Trailer stolen

Damn that stinks.. I would really freak if someone stole my stuff.. I mean I have tools stolen all the time but my whole trailer .. It would hurt.. Call Joe Walters Insurance when you get your new equip.. I have 1,000,000 liability with colony and 10,000 on trailer and contents for 1349.00 / per year ( ent thru Joe Walters and they went thru Colony.. I would drill the people at the Waffle House and at the Hotel ... Maybe get a copy of the guest list and ask the people at the waffle house ... They are stealing trailers here in Jackson too.. We have considered buying a wheel lock for ours..
Sorry to hear that. Thats horrible.

Insurance everyone. My trailers are covered (just trailer) under my commercial auto, and all my equipment machines etc are under an inland marine policy. Update the equipment list anytime we get a new peice of equipment added.

SOB's should be shot, scumbags everywhere

Scott, I have an almost new 4gpm cold if you need it, i can ship it to you if you need it.

Man that sucks,I had my surface cleaner walk off the other day in broad daylight in a million dollar neighborhood.I wanted to kill somebody,I couldn't imagine if they took my whole rig.

I hope you find it or at least some of your stuff,give me a call I have a roof cleaning lead for you, I cleaned a bunch of condos yesterday and one of the owners lives in Houston full time and was asking about a roof cleaning.

I would say I hope they get hurt while using your stuff but Chris would tell me to be calm,so I'll just think about them getting maimed.
So sorry to hear it, that really pisses me off!! Low life scum!
A friend of mine lost two trailers in a row with tongue locks on them. I mean the kind that go in the ball socket. He went to wheel boots like the city cops use and so far that has stopped them. It just stops the grab and go thieves. If your stuff is out and they want it and have the time they will get it. Stealing a person's means of making a living brings out the worst in me.
OMG Scott, thats too bad.
I think the Craigs List/Pawn Shop advice is very good.
TAKE their market away, and they just may abandon it ?
At least you would get the trailer/tanks back.
Kiss the PW bye bye.

Put a big STOLEN Pressure Washing Trailer Ad on Craigslist with a PICTURE of your stuff.

Palmetto took the first words right out of my mouth, Mother Funkers.
I think he speaks for all of us.
My complete rig was stolen from my driveway with everything on it, had to order a new rig, 3 months later cops found it in nearby town with nothing missing but the key to the engine.
So there is hope maybe you can get it back and I sincerely hope you do.
I know the frustration but don't let it eat you up on the inside.
Most of the time Good will always be rewarded and the bad will get the punishment they deserve one way or another.
This is wrote as encourament to you, so don't take it the wrong way.
And for you guys that have offered to help him out ......Thats great of you to and if I can do anything let me know!!!
hey guys. I really appreciate all the encouragement, and help you've all offered.

It pissed me off yesterday, and im still angry, but im definately not a quitter. We're gonna go buy the basics, chem tank, pump, ladder, hoses, etc, on monday and get back to work, until I can get the new trailer built. Luckily, I guess, we're kinda slow, and dont have to cancel any jobs or pass any off. And now we're gonna start looking for the rig we REALLY want.

The big thing that got stolen, is the Bandit. Now i've got to spend another 2k on another one.

I was on will clayton parkway, right by Bush Intercontinental airport at Best western.

At the end of the day, its a big loss, and it will cost me probably 6 grand to get set up, but in the grand scheme, once we get the new rig setup, it wont take us long to make it back. Few weeks tops.

My brother is the black sheep of the family, and he summed up the thiefs state of mind perfectly when I told him: "well, you can afford another one, you have enough money.":mad: I could have punched him in the face
Hey Scott, I've looking on craigslist, Austin, Dallas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and their smallest cities with no luck, but they're gonna list it sooner or later, within the next few weeks, when they think that you probably forgot about it, they're gonna try to sell it. I think that they have better chances to sell it quick if they offer it as a turn key system instead of take it apart and sell the parts separated.

Glad to hear that you didn't took it that bad, everything happens for a reason, and know you're going to get the equipment that really fit your needs now, and make more money with less work .

Hope you can find it before you spend any money.
That sucks dude...I hope the police catch them and they become experienced with a little police brutality.

I've always wanted to rig something up so that the battery puts a little electric charge that would shock the hell out of somebody that touches it in a certain area. I'm sure it could be done...when I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Sorry bass-turds need to be shot.
Son of a

Scott --I have a brand new Delavan in the box...

If you need it call me and just replace it with one from Bob..

Sorry that happened -- makes me so damn mad...

Whoever took it will pay town the line --I'm sure of that

I would check with neighboring state police departments..I remember one time my father had a chain saw stolen..We reported it and it turned up 2 states away at some fly by night aution company...Sorry to hear about your loss...:(
Scot, this all about "font manipulation". What's that you ask? Well, last August 3rd, a friday, I left my truck parked out back with the windows cracked for twenty minutes. Some bum got away with my wallet, pics of my kids, pics of my Daddy, which were very sentimental, and about 450 cd's. What did I do? I used font manipulation. A reward offered is held redeemable in a court of law, so I changed things up a bit. I put

$.500 reward! But changed the decimal point to an almost invisible font. These bums only see dollar signs anyway, so they didn't notice the deciaml point. People will talk. You will get your trailer back. Offer a $.10,000 reward. Someone will call thinking that they're gonna get some good drugs for the weekend.;)