What was the largest job you tackled by yourself?


New member
I am still a solo business, but I am starting to get more calls for bigger jobs. I am just wondering what the largest job you other successful guys have completed by yourself? What type of job was it and how many hours/days did it take? Was it worth doing by yourself, or in hind site, would you have a helper if you could do it all over again?
I wash two buildings per month for a condominium homeowners association, it includes concrete and gutters. 16 town homes in all, about 7-800 ft of 2nd story gutter scrub, and 1-200 ft of 1st story gutter scrub. I do it myself because I wasted time going back over my helpers work. I go one day and scrub the gutters while I take orders for add-on work like cleaning their personal courtyard. The actual buildings take me about 4 to 5 hours a piece by myself. And I never get complaints from customers this way. I think the right helper would work out great but sometimes it's just easier to do it yourself. I am curious to what some of the big dogs here have to say about your question.
I cleaned a 300,000 sq. ft parking garage by myself. I have cleaned it multiple times since then, but have always used a crew. It has been a few years, so I can't remember how long it took, but I am thinking that it took about 45 man hours. That included walls and ceilings. The customer was thrilled.
I cleaned a 100,000+ s.f. parking garage, an 82-unit townhouse complex with driveways, and a couple major high schools all by myself using a single 5.6 gpm unit. I now have two 5.6 units and a helper with the bigger projects. An 8 gpm unit is next for me.
The largest job I've done is the same job that helped me get into the business. It was a 300,000' casino building exterior, 50' high. I did it all by myself, took 10 days with a boom lift and was a $12,000 job. My arm took over 6 months to heal afterwards and my elbow was the size of a softball.
My profile picture. Six stories the whole building was over a million sq ft on the inside. Construction cleanup for Sany, a heavy equipment manufacturer. 36 days of pressure washing. THEN, five stories and literally a quarter mile of glass to clean by hand, another 23 days.
My profile picture. Six stories the whole building was over a million sq ft on the inside. Construction cleanup for Sany, a heavy equipment manufacturer. 36 days of pressure washing. THEN, five stories and literally a quarter mile of glass to clean by hand, another 23 days.

I don't do an enormous amount of PW, but more and more each year. This spring I did a large Toyota dealership. Had help with the windows, but did the rest of exterior by myself. It took several visits unfortunately because they could only move the cars out of the way on Sunday.
Track of 600 houses or ASU sun devil stadium.

Oh and home track paid more. FYI

Nastiest dairy and pig barns. Hated it

Would have rather done a 100 garbage transfers than one pig trailer or a section of a barn.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Yeah, but you weren't doing it by yourself. You had a crew. I think he is talking the biggest solo gig.