Formal request to add 2 more categories

If works are not required, then you don't believe in repentance. Because if it was as simple as professing your belief in Christ, repentance would he a waste of time and effort. Not to.memtion the scriptures in the bible that talk about the necessity of works.
If works are not required, then you don't believe in repentance. Because if it was as simple as professing your belief in Christ, repentance would he a waste of time and effort. Not to.memtion the scriptures in the bible that talk about the necessity of works.


I see where this is going like I anticipated earlier so I will close with this and wish your Pressure Washing business a "bright" future!

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

Ephesians 2:8-9

I see where this is going like I anticipated earlier so I will close with this and wish your Pressure Washing business a "bright" future!

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

Ephesians 2:8-9
Thanks for posting your thoughts on what you believe.
I am sure they are many people of different religions and more than a few with no religion at all the visit this site and more specific this thread that don't and will not ever post here.
For the ones that do, I appreciate for standing up for what you believe in.
We are All at different points when it comes to understanding Gods Word.
The problem comes when we try to force something down somebody.
Even though I might disagree with some here on their religious beliefs, I still respect them and I hope "like myself" I have made the right decisions and I am not on the wide path of destruction like the bible say so many will be on.
Even though I don't post much..I will continue to read all the posts here.
God Bless everyone and hope you had a great Fathers Day
If works are not required, then you don't believe in repentance. Because if it was as simple as professing your belief in Christ, repentance would he a waste of time and effort. Not to.memtion the scriptures in the bible that talk about the necessity of works.

Scott, I think what Mike is saying is that works come naturally out of a
convicted heart.

James said "Faith without works is dead". He further explained what he was saying by adding: <sup class="versenum" id="en-NKJV-30308">18</sup> But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" This shows that faith PRODUCES works not the other way around.

He then goes on to give two examples 1) Abraham - when told to sacrifice his son and 2) Rahab who had the spies ask for her help.

The thing to keep in mind is that NEITHER of these examples did works that were REQUIRED of them.

Both of them produced works out of faith even though those works were not REQUIRED of them.

God didn't REQUIRE that Abraham to sacrifice his son, as a matter of fact human sacrifice had never been asked of anyone by God. He wanted to test Abraham's heart in a way that it could be written down for the generations to come and there could be no doubt about his level of faith.

The test consisted of Abraham's belief in God's promise that Abraham's descendants would outnumber the sands of the seas. Isaac had been a miracle baby in their old age (and was probably around 13 or so by this time). Asking Abraham to sacrifice him was asking him to trust that either God would save Isaac (or resurrect him) or provide another son to fulfill the promise. Once we take into consideration what a nightmare Sarah would have been to live with if Abraham had came home and told her he just sacrificed Isaac, then you start to realize just how much faith it took to lift up that knife.

Rahab had no requirement whatsoever. She wasn't even an Israelite. Her works were 100% voluntary based on the faith that God was with the Israelites and he would save her family from destruction. Her works were purely an out pouring of her faith.

Disagreement on what is "required" for salvation is a tool of the devil to make people like Lou and Johnny hate "organized' religion and keep them from digging deeper into his word for the simple truth. What does God require?

Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" (NKJV)

Jesus added that all the law and the prophet "hang" on two commandments 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

That is the "simple" gospel.

We have a God who cared enough about us to make us in his image. Monkeys don't build skyscrapers or write novels. He made us in three parts like him. Body, Soul and Spirit.

That makes us different from anything else on earth. When Satan (using the free will that God allowed him) began a war for the souls of men by manipulating their free will into Satan's will God had mercy on us and came to live with us in the form of his Son.

He went from birth to death just like we do. He suffered the same desires, pains, and joys that we do. Yet, because he knew what lay ahead, his desires stayed within the will of God even as Satan pummeled him with temptations.

As innocent as he was, we humans, (under the command of Satan's influence) murdered him and despised him. We despised him because his gospel was too simple. It consisted of two things. 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor. And out of those two things obedience and WORKS would spring forth turning Christians into the salt that savors (flavors) the earth.

This simple gospel is too much for us because Satan would have us believe that there is no way God would only require us to live our lives based on those too things. HE MUST WANT MORE! He must want us to perform weekly rituals and he must want to control our lives via strict rules we have to live by. These are the lies that Satan has sown into the church and has produced the Tares that turn curious non-believers into haters of the church.

He wants us to control our OWN lives. Love God. Love you neighbor. We don't need a rule not to steal because stealing does NOT show love for our neighbor. We can go down the line listing sin after sin that does not show love for our neighbor. It's pretty simple. All we have to do is give our actions the love test to determine if we are doing his will.

How did the church survive almost 1200 years without the average person having a bible to study? Because the simple Gospel can be summed up in seconds. All a person needs is one other person to inform them of what God has done for us and what he desires of us.

Once a person realizes the shame of knowing that they have walked this earth without acknowledging God, and that they were a part of the humanity that murdered his son who he sent to save us, then repentance causes a desire to do Good works.

Hearing comes by the word of God. (written or verbal) Faith comes because of hearing.

Both Repentance AND Works come because of faith.

Confusing enough?
Salvation - Saved - From What? Saved from God. From Gods holy (infinitely perfect) judgment. Gods' standard is perfection, period, anything less and He wouldn't be perfect. Jesus lived that perfect life, for real, and faith in Him gets His perfection credited to you - and your sins credited to Him. That's the 'actual saved' part and it's all or nothing, you have it or not, and you can't work for it. It's not the only part of Gods' plan of redemption.
Salvation - Saved - From What? Saved from God. From Gods holy (infinitely perfect) judgment. Gods' standard is perfection, period, anything less and He wouldn't be perfect. Jesus lived that perfect life, for real, and faith in Him gets His perfection credited to you - and your sins credited to Him. That's the 'actual saved' part and it's all or nothing, you have it or not, and you can't work for it. It's not the only part of Gods' plan of redemption.

That really answered and brought a few things into focus, thanks Tom
Scott, I think what Mike is saying is that works come naturally out of a
convicted heart.

James said "Faith without works is dead". He further explained what he was saying by adding: <sup class="versenum" id="en-NKJV-30308">18</sup> But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" This shows that faith PRODUCES works not the other way around.

He then goes on to give two examples 1) Abraham - when told to sacrifice his son and 2) Rahab who had the spies ask for her help.

The thing to keep in mind is that NEITHER of these examples did works that were REQUIRED of them.

Both of them produced works out of faith even though those works were not REQUIRED of them.

God didn't REQUIRE that Abraham to sacrifice his son, as a matter of fact human sacrifice had never been asked of anyone by God. He wanted to test Abraham's heart in a way that it could be written down for the generations to come and there could be no doubt about his level of faith.

The test consisted of Abraham's belief in God's promise that Abraham's descendants would outnumber the sands of the seas. Isaac had been a miracle baby in their old age (and was probably around 13 or so by this time). Asking Abraham to sacrifice him was asking him to trust that either God would save Isaac (or resurrect him) or provide another son to fulfill the promise. Once we take into consideration what a nightmare Sarah would have been to live with if Abraham had came home and told her he just sacrificed Isaac, then you start to realize just how much faith it took to lift up that knife.

Rahab had no requirement whatsoever. She wasn't even an Israelite. Her works were 100% voluntary based on the faith that God was with the Israelites and he would save her family from destruction. Her works were purely an out pouring of her faith.

Disagreement on what is "required" for salvation is a tool of the devil to make people like Lou and Johnny hate "organized' religion and keep them from digging deeper into his word for the simple truth. What does God require?

Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" (NKJV)

Jesus added that all the law and the prophet "hang" on two commandments 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

That is the "simple" gospel.

We have a God who cared enough about us to make us in his image. Monkeys don't build skyscrapers or write novels. He made us in three parts like him. Body, Soul and Spirit.

That makes us different from anything else on earth. When Satan (using the free will that God allowed him) began a war for the souls of men by manipulating their free will into Satan's will God had mercy on us and came to live with us in the form of his Son.

He went from birth to death just like we do. He suffered the same desires, pains, and joys that we do. Yet, because he knew what lay ahead, his desires stayed within the will of God even as Satan pummeled him with temptations.

As innocent as he was, we humans, (under the command of Satan's influence) murdered him and despised him. We despised him because his gospel was too simple. It consisted of two things. 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor. And out of those two things obedience and WORKS would spring forth turning Christians into the salt that savors (flavors) the earth.

This simple gospel is too much for us because Satan would have us believe that there is no way God would only require us to live our lives based on those too things. HE MUST WANT MORE! He must want us to perform weekly rituals and he must want to control our lives via strict rules we have to live by. These are the lies that Satan has sown into the church and has produced the Tares that turn curious non-believers into haters of the church.

He wants us to control our OWN lives. Love God. Love you neighbor. We don't need a rule not to steal because stealing does NOT show love for our neighbor. We can go down the line listing sin after sin that does not show love for our neighbor. It's pretty simple. All we have to do is give our actions the love test to determine if we are doing his will.

How did the church survive almost 1200 years without the average person having a bible to study? Because the simple Gospel can be summed up in seconds. All a person needs is one other person to inform them of what God has done for us and what he desires of us.

Once a person realizes the shame of knowing that they have walked this earth without acknowledging God, and that they were a part of the humanity that murdered his son who he sent to save us, then repentance causes a desire to do Good works.

Hearing comes by the word of God. (written or verbal) Faith comes because of hearing.

Both Repentance AND Works come because of faith.

Confusing enough?
Well said Tony.
Scott, I think what Mike is saying is that works come naturally out of a
convicted heart.

James said "Faith without works is dead". He further explained what he was saying by adding: <sup class="versenum" id="en-NKJV-30308">18</sup> But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" This shows that faith PRODUCES works not the other way around.

He then goes on to give two examples 1) Abraham - when told to sacrifice his son and 2) Rahab who had the spies ask for her help.

The thing to keep in mind is that NEITHER of these examples did works that were REQUIRED of them.

Both of them produced works out of faith even though those works were not REQUIRED of them.

God didn't REQUIRE that Abraham to sacrifice his son, as a matter of fact human sacrifice had never been asked of anyone by God. He wanted to test Abraham's heart in a way that it could be written down for the generations to come and there could be no doubt about his level of faith.

The test consisted of Abraham's belief in God's promise that Abraham's descendants would outnumber the sands of the seas. Isaac had been a miracle baby in their old age (and was probably around 13 or so by this time). Asking Abraham to sacrifice him was asking him to trust that either God would save Isaac (or resurrect him) or provide another son to fulfill the promise. Once we take into consideration what a nightmare Sarah would have been to live with if Abraham had came home and told her he just sacrificed Isaac, then you start to realize just how much faith it took to lift up that knife.

Rahab had no requirement whatsoever. She wasn't even an Israelite. Her works were 100% voluntary based on the faith that God was with the Israelites and he would save her family from destruction. Her works were purely an out pouring of her faith.

Disagreement on what is "required" for salvation is a tool of the devil to make people like Lou and Johnny hate "organized' religion and keep them from digging deeper into his word for the simple truth. What does God require?

Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" (NKJV)

Jesus added that all the law and the prophet "hang" on two commandments 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

That is the "simple" gospel.

We have a God who cared enough about us to make us in his image. Monkeys don't build skyscrapers or write novels. He made us in three parts like him. Body, Soul and Spirit.

That makes us different from anything else on earth. When Satan (using the free will that God allowed him) began a war for the souls of men by manipulating their free will into Satan's will God had mercy on us and came to live with us in the form of his Son.

He went from birth to death just like we do. He suffered the same desires, pains, and joys that we do. Yet, because he knew what lay ahead, his desires stayed within the will of God even as Satan pummeled him with temptations.

As innocent as he was, we humans, (under the command of Satan's influence) murdered him and despised him. We despised him because his gospel was too simple. It consisted of two things. 1) Love God 2) Love your neighbor. And out of those two things obedience and WORKS would spring forth turning Christians into the salt that savors (flavors) the earth.

This simple gospel is too much for us because Satan would have us believe that there is no way God would only require us to live our lives based on those too things. HE MUST WANT MORE! He must want us to perform weekly rituals and he must want to control our lives via strict rules we have to live by. These are the lies that Satan has sown into the church and has produced the Tares that turn curious non-believers into haters of the church.

He wants us to control our OWN lives. Love God. Love you neighbor. We don't need a rule not to steal because stealing does NOT show love for our neighbor. We can go down the line listing sin after sin that does not show love for our neighbor. It's pretty simple. All we have to do is give our actions the love test to determine if we are doing his will.

How did the church survive almost 1200 years without the average person having a bible to study? Because the simple Gospel can be summed up in seconds. All a person needs is one other person to inform them of what God has done for us and what he desires of us.

Once a person realizes the shame of knowing that they have walked this earth without acknowledging God, and that they were a part of the humanity that murdered his son who he sent to save us, then repentance causes a desire to do Good works.

Hearing comes by the word of God. (written or verbal) Faith comes because of hearing.

Both Repentance AND Works come because of faith.

Confusing enough?

That's basically what I was saying Tony but you detailed it so much better!
Al, you're correct, we ought not try to force our understanding down other's throats. However, it is helpful to bring clarity to those whom are seeking a clearer picture.

I can't speak for any of the other guys out there, but here is how I understand the concept.

There is nothing we can do to "earn" our way into Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus. Salvation is a free gift that we need only receive, even though we do not deserve it. "Salvation" is NOT to be confused with salvation from God, but rather from DEATH, (which in biblical terms, death = eternal seperation from God.)

Now, that being said, works ARE important, however, not for the purpose or means to acheive salvation, but as a symptom of "being in the state of salvation by grace". My wise wife once told me,

"....we don't do our good works in order to be saved, but it's because we are saved that we joyfully do our good works."

If there was something about good works that could earn our way into Heaven, it would completely negate the work Jesus suffered through to reconcile us. It would mean that when Jesus said, "It is finished", that it was not really finished because we had further works to do and what he did was not really "good enough". Not only would that be absurd, it would be anti-biblical as well - and bad teaching.

You see, it's the joy and hope we have in Christ that compells us to perform good works from a regenerate heart which has been reconciled with the Father through Jesus' work on the cross and the beatings that preceded the crucifiction.

Hope this helps someone....:angel2:
Al, you're correct, we ought not try to force our understanding down other's throats. However, it is helpful to bring clarity to those whom are seeking a clearer picture.

I can't speak for any of the other guys out there, but here is how I understand the concept.

There is nothing we can do to "earn" our way into Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus. Salvation is a free gift that we need only receive, even though we do not deserve it. "Salvation" is NOT to be confused with salvation from God, but rather from DEATH, (which in biblical terms, death = eternal seperation from God.)

Now, that being said, works ARE important, however, not for the purpose or means to acheive salvation, but as a symptom of "being in the state of salvation by grace". My wise wife once told me,

"....we don't do our good works in order to be saved, but it's because we are saved that we joyfully do our good works."

If there was something about good works that could earn our way into Heaven, it would completely negate the work Jesus suffered through to reconcile us. It would mean that when Jesus said, "It is finished", that it was not really finished because we had further works to do and what he did was not really "good enough". Not only would that be absurd, it would be anti-biblical as well - and bad teaching.

You see, it's the joy and hope we have in Christ that compells us to perform good works from a regenerate heart which has been reconciled with the Father through Jesus' work on the cross and the beatings that preceded the crucifiction.

Hope this helps someone....:angel2:

Mark they have been a lot of good posts on this thread....
oddly enough the good has far out weighed the bad on here way beyond what I ever could imagined.
We will probably never know how much this thread has affected "someone" that was searching for the "Truth" and was not comfortable being able to ask someone here for what ever reason.
Now they are able to come back and read different peoples views and Then they can use that knowledge to help them make their on decision.
I want to thanks the ones who post here and but just as important ....For the ones that did not agree with this thread...I want to thank them for not posting negatively or bashing the ones who has posted here.
Kudo's for respecting this Thread!
I think we are all closer then everyone wants to admit. I am on alittle vacation, as opposed to the larger vacations i have planned this summer, and am watching phone. Ot makes it hard to type a proper response.
Amen !!

I agree, it has been awesome to see God work and see how he has used this thread as another way to be known to His people in order to draw them closer as a "body".

What is wonderful is knowing that there are truly other Christian power washers in the "community". It is comforting to know that " iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." :butcher:

We need to share what we understand, yet not try to discount others understanding of the Word. It is important for us as Christian men to edify, strengthen, and build each other up in the Lord.

I echo Al in my sincere appreciation for all who've posted here and shared their hearts. I hope we'll continue to not only share our understandings of scriptural interpretation, but as importantly, share how God has used us as we go about our professions as power washers. I know there must be endless testimonies of how we've seen Him work.

"If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."

Romans 12:18

I'm confident that God has revealed Himself to all and that it is best for me to walk worthy of my relationship with Him. To live peaceably with believers and non-believers alike as best I can as the day of His coming is drawing nearer than I might think.
As much as some of the old schoolers might not like it the style, music is becoming one of the greatest door openers for evangelism to teens today.

Personally, I love it.

Here, are a couple from FLYLEAF talking about when one member stated that there weren't singing for God anymore, but were doing it for themselves. At that point the lead singer said she went out to sing her last song because if it wasn't for God she wasn't going to do it anymore. Fortunately they got together and agreed that they all wanted to do it for God and started work on another album.

Here is one of their songs. Fayth is only 8 years old but she knows every word of this song and can tell you exactly what this song is talking about. (That's one better than the sermons at church which she doesn't even understand half the time)

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We worked most of the night tonight. I'm helping Chris finish off a big flatwork job. Doing that kind of work at night you get a chance to listen to mp3's all night. I'm one of those types that listens to the same song over and over again till I'm tired of it.

Tonight I discovered another new Flyleaf song. It's called "Arise".

After figuring out all the words it made me thankful that I had a Savior that was willing to make me Arise and a wife he blessed me with that helped me do it.

There are thousands who read this board. I'm confident that there is a least 5 guys who either lurk or post regularly who are desperately wanting to get out of a drug induced depression they are in. It's easy to blame the drugs on the depression, but usually once the drugs are gone, the depression soon leaves also.

Coke. Are you beginning to shake right now just because the word was brought up? I've been there.

Have you found yourself lying in your own drool after losing all muscle control? Have you heard the sound of the train and then non existent whispering voices in the other room? Have you driven around thinking everyone is following you? Are you peeking out your window? It's early in the morning right now. Are you sitting in the chair devastated because you know you can't get more till tomorrow?

Been there.

What about pain pills? Heroin? Have you not been able to go to the bathroom right for days? Do you feel pain all the time when it's not there? Does that little ribbon of blood in a rig signal that in seconds it will be alright?

There are lots of guys who are thinking right now "this guy must be crazy, no business owner or person on a board like this is going through that".

They are wrong. Self induced slavery isn't limited to the poor, or the unemployed or the wage earner. Someone out there needs the same kind of encouragement I got.

Many years ago Shelly lay in bed waiting for me to finish. Finish meant to run out of stuff..or to die. Either was preferable to who I was DURING. She never rode me about it. She sometimes cried about it but rarely in front of me.

She could have left me. She could have judged me and tormented me on top of the torment I was already going through. Instead she prayed for me and reminded me that God loves me and she loves me. She wasn't a saint. She had been involved right there with me in the early stages. My corrupted mind liked to remind her of that fact in defiance. But she didn't give up. She continued in prayers.

Because of that I was able to "Arise".

I laid it at HIS altar and just stopped trying to quit. I asked him to please just TAKE AWAY the DESIRE for it.

It didn't happen immediately. I suppose the devil was allowed time to try to put doubts in my mind to make my failures look like a failure on God's part. Fortunately the Devil's plan didn't work. After a few months and a few times back into slavery the Lord had mercy on me and freed me from that slavery. All it took was prayer on the part of some who love me and prayer on my part.

Once I realized that God loves me even when I am in the midst of satan induced slavery the light came on inside and I was able to gain the patience I needed to be completely cured of that disease.

He loved me even when I was like THAT. He knew my heart. He knew that was not where I wanted to be.

He loved me. He kept me safe and kept me alive so that I could eventually be a father to Fayth and a real husband to Shelly. He kept me alive so I could develop a relationship with Chris who has subsequently become a tandem best friend along with Shelly. He kept me alive so I could become what I had dreamed.

He can do this for you too.

All this came to my mind when I was working tonight after hearing this song. Whoever you are, (and I don't need to know) you too can "Arise". He loves you even where you are now. Trust him. Once he's healed you thank him. And tell others about his power. (It will be near impossible not to if you were as far in the depths as I was)

Arise and be all that you dreamed.

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This was my "verse of the day" on my home screen today.

Eph. 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
It took me back almost 20 years to when I first noticed that verse and realized I had hope.

After a few years of prayer and study I went from a cocky know it all schemer to a small business owner that handled people's stinky, dirty clothes for a living.

Then on to crawling in dirty AC units and cleaning them.

I needed that to understand how Jesus must feel dealing with my dirty heart. But he does it daily without fail.

Spiritual Support and Encouragement
This is a place for prayer requests, encouragement and support ONLY.

Spiritual Discussions, This a place for Debate and Study

I mention this in a earlier post, Now I want to make a formal request.
Today I created a post where someone lost a family member and I posted it under Mindless babbling.
As it was mention before this is a place that some might seem that you enter at your own risk, Hence the title.
I think we need to add a couple more categories to our forum so we have a place to post things like I posted today and other spiritual things or discussions that don't belong in Mindless babbling.
Now is the time to speak up and voice an opinion! If you would like to see this happen, lets make it happen!

Al, how are you doing Brother