What can be the ramifications?

Someone has already been through the system for this with a positive result in their favor. Its a public place of business so no trespassing, and with the turnover of managers I have no problem having a few upset with me because they will be gone in a few months with another goof running the show.

These are my own opinions and are not the representation of the entire stencil mafia

Sorry I didn't know that because it was a public place of business the owner lost his rights to not have his property tagged. Lets call it what it is Graffitti. Like I said stencil all you want. I don't have the time or desire. I think if it works work it. No problems here.
I don't have a problem with others stenciling. I was just stating what could happen. Ron if you walked out of your house tommorow and a painter had painted his stencil on your truck to show you haw bad it would need painted what would you do?

I am a 4th Generation painter and we never stencil painted a homeowners vehicle to get work for painting a house...:wacko:

Now that might get you shot and thats not dramatic :sarcastic:
Inside of a dumpster pad is one thing. The original post was about the back stoop of a restaurant. I don't do concrete so I guess it doesn't matter to me. Just given my take on it since he asked for opinions.

Just like and old Fire Fighter, Just gotta add fuel to the Fire Don't Ya?????

How ya doing Will?????