in on growing that side of the business. Our recent acquisitions puts us in 7 Bay Area counties vs. the 3 that we were previously working in. During this time we have not taken on additional power washing accounts due to the growth of our other ventures.

Is this good bye...well kinda....I will still pop in every once in awhile to make sure that you folks are still behaving
....but I do thank you for the memories! Please stay in touch.

Carlos a.k.a Newlook
Signing off


Carlos Gonzales
United Assoc. of Mobile Contract Cleaners
5055 Business Center Drive
Toll Free: 1-800-816-3240

I once said the sucess of a try leader was to admit mistakes and change. I have changed my business along the way, what i have seen with the leaders in this industry is they held true to the basic & fundamentals of there business.

Good luck Carlos in what ever you next venture might be.
I am c o r n fused, is Carlos, the Leader Of The UAMCC getting out of the industry or did he already get out?????

Why would he start up an organization and then get out??

I just do not know what to think after reading that.
Chris, I think that post was two and a half years ago. It was before I met Carlos. He never got our of the business, I think he just focused on the concrete and landscaping end as at that time in CA contractors were grossing millions of dollars doing it. He's sort of like Tony. Not really what I would consider exclusively a pressure washing company.

Ron, I wish I could make you see this from my side of the lens. I called you out on ego on the other board. I know you didn't like it and you went off a little bit. But look at this entire thread. What purpose is there to it? All you are doing is alienating 90% of your PWI readers (guys with under 10 years). You are trying to pick on certain people because of your sour grapes with the UAMCC. Most can see through that. I've been in business and life long enough to see through games.

All the UAMCC threads.. crazy. The organization is growing by leaps and bounds. The last seven days had one or two guys join every day. I know Tony may think we are all stupid or blinded by.. something.. i don't know what. That's HIS own ego doing the walking. We've all gotten by without consulting with him on how to run a business.. imagine that. I'm sure Tony is a qualified business person but I don't see you targeting him for being a newbie to this industry.

I'm not taking anything away from you, Ron. With your experience in what you do, you have seen it all and learned all the tricks. Same with Stone. That can only come from experience. But when you start threads that have a common motiff of everyone that doesn't have twenty years spraying water is somehow inferior, I fail to see how that is helping anyone or the industry. I tease you about your greatness because I know you. When I say I know you, I mean I know you. Take that however you wish. I'm not looking to argue with you, start sh-t with you, or get into battles with anyone. At the end of the day we are all human beings that do the best we can with what God gave us. We make mistakes and the stronger among us brush off and move forward. Those that can't do that, move on and go back to working for someone.

I know I may be wasting my breath appealing to human decency but sometimes I find the immature drama that erupts from these boards to be beyond belief.

Please tell me what the UAMCC owes you and pm me a mailing address. I personally will mail you a refund if that's what it takes to make you whole. Thank you again for your well wishes.
.....He's sort of like Tony. Not really what I would consider exclusively a pressure washing company.

All the UAMCC threads.. crazy. The organization is growing by leaps and bounds. The last seven days had one or two guys join every day. I know Tony may think we are all stupid or blinded by.. something.. i don't know what. That's HIS own ego doing the walking. We've all gotten by without consulting with him on how to run a business.. imagine that. I'm sure Tony is a qualified business person but I don't see you targeting him for being a newbie to this industry.

I'm not pretending to be anything else Ken. This thread was about pretending, not experience.

Does might mean right? The democrat party grew by leaps and bounds last year. Does growth indicate movement in the right direction. If so, you need to change party affiliations to be on the right side.

I'm not a leader Ken, I'm just a follower that would prefer to follow the right leadership. I'm not qualified to be a leader. The difference is.....I know that.....and admit it.

But, I am qualified to have an opinion whether you like it or not.
I'm not a leader Ken, I'm just a follower that would prefer to follow the right leadership. I'm not qualified to be a leader. The difference is.....I know that.....and admit it.


Tony, even though I dont know you, you seem like an indusrty leader like alot of other guys here (including Ken)

Who do you follow?
I'm not pretending to be anything else Ken. This thread was about pretending, not experience.

Then grow a set and say.. "while in Myrtle Beach there were contractors that raised their hand and said they were in business longer than many believe them to be. Maybe those contractors could step forward and clear the air." That's what normal people do with respect for themselves and and for others do. Let me retrace that. Normal people worry about what goes on in their own family and business. This dancing around with lets play a game and see if we can guess how long everyone has been in business is wow.. nevermind. If someone cannot see that, I'm not going to get anywhere trying to convince them of otherwise.

I frequent these boards because I admittedly have no social life and not many local friends. I like business and it occupies most of my thoughts. Most non-business types cannot relate to that. Tony I know you and I could have intense conversations and a part of me hates that this is the way we choose to interact. Its such a waste of two great minds :to_pick_ones_nose3: :canoodle:
I'm not a leader Ken, I'm just a follower that would prefer to follow the right leadership. I'm not qualified to be a leader. The difference is.....I know that.....and admit it.


Tony, even though I dont know you, you seem like an indusrty leader like alot of other guys here (including Ken)

Who do you follow?

I follow God first, then take a look around and follow guys who have done what I'm trying to do. I follow Ron in regards to marketing. I follow Scott when trying to work with governments, I follow Jim when trying to get a parking garage, etc, etc. It's all about following successful people and adding your own touch to it to try to improve on it. (many times it can't be improved on but you save a lot of time by learning from other's mistakes.)
Then grow a set and say.. "while in Myrtle Beach there were contractors that raised their hand and said they were in business longer than many believe them to be. Maybe those contractors could step forward and clear the air." That's what normal people do with respect for themselves and and for others do. Let me retrace that. Normal people worry about what goes on in their own family and business. This dancing around with lets play a game and see if we can guess how long everyone has been in business is wow.. nevermind. If someone cannot see that, I'm not going to get anywhere trying to convince them of otherwise.

I frequent these boards because I admittedly have no social life and not many local friends. I like business and it occupies most of my thoughts. Most non-business types cannot relate to that. Tony I know you and I could have intense conversations and a part of me hates that this is the way we choose to interact. Its such a waste of two great minds :to_pick_ones_nose3: :canoodle:

My set is fully grown. My dad told me lots of guys have small ones like mine and it's a sign of royalty in some countries...quit picking on me..:crying:

This is kindof fun though. I will be happy when I meet you Ken. We will have fun.
Tony, you followed me to dinner the other night! :slap:

I'm standing behind you right now. Put down the fajita and turn around slowly.

This would have all gone a different way if you had just joined the org.

Now, get on the ground.....:welcome::angel:
Tony, remember the car rental scene from Days of Thunder? That will be our road trip.

I'm still getting over the last trip:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I invite you to go back and look at the threads about the UAMCC that I have made a statement in, you will notice, that A. I have not started one thread. and B. I have been very careful to try and steer clear of the uproar. Other people keep bringing me into the argument. You know why I left, and you know that it was not for personal reasons, but because of the concealed past of certain members, (Note, the plural) of the transition team. I have been careful not to say all that I know, and I actually have respect of certain members (Note, the plural again) of the transition team, when I left, Carlos was even one of them, but as I see him try to spin things in the UAMCC favor, telling lies about me, and why I left, I am rapidly gaining a lack of trust in him.

And for what it is worth, I could care less how long someone has been in business, as long as they are educated in their craft, and use good science.

I wasn't involved in either your indoctrination onto the team or your exit strategy. I found out about the latter when you made your resignation post. I figured that was between you and Carlos and not my concern. When I read you retired for family reasons I figured you guys had come to an agreement on something. Because I never got to know you personally, I took that you decided your family and business were being too disrupted by the nonstop grind of those early days. I knew the scrutiny the Organization would come under once it opened its doors so from day one my strategy was to help get it launched and then move on. I know this industry and I know people.

I disagree with the reasons why you left but you have to answer to your own morality and I respect that. I knew Russ's past (now that its out in the open, hope you don't mind me mentioning that, Russ) but I never held that against him or PWI. I judge people on what they are doing at the moment. There are few saints that walk the earth and even fewer are contractors LOL. I'm not a real liberal person but I do think, in my own version of Christianity, its okay to forgive if someone is trying to do the right thing.
I'm still getting over the last trip:

<EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

I remember that movie, it is very funny! hahahahaha

I wasn't involved in either your indoctrination onto the team or your exit strategy. I found out about the latter when you made your resignation post. I figured that was between you and Carlos and not my concern. When I read you retired for family reasons I figured you guys had come to an agreement on something. Because I never got to know you personally, I took that you decided your family and business were being too disrupted by the nonstop grind of those early days. I knew the scrutiny the Organization would come under once it opened its doors so from day one my strategy was to help get it launched and then move on. I know this industry and I know people.

I disagree with the reasons why you left but you have to answer to your own morality and I respect that. I knew Russ's past (now that its out in the open, hope you don't mind me mentioning that, Russ) but I never held that against him or PWI. I judge people on what they are doing at the moment. There are few saints that walk the earth and even fewer are contractors LOL. I'm not a real liberal person but I do think, in my own version of Christianity, its okay to forgive if someone is trying to do the right thing.
hahahaha I was a bit of a bad boy in the past! :thank_you2:

But I never hid it from anyone, I told those that needed to know and as I got to know others through the years I told even more, heck I have no problem with anyone that has made a mistake, just those that seem like they want to be bigger than themselves and hide from the past. We all have one (past) and mine has made me who I am today and most days I am pretty proud of me. In the words of Elvis, ahhhhhhhh thank you very much!
hahahaha I was a bit of a bad boy in the past! :thank_you2:

But I never hid it from anyone, I told those that needed to know and as I got to know others through the years I told even more, heck I have no problem with anyone that has made a mistake, just those that seem like they want to be bigger than themselves and hide from the past. We all have one (past) and mine has made me who I am today and most days I am pretty proud of me. In the words of Elvis, ahhhhhhhh thank you very much!

Russ, I take everything you said and apply it to myself.

Sometimes God has to put a jolt into your azz to show you the right direction. I got my jolt. About 20 years ago.

Whoever wants to can look it up and try to hold it against me. Have fun.

God turned my life around and he can do the same with anybody who wants it. If it weren't for that JOLT I'd probably still be working for THE MAN!!

Instead, my jolt led me to the man, Jesus, who changed my heart.
