Trailer stolen

Kevin, you failed to mention if this worked for you or not...
Bad guys are called bad guys for a reason! I don't know if trying to mess with them by decieving them is a way to turn them into good guys. I don't think they would be all to happy to find out their 10k just turned into less than a dollar. Whats worse? Moving on and re-building and hope the cops do their job? Or,, Playing that game, Getting maybe some of your stuff back and now having to worry about the bad guy who didn't get his reward? If ya gonna offer a reward at least make it real. Playing games like that IMO would just bring us down to their level and I know for a fact that we are all way above that...
that really sucks but it makes me feel better about keeping my trailer locked and chained when i'm not already, i was at an orlando hotel recently with lots of shady people walkin around all night my equipment was traped hitch ball locked and was also chained to my truck. People will steal whatever you got if they see any chance man.. sorry to hear they got you. atleast you finshed the job first.. :)
that really sucks but it makes me feel better about keeping my trailer locked and chained when i'm not already, i was at an orlando hotel recently with lots of shady people walkin around all night my equipment was traped hitch ball locked and was also chained to my truck. People will steal whatever you got if they see any chance man.. sorry to hear they got you. atleast you finshed the job first.. :)

Do you ever go to the Bowhunters Jamberee??
We have a lock for when the trailer isn't hooked to the truck.While it won't prevent the determined from getting it it will slow them down.
When we are out of town the rig stays locked to the truck with a cable lock and anything loose is locked down.


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I remember when I first started in trucking, there was a produce outfit from California (I think) that had a problem with their trailers getting nicked. They had an unusual cure, they reversed the hitch setup, so that the saddle was hanging under the trailer, and the tractor had a pin sticking up. Nobody could pul their trailers without the same setup.

Chris was wondering how you pull a trailer without a hitch. In my experience you either flatbed it, or use a tow truck. I have heard of people building bolt-over setups similar to the old-school chain-up hitches for bumper-pulling a car. I haven't personally seen that though.

Thieves are definately lower than snake hinies, but I'm glad to hear you are staying positive. I had a car stolen once, just days before I turned 18, and for years I swore the perpetrator would take weeks to expire in my custody if I found him before the cops.

I generally believe in sufficient insurance and prayer for preserving gear, as said before, if they want it they will get it. It sucks much, but there it is. Isn't it hard to believe that you can work your azz off to get something nice, and then some piece of filth thinks he can just make off with it because he wants to?:mad:
In Texas we have the Castle Doctrine. You can use deadly force to protect yourself. Lookup or Google " Joe Horn" , he just went thru a whole ordeal related to this. Shot and killed 2 burglers at his neighbors house.
Hey I have had to pull a gun a few times and I dont like to do it .. But you know the rule your daddy taught you.. Do Not point a gun at anything or anyone that you do not intend to shoot...

If you pull it shoot it... I had a cop tell me the last time My old truck was broen into .. To keep shooting till the cops got there... It takes them 10 minutes to get to my house LOL.. I could unload about 3 clips , both my 12 guage shotguns, 2 clips in my new Ktech 380 and my 9 shots out of my dads old 22 revolver and still have time to take a 7 minute smoke break..

By the time the got to the house there would just be a big blood spot on the grass..
Scott sorry to hear of the loss of your trailer. That sucks azz man! Well I think there was much to learn from this! Let me know if I can help you in anyway.
Hey I have had to pull a gun a few times and I dont like to do it .. But you know the rule your daddy taught you.. Do Not point a gun at anything or anyone that you do not intend to shoot...

If you pull it shoot it... I had a cop tell me the last time My old truck was broen into .. To keep shooting till the cops got there... It takes them 10 minutes to get to my house LOL.. I could unload about 3 clips , both my 12 guage shotguns, 2 clips in my new Ktech 380 and my 9 shots out of my dads old 22 revolver and still have time to take a 7 minute smoke break..

By the time the got to the house there would just be a big blood spot on the grass..


I can respect that!:)
Can the hotel be held liable for the theft? Im not clear on the rules there.
no, they can't be held liable. I am sure if you look closer there are disclaimers everywhere i.e....'park at your own risk' 'hotel not liable' etc.....
Disclaimers are not legal documents. The recourse they have is that you did not pay to park there. When parking garages have disclaimers, a moderately decent lawyer can easily defeat any disclaimer. Just like when a garage or any other place has a disclaimer. It is to keep people from suing them, but a determined person can easily beat it.