You need to have a bit of OCD to do fleets.....
I just turned a job that would be about $9,000 a week. The previous contractor just stopped showing up. I am getting lazy and like my weekends. By the way, it is a fleet I have done before.
Are you guys going the semi's or the LLVs?Hey Randy, why is the USPS only letting you wash once every three months? The contract we have says once a month. They must be nasty every time you do them! I hope you charged enough!
Scott- very true about weekends
I know youve had issues with your workforce-Cant have your guys just go do it?
We just started washing fleets a couple of months ago. The biggest hurdle for me was finding what the current market is here. I quickly found out that the companies washing here were charging half of what i was trying to start out at and they were doing crappy work. I have done demos for these companies and even though my work has been alot better and i adjusted my price to be competitive but still higher, in the end they were just after the lowest dollar. We will see how long that holds out.
I hear ya on fleets...seems like no $ to be made there anymore