Trailer stolen

Scott D.

Well, after a short 4 months since we got our new trailer built, someone stole it today. We left it for 20 minutes, 20 feet from the hotel door, under a security camera, and next to a waffle house, and they just drove off with it. Heres what it had:

2 cold water machines
325 tank
125 tank
400ft water hose on reel
lader racks
26' ladder
aluminum tool box with ALL of our tools
battery w/ battery box
2 pressure hose reels

we got the security tapes and are trying to get the license plate number, but chances are the thing is stripped by now anyways.

Tme to start building a new rig on monday. :cool:

(not yet insured by the way)
Wow that sucks, sorry to hear that Scott..
Oh my God Scott.... My wife and I were Just talking about what if, just yesturday. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't even know what I would do if something like that happened. I would surely be screwed... Good luck. I hope they catch them and hopefully you get at least some if not all your stuff back. Bastards! :mad:
I have an old and SMALL (2+ GMP 2700 PSI) unit you can use until you get new stuff. I know you're not a "pressure washer" so the machine MIGHT be helpful if all you're cleaning is a very small area (front/back porch). I know it's not much to offer, but it's all I can do . . . the only other machine I have is the one I actually use.
Oh my God Scott.... My wife and I were Just talking about what if, just yesturday. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't even know what I would do if something like that happened. I would surely be screwed... Good luck. I hope they catch them and hopefully you get at least some if not all your stuff back. Bastards! :mad:

We're scanning all the "for sale" site, craigslist, greensheet, backpage, etc...
Mother f-ers!!:mad: Did it have a trailer lock on it? I'm just curious if those things are easily disabled.

:eek: :( :mad: No it didnt. We were only leaving for a few minutes, and figured since it was near the front door, under a camera, and in plain view of the waffle house, it would be ok. wrong. My wife even asked me right before we left "you think we should put the lock on it?" Guess what I told her? "No we'll be back soon, nobody will mess with it." Wrong.
I have an old and SMALL (2+ GMP 2700 PSI) unit you can use until you get new stuff. I know you're not a "pressure washer" so the machine MIGHT be helpful if all you're cleaning is a very small area (front/back porch). I know it's not much to offer, but it's all I can do . . . the only other machine I have is the one I actually use.

Thank for the offer Adam. But were gonn ago to Tractor supply on monday and get a new chem tank for the bed of the truck, and a shurflo or something to supplement until we build the biggen again. We should have the new one built in a couple of weeks. Should cost somewhere in the region of $5-7k. Chump change for us roofies huh? :rolleyes:
ON the good news side, it got stolen just after we finished our first Hotel!! Should make for good before and afters to present to other hotels.
I am sorry for you. First for teh loss of the trailer, and second for the "I told you sos"
Sorry to hear about that Scott.

Here where I live, they will steal them in daylight off your vehicle.

A painting company had some kind of hitch lock holding the trailer to the truck and locks on the safety chains so it would take a lot to get the trailer off the truck.

They used a torch and cut the hitch off the trailer and got it in daylight and nobody saw anything.

I just do not know how they would have pulled it without a hitch?

Anyway, I never leave my trailer anywhere unless someone is there with it and wide awake with a cell phone and someone watching them to see if they are watching it or wander off, too much to risk losing.

Hope the video shows the plates and they get caught.
Scott, post some pictures of it so we know what it looks like so in case anyone there or if it makes it down here, we will know it.
Yep, lesson learned. The next one will have insurance, lojack, and wont be left alone. sure is sad that these lowlife will go to such extremes to steal things others have worked so hard for and then we pay for their welfare with our taxes. GET A JOB YOU F***ING LAZY BASTARDS. I hope I can figure out who it was. I will set their truck on fire with a rag in the gas tank. (if the authrorities read this: im kidding.......I wouldnt do that.....:cool: )


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Don't want to rub salt in a wound but I added my trailer with $10K coverage for a few hundred dollars extra a year. So anyone out there without should check.

Check the pawn shops too.

May want to run a general "Wanted" ad in craigslist too.
:eek: :( :mad: No it didnt. We were only leaving for a few minutes, and figured since it was near the front door, under a camera, and in plain view of the waffle house, it would be ok. wrong. My wife even asked me right before we left "you think we should put the lock on it?" Guess what I told her? "No we'll be back soon, nobody will mess with it." Wrong.

I have an extra hot water trailer you can borrow till you get another built if you want to borrow it....
Don't want to rub salt in a wound but I added my trailer with $10K coverage for a few hundred dollars extra a year. So anyone out there without should check.

Check the pawn shops too.

May want to run a general "Wanted" ad in craigslist too.

Not to rub salt in the wound, but he is right. $10k equipment coverage only added a VERY small amount to my insurance coverage.

My wife also says, sometimes it pays to listen to a woman.:eek:

so sorry to hear about your equipment... it's just ridiculous what some folks will do - you work hard for something and they can just whip it out from under your nose.

I hope you can find them or the equipment - if not, best of luck with rebuilding... BIGGER AND BETTER!!!

... not to rub more salt in the wound, but as some of the guys are saying coverage for theft or damage to equipment is affordable... I'm paying $149 a year for $17,000 equipment coverage.

good news about the hotel - when one door closes another opens, perhaps some new opportunities are on the horizon with a brand spanking new setup!!

best wishes buddy :D